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Malaysia Airlines flight MH370

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I'm not for calling folk sheeple, you can believe what you want but you've got to surely see that mainstream media outlets are very selective in what they report?

There are honest journalists, of course there are, the problem is a lot of the time that they need to toe the party line, they have bosses telling them what to do too.

Overall I think our media are pretty good. Our problems are that our print media are too polarised and our broadcast media has too much editorialising. Charlie Brooker has taught me that this is because of the news now being a 24 hour broadcast and they need stuff to fill up the time, that stuff being people telling you their opinions.

Opinions aren't news.

So yes, many in the media 'spin' the facts but at least they are still reporting the facts. Some of the crazy assed unsubstantiated stuff you get on the internet would be classed as unbelievable by the vast majority of people but there are some out there who eat it up.

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A conveniently timed outbreak of fighting in Donetsk with, presumably, government forces trying to take the city back?

An opportunistic move with rebel forces attention held elsewhere, or a pre-planned assault with the help of a 'diversion'? Surprised Russian aren't trying to pounce on this to be honest - although I guess that would mean acknowledging what everyone already knows, that they're helping the rebels.

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In amongst the absolutely mental stuff, Fotbawmad did get something right on the Ukraine situation as a whole. Members of this Ukrainian government are fucking Nazis and people have forgotten that. Not that that in any way mitigates Russia on this, of course.

Go on then, who?

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Go on then, who?

Cabinet members who belong to the Svoboda party are Nazis by association. From Der Spiegel:

"The Svoboda party also has excellent ties to Europe, but they are different from the ones that Klischko might prefer. It is allied with France's right-wing Front National and with the Italian neo-fascist group Fiamma Tricolore"

"In a 2012 debate over the Ukrainian-born American actress Mila Kunis, he said that she wasn't Ukrainian, rather she was a "Jewess." Indeed, anti-Semitism is part of the extremist party's platform; until 2004, they called themselves the Social-National Party of Ukraine in an intentional reference to Adolf Hitler's National Socialist party. Just last summer, a prominent leader of party youth was distributing texts from Nazi propaganda head Joseph Goebbels translated into Ukrainian."

They might not be rounding up Jews and gassing them in death camps but there's clearly some semblance of unsavoury, neo-Nazism to be found. I'm sure I read something about them using the "Wolfsangel" symbol as well, it has obvious Nazi connotations.

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Cabinet members who belong to the Svoboda party are Nazis by association. From Der Spiegel:

They might not be rounding up Jews and gassing them in death camps but there's clearly some semblance of unsavoury, neo-Nazism to be found. I'm sure I read something about them using the "Wolfsangel" symbol as well, it has obvious Nazi connotations.

Svoboda and Pravvy Sektor got less than 3% between them in the last elections, despite popular belief they were actually going to do something in the thick of things.

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A conveniently timed outbreak of fighting in Donetsk with, presumably, government forces trying to take the city back?

An opportunistic move with rebel forces attention held elsewhere, or a pre-planned assault with the help of a 'diversion'? Surprised Russian aren't trying to pounce on this to be honest - although I guess that would mean acknowledging what everyone already knows, that they're helping the rebels.

That's precisely it. The Russians have been arming the rebels on the Q.T. One of those rebels has fucked up and shot down a passenger jet, in what would be otherwise an act of war.

I would love to know what Press TV is making of all this. Something to do with white phosphorous no doubt.

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Well I passed st.james' park tonight and couldn't walk past without a wee look. 2 innocent passionate Newcastle utd fc fans were on that flight heading for new Zealand to see their team. Unfortunately they won't ever return. P&b 99% of the time is about football. Tonight I salute football memorabilia from rangers,Celtic,hearts and st.mirren fans along with many english teams who have donated their merchandise to the shrine outside st.james' park. Not sure if this been posted elsewhere but as much as there are politics involved football is one big family that unites the public whether black/red white or rangers/celtic (2 strips standing together). One Sunderland fan set up a page to get £100 worth of flowers to show support. That figure last I checked was at 25k. Amazing. The final figure will be given to cancer charities as far as im aware. Rip all the innocent victims!

