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50 minutes ago, Shandön Par said:

It’s the ding-dong in the Kingdom. Tensions were rising, callouts were issued and accepted. The Cat Canelo is a p4p great. The hound, less so.

Round one and already Muffy makes a mockery of Renton’s reach advantage, landing a double paw jab then crashing a solid left into the chest.


The beat down is only just starting and Muffy lands the classic jab, hook, bite.


Renton has a great chin but his shots are hitting fresh air as Muffy crashes a right to the throat touches the body then lands an overhand right to the head.



Renton looks to his corner and the referee calls it off as Muffy tries to remove a leg. The hound, crushed, is sent back to his sofa as Muffy retains the WBC (windowsill boxing championship) belt


The hound will never learn.

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53 minutes ago, Bairnardo said:

Last photo of the Rent boy cowed on the couch by his cat master is the whole Cat/Dog dynamic in an image.

Quite how popular culture sees dogs chasing cats about is beyond me. The mogs are in a different league.

The cat understands distance and is all about the inside game. 

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30 minutes ago, Busta Nut said:

My Alfie Cat passed away yesterday.

He was a big belter and had lived with my maw for the last few years, she is in some state and I am gutted.

Here we are a few ago

Sorry to hear that Busta, there's people in my family that if they died I wouldn't give a f**k. My cat though? That's a different story.

All the best. RIP Alfie.

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3 hours ago, Melanius Mullarkey said:

RIP Alfie. Never easy.

Was sitting at my desk earlier and felt a presence.



My old man used to call that "getting the treatment". It was usually the cat trying to communicate to the thick human a message along the lines of "stop whatever worthless shite you're doing cunto and feed me"

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Mine has just cost the insurance company the best part of 1500 quid now.

He has been ill and lethargic not meowing or purring and not eating which is really out of character. He is a great big Tom solid muscle as well he used to do 5 pouches a day and biscuits. 

Turns out he has an issue with one of his kidneys so he's had ultra sounds and countless blood tests. 4 visits to the vets with a 3 day stay on one occasion. They are trying him on a mixed renal food diet see if that works if not it'll be an op.

Added to this he was back in this week as he has some sort of infection and now has 10 days worth of antibiotics to deal with. At least he's back eating a little bit and he bawled me out this morning for his breakfast not being ready.

He's got to go back again for more tests next week to see how he's getting on. 

Edited by pub car king
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