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The Famous Aberdeen - Season 2022/23


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15 minutes ago, Baptiste Bourgeois said:

On paper it looks like one of the strongest non-OF midfields assembled in a long time.

It looks to me like a midfield full of running and tackling and pretty much devoid of creativity.

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At least Aberdeen have used photos of Scott Brown in a Scotland strip on Twitter and their email confirmation. He’s an Aberdeen player from next season, so he gets my backing. But he’s still going to get a fair amount of stick from me in the league game we play against Celtic, if he’s picked, and more importantly if we ever get the chance to play Celtic in the Scottish Cup.

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20 minutes ago, kingjoey said:

At least Aberdeen have used photos of Scott Brown in a Scotland strip on Twitter and their email confirmation. He’s an Aberdeen player from next season, so he gets my backing. But he’s still going to get a fair amount of stick from me in the league game we play against Celtic, if he’s picked, and more importantly if we ever get the chance to play Celtic in the Scottish Cup.

Any Aberdeen player gets my backing, same as any Aberdeen manager gets my backing. That doesn't mean I'm massively optimistic about this.

ps. As an aside, I should really like Scott Brown because I know and like his Dad. Grew up near him and played football with him and his brother a lot. Good lad (for a jumbo) It was Brown's step Dad that took him down the wrong path by going to Ibrox with him

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Something has to be said regarding the Logan Tonev situation. Brown and Celtic came out and publicly backed Tonev even after he was banned. They publicly called Logan a liar and the Celtic fans lapped it up and continued to abuse him for years. This is the exact same method Slavia are using with there player and yet it's socially accepted in Scotland that they are crazy for it.
I can accept Brown at the club if they come out and apologises for what happened the same way Henderson and Carragher have come out and apologized for the way they handled the Suarez/Evra situation.

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1 hour ago, kingjoey said:

Our vocal fans desperately wanted change at the club. Well, they have got it. Kyle Lafferty our next pre-season signing.

Good, i was fed up with finishing the best of the rest and frequent cup finals.

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I have always actually quite liked Brown as a player, except when he is playing against us. I have mixed feelings about this, but it is important that Glass gets his top targets in and Brown was obviously somebody he really wanted to have here as both a player and a coach.

I would probably have said earlier in the season that he wouldn't get into our midfield with the form of Ferguson and McCrorie, but he would walk into it on recent evidence.

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