Edited by newcastle broon
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Well I passed st.james' park tonight and couldn't walk past without a wee look. 2 innocent passionate Newcastle utd fc fans were on that flight heading for new Zealand to see their team. Unfortunately they won't ever return. P&b 99% of the time is about football. Tonight I salute football memorabilia from rangers,Celtic,hearts and st.mirren fans along with many english teams who have donated their merchandise to the shrine outside st.james' park. Not sure if this been posted elsewhere but as much as there are politics involved football is one big family that unites the public whether black/red white or rangers/celtic (2 strips standing together). One Sunderland fan set up a page to get £100 worth of flowers to show support. That figure last I checked was at 25k. Amazing. The final figure will be given to cancer charities as far as im aware. Rip all the innocent victims!

Diana effect in full bloom, can you get a guilty victim ? Honestly there are hundreds of thousands of folk dying each day but because we like to jump on the sentimental bandwagon crap like this gets brought up. For example if two of the victims of the Israel attack on the Palestinians were fans of Northampton Town, how many scarfs would be tied to their gates ?

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Diana effect in full bloom, can you get a guilty victim ? Honestly there are hundreds of thousands of folk dying each day but because we like to jump on the sentimental bandwagon crap like this gets brought up. For example if two of the victims of the Israel attack on the Palestinians were fans of Northampton Town, how many scarfs would be tied to their gates ?

Bad example....Northampton Town have strong links to Hamas and are known to be funded by Iran & Syria.......

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Well I passed st.james' park tonight and couldn't walk past without a wee look. 2 innocent passionate Newcastle utd fc fans were on that flight heading for new Zealand to see their team. Unfortunately they won't ever return. P&b 99% of the time is about football. Tonight I salute football memorabilia from rangers,Celtic,hearts and st.mirren fans along with many english teams who have donated their merchandise to the shrine outside st.james' park. Not sure if this been posted elsewhere but as much as there are politics involved football is one big family that unites the public whether black/red white or rangers/celtic (2 strips standing together). One Sunderland fan set up a page to get £100 worth of flowers to show support. That figure last I checked was at 25k. Amazing. The final figure will be given to cancer charities as far as im aware. Rip all the innocent victims!

Is it true Alan Shearer is a Hamas senior militant?

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It doesn't work, read the posts ffs.....

And a parachute could easily be put in the back of the chair, no extra space.

It was a 'peace of mind' question.

And how would this work?

Acme-ejector seat to only have your brains pounded to mush on the cabin ceiling?

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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Let my try and summarise YOUR version of 'how the world really works'.

There are tens of thousands of journalists out there, they are all part of a big conspiracy called the 'MainStream Media'. All of these people are in on it and you don't get honest journalists anywhere.

Despite independants such as al jazeera reporting the exact same stuff the western press is, none of it can be trusted.

That's why you get all your info from random punters on the internet, they're much more trustworthy and you can always ntrust them, despite countries like China who have fascist policies and freely admit to employing over a million people to monitor the internet, edit postings on some websites and make other postings on other websites.

That's why you believe things like the story of the Spanish aircraft controller. The original story said he was deported from the ukraine so where is it you think he is now?

The hillarious thing is you call other folks 'sheeple' because you think they're gullable and you have a much better understanding of the world than they do.

I was there too. Unfortunately Sebu had got there first...
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There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call the Fotbawmad Zone.

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Well I passed st.james' park tonight and couldn't walk past without a wee look. 2 innocent passionate Newcastle utd fc fans were on that flight heading for new Zealand to see their team. Unfortunately they won't ever return. P&b 99% of the time is about football. Tonight I salute football memorabilia from rangers,Celtic,hearts and st.mirren fans along with many english teams who have donated their merchandise to the shrine outside st.james' park. Not sure if this been posted elsewhere but as much as there are politics involved football is one big family that unites the public whether black/red white or rangers/celtic (2 strips standing together). One Sunderland fan set up a page to get £100 worth of flowers to show support. That figure last I checked was at 25k. Amazing. The final figure will be given to cancer charities as far as im aware. Rip all the innocent victims!

Top Five Things You Hate About Facebook thread for this pish.

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