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What Was The Last Game You Played?


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I bought Midnight Suns with all the DLC for about £30 last year and finally got around to playing it a bit. Big fan of the modern XCOM games, so I figured it would be my kind of thing. It's even further down the XCOM-lite path forged by Chimera Squad (which I also enjoyed), and also throws in an RPG-lite third-person adventure mode between missions. It feels really strange to start with, and I like it, but hopefully they aren't planning on going down this route for XCOM 3 - the internet may explode about their strategy game being dumbed down.

Just a few other thoughts:

  • Why did they decide to use a piss filter for all the advertising? It bears no relation to the game and put me off a bit when it was first released, as it looked awful.
  • The amount of Marvel snark is off the charts; they're going to have to cut back on this eventually, as almost all the dialogue in the game involves sarcastic humour. Everyone liked it when the films started, but not ALL the time, guys.
  • Deadpool is still pretty amusing, even when he's more Gilbert Gottfried than Ryan Reynolds. Actually lol'd a couple of times.
  • They were really going for a younger audience than the standard XCOM crowd, and it's amusing to think that there are likely older gamers fuming about "XCOM going woke" somewhere on the Internet if I really wanted to make my eyes bleed  :P
  • There's a relationship sim element to this one, which...yeah, people want to spend some time with the Marvel characters they like, so I can see this and it's fine. It probably also springs from the emergent gameplay element that came out of the XCOM remake, as people got attached to their randomly-generated squad characters, so they brought in more scripted characters for Chimera Squad and I think Firaxis will maybe get some pushback if they continue down this route.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Finished Hogwarts the other day.


Loved it, what a great setting they gave not just the castle but Hogmeade and the massive Highland area they built. The question were good, the characters were okay but it did feel like a clothing hunt at times.

All in all, worth it and the battle system was surprisingly good once you get a knack for it. 


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On 16/03/2024 at 20:47, Stellaboz said:

Finished Hogwarts the other day.


Loved it, what a great setting they gave not just the castle but Hogmeade and the massive Highland area they built. The question were good, the characters were okay but it did feel like a clothing hunt at times.

All in all, worth it and the battle system was surprisingly good once you get a knack for it. 


As ive got older and less good at gaming (specifically online game, chucked cod and fifa as i cba putting the sweat in) ive been focusing more on enjoying games, especially ones with big stories to tell etc 

Im not ashamed to say i play games at first on easy mode as i actually want to enjoy the story they are telling

Another thing i enjoy more now is game settings and locations, having good locations, good environments etc can make a story much better to enjoy

And hogwarts is one of, if not the best looking game i have ever seen in terms of immersing you in its world, hogwarts itself is unbelievable, but the fact they didn't stop there and focused a major amount on the outside world as well is just stunning 

The game has faults, but scenery, setting etc is unreal

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Seen resident evil 5 and 6 were on sale so finally bought them as i had never played them before (stopped after 4 when the series went too actiony for my liking) 

Ive finished 5, was decent, the AI co-op is a good addition and was a decent enough story 

6 im struggling to get into and will likely finish all stories in it then never go back, it has the resident evil lore but none of the jump factors

Both games have fantastic settings, especially as they are ps3 games, the china location, its buildings, markets etc were done well

But its just constant running and shooting, there's no gingerly walking up to a corner for fear of something eating you alive round it, ffs infected people still shooting guns at you and acting all soldier type seems wrong 

Be interesting to see what capcom remake next after 4's success 

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Kentucky Route Zero: TV Edition (PS4, 2020)

This might be difficult to believe, but I don't write up every game I play. I go into a game largely intending to, but sometimes I just don't have anything or enough to say. Sometimes I don't think it's worth talking about or recommending something. Sometimes I'm just lazy. 

Very rarely we have a game like Kentucky Route Zero where for the entire time I spend playing it I think and I wonder and I struggle with what I can say before eventually deciding that if a game is going to drown me in quite as many words as this does, I'm going to return the favour.

In the Annapurna Interactive Deluxe Collector's Edition, Kentucky Route Zero is introduced by its creators:


I didn't really know anything about this game before I played it. I didn't know that it was released episodically, with five 'Acts' released over a period of seven years. This immediately sets alarm bells ringing. It's easy enough for someone to play the complete version now (or with the subtitle "TV Edition" as it's called on console) but I can't imagine being really invested in something that takes seven years to reach a conclusion. It seems like there was additional content to go along with these releases - websites, phone numbers and the like, but it's still going to be, at best, a hard sell.

I'm waffling a bit here because eventually I'm going to have to start talking about the game. In the past when I've been critical of a game I post a glib summary of the plot to show how silly it is. I can't do that with Kentucky Route Zero because there's so much of it. Go and look at the Wikipedia page. If you plan on playing it and don't want spoilers, read a sentence or two here or there. Random sentences will make as much sense as the whole. The game starts with you in control of a delivery driver named Conway who's struggling to find an address. He stops at a petrol station and is told he needs to take the Zero, an apparently mysterious road which you can't just get to by driving there. He sets off in search of this road and his final destination of 5 Dogwood Drive, meeting a host of other characters and visiting even more surreal locations along the way.

It's also hard to really describe the plot because of... well, a few reasons. The first act is Conway driving around. He meets and teams up with a girl named Shannon Marquez in an abandoned mine. In Act Two they end up at the Bureau of Reclaimed Spaces, a Kafka-esque administration hub where they hope they can find directions to Conway's destination. After this they go looking for a doctor to look at the leg Conway injured in the mine. They meet a boy named Ezra who lives in the forest with his brother, a giant bird named Julien. They fly along the river and find the doctor who treats him and gives him a new, glowing skeletal leg. Then in Act Three their truck crashes and they team up with an android synth-pop duo on a motorbike. 

The point is, the plot changes around each act. It changes in a way where you can physically track your reaction and expectations changing. In Act One you want to learn about Conway and where he's going and why. In Act Two you go somewhere to get answers and you're hopeful of things going somewhere. Act Three starts with a half hour long, unskippable student-produced play you need to watch before you team up with the androids and hold on a minute. I need to sit for half an hour, watching some people in a bar talking about... trouble with the distillery? About that night's entertainment not showing up? About someone not getting a promotion at work? It was at this point the game started trying my patience. When Act Four came along and was set on a boat with a bunch of new people who weren't introduced I gave up and started resenting it. By the time Act Five came along and I was in control of a cat and some people were crying about dead horses I'd never seen I just stopped paying attention.

In terms of genre, Kentucky Route Zero seems described mostly as point and click adventure. This isn't a genre of game I have a lot of experience with, but I don't know how well this format works for the story which is told here. There's a lot of dialogue to read, there are things to interact with and choices to make when you do, but almost none of this seems to have any effect on anything. The events that take place don't change. Nothing different happens to any characters or relationships. I don't think you learn anything new. In Act Four there are options to go to one location or another. I played the game twice and chose the different ones each time, and there's very little insight to anything either way. 

The point and click format also struggles under the sheer weight of words the game has packed into it. If you read everything and if you think about your responses a first time playthrough of this game will take at least six hours. Even a second run will take about the same if you read everything again in the hope that foreknowledge might help you understand what's going on. When you factor in the attention drift that happens about halfway through the game the amount of reading really starts to drag the game down. 

I don't have a problem with video games being experimental with regards to genre and format. I don't mind walking simulators as a concept even though they're basically just films where you need to move around and press X every now and then. If the content of them is engaging, then that's fine. Kentucky Route Zero falls under the weight of its own surrealism and the sheer amount of its characters. It takes too long to attempt to reveal anything, and by the time anything happens you're so fatigued from how long it's taken to reach that point you've stopped caring anyway. As the game goes on more characters are introduced... well, more characters show up without warning and it becomes harder to keep track of everyone.

This game is very well regarded. Its Metacritic ratings for the various acts and versions are all in the high 80s and low 90s. When you look up the game online you find various subreddits extolling its virtues. It's great. It's a step forward for the Games As Art argument. It's spellbinding, it's tragic, it's well-written and one of the best games ever. Nothing has ever touched me emotionally like this. Actual reviews say similar. You read a bit further looking for an actual explanation why and nothing comes. I still don't know why this game is so well-regarded. 

Come to think of it, I don't know what this game's about. I mean About. I tried watching some (hour long-plus) videos about it on youtube before I realised, I shouldn't have to do this. I've gone through the game twice, I've read everything and it's not had any effect on me. Someone telling me it's about how evil capitalism is isn't going to be a moment of revelation, and if it did then that's not a good thing anyway. The game is so impenetrable that when actual moments which might or should be poignant and significant happen, they aren't. Something happens to Conway in the end of Act Four, but it's completely outwith your control (which is part of the point) and you know so little about his fate that it just has no impact. I think the game and its writing aspires to literature more than any other medium, but the way it's presented prevents any sense of significance or symbolism from imparting itself on the player.

I think this is partly the point. One comment I did see pop up is that the game is partly about how people aren't really in control of their lives, or the things they do. That forces more powerful and outside our control, ultimately, have more influence on what happens to us than anything we do. That there will be forces which are effectively unanswerable to their actions, and that the game focuses on people who do have to deal with them. But it's all too vague. It's not that things aren't spelled out explicitly, it's that they come and go in a dreamlike state where nothing makes sense and it's a constant uphill battle to feel any sense of grounding or empathy or relation to anything or anyone.

With this in mind, there are aspects of the game which should contribute to effectively putting its message across. The art style is nice, if lacking a bit in colour. The ambient soundtrack and world design is very distinctive and striking. The designs of the game's actual locations are imposing too, from Equus Oils right at the start with a giant horse's head in the building to the impossibