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C'mon England


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Of course Scotland fans care more about England than the other way round. It's the same reason Everton fans care more about Liverpool, Man City fans cared more about Man Utd until recently, Espanyol fans care more about Barcelona, etc. Teams only really invest in a rivalry when the rival is better than them or at least a credible threat; it's why Germany fans don't give a toss about England in the way some England fans don't give a toss about Scotland.

More like Port Vale and Stoke or Shire and Falkirk i would say.

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exactly, this 'auld enemy' stuff is utter pish. The scotch hate the English, but the English are like wtf's their problem, for the most, its one way. Its sadly just how they are,a very bitter and twisted people (who some I know blame the English for)

What a lot of shite, there's a belter of a video on YouTube from the recent game between us, filming England fans shouting absolutely horrid things towards the Scotland support, which I have no problem with, at all, it's football. To say that it's all one sided is ridiculous, go and read other forums/pages/Facebook and have a look at some of the comments coming from the Engerlish speaking about the Scottish aswell. Talk shite mate.

I tried to not care about how England would do this year, but I listen to Talk Sport every day and Durham and the callers talking absolute pish are enough to make me hope they crash and burn! Hopefully Germany win it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I live in England and this is shite you would be lucky to find a pub in England showing the Scotland game let alone supporting it.

Totally agree with this, I have lived in England for almost 20 years and this is my experience as well. On one occasion as I watched the build up to a game the landlord turned it over to an ROI game. Not because there were any Irish in just because he felt like watching their game. Kung.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Despite being born in Engerland, I actually cant bring myself to support them. I used to go in with the intention of supporting them, but as soon as the first match started I'm supporting the opposition. I don't even lie to myself about it anymore. It's all we get to cheer for, and it's just a bit of banter anyway. I don't hate England, I do enjoy seeing them get beat though.

Some great ABE moments over the years.

England-Germany WC 10, Lawro took the huff after the non-goal and stopped commentating. Just brilliant.

France-England Euro 2004 Zinidine breaks English hearts with 2 injury time dead ball goals.

Any penalty shoot out ever

Brazil England WC 2002, Dave Seaman comes for a cross which is actually a shot, oops.

England USA WC 10....Green....

They're some of my major tournament highlights since world cup 98. You gotta have something to cheer for.

Damn that's pathetic,

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I'm English and have lived in Scotland for over twenty years. I quite enjoy it all to be honest, its a good honest rivalry and its never personal.

Any England fan taking it personally should probably grow up a little bit.

I'm English and have lived in Scotland for just under twenty years.

I don't take the football banter personally but you can get foaming Scottish nationalists who's dislike of the England football team stretches a tad outwith a wee laugh. It's naive to the extreme to say it's "never" personal.

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I'm English and have lived in Scotland for over twenty years. I quite enjoy it all to be honest, its a good honest rivalry and its never personal.

Any England fan taking it personally should probably grow up a little bit.

I'm English and have lived in Scotland for just under twenty years.

I don't take the football banter personally but you can get foaming Scottish nationalists who's dislike of the England football team stretches a tad outwith a wee laugh. It's naive to the extreme to say it's "never" personal.

To me, it just seems as though there's a large amount of "social programming" involved. "Under these circumstances, repeat these catchphrases"

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To me, it just seems as though there's a large amount of "social programming" involved. "Under these circumstances, repeat these catchphrases"

You've lost me a bit here.

What's social programming?

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You've lost me a bit here.

What's social programming?

In this case, it's saying something because that's what "the rest of us" say (and God forbid I leave myself out). A common enough trait amongst football fans the world over

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In this case, it's saying something because that's what "the rest of us" say (and God forbid I leave myself out). A common enough trait amongst football fans the world over

Yeah i'd agree. There's a fair amount of people though that aren't even football fans that can be anti England though which i think is a deeper societal problem.

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Yeah i'd agree. There's a fair amount of people though that aren't even football fans that can be anti England though which i think is a deeper societal problem.

I'd be interested in the arguments they give - if it's just the usual "1966, commentators, arrogance" spiel then no better, no worse, than those interested in football (or sport in general. I sometimes think I'm expected to put forward an argument that Tim Henman was a better player than Andy Murray on no better grounds than Henman and I share a nationality :D )

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I'm actually fairly indifferent to how England get on at the World Cup at the moment.

However, this will only last until the "British" Broadcasting Corporation's first minute of commentary. (probably not even on a game involving England)

where they will come out with the usual toxic blend of bad sportsmanship, borderline racism and sheer fucking failure to grasp that they are not the centre of the universe which has made the English National Team so widely loathed.

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There's a fair amount of English people that are anti-Scotland. Idiots exist; this is life.

When it comes down to xenophobic 'societal problems', however, it's a bit rich when English people question the Scots, what with, y'know, UKIP/ BNP/ EDL actually being newsworthy down there and a national craving for rivalries with Germany and Argentina.

I'm sorry, but we're just not as racist as you guys.

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There's a fair amount of English people that are anti-Scotland. Idiots exist; this is life.

When it comes down to xenophobic 'societal problems', however, it's a bit rich when English people question the Scots, what with, y'know, UKIP/ BNP/ EDL actually being newsworthy down there and a national craving for rivalries with Germany and Argentina.

I'm sorry, but we're just not as racist as you guys.

Whilst reading Maxstas posts this was exactly what I was thinking at the time, have a look at the comments section in the Daily Mail when a story about Scottish Independence appears and you will see there is a huge amount of absolute racist bawbag idiots in Engerlandshire. The whole UKIP/BNP/EDl pish aswell. England is a more racist place than Scotland IMHO.

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Howay the lads

Invented the game, used to dominate the game, hopefully we bring are "A" game to Brazil

You're a bit of a roaster. However, despite the likes of you, I will be supporting England. Loads of my good friends are English, having lived down there for a few years, and for some reason i've always quite liked England. They're like a good version of Scotland.

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I find it hard to hate England's players and fans but dislike the way the team is built up every time before a tournament.

Getting pleasure out of someone else suffering just seems wrong to me. Very negative repugnant behaviour and makes the people that do it seem like utter gimps.

Hardly something to be proud about, we hate England so much that we don't want independence because we would rather stay part of the UK?


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I just don't want a team full of so-called stars but actually as negative as f**k to win. Simple. they play anti-football so I want to see them horsed!

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Suggestions John Stones might be part of the larger 30 man party.

Looks a smashing talent. With Jones' injury an outisde shot of making the final group. Fairly unlikely though.

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