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The All New Occasionally Aussie P+B Quiz League and ☕ Occasional Cup ☕

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14 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

BTW is Canada the best Scottish colony or does New Zealand run it close?

Someone described New Zealand to me as like Penge in the 1950's on a wet Sunday afternoon (ie with the pubs closed). I gather that its reputation has improved somewhat these days. Canada is superb, I seriously considered not coming back when I was in BC for a few months. Getting deported for working illegally helped the decision.

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Aye, Canada is the bollocks although where I'm staying (Niagara on the Lake) you'd struggle to meet a Canadian person. It's also a lot more expensive than I remember, although that's largely down to Brexit. 

On the quizzing front (5 for Aussie one), was looking for a Canadian version of the Aussie quiz and found this...you can go up against a celebrity. 


Quite happy with my 67%, although be warned - there's a few North American questions...

I'll sort out the debacle with the league on my return. 

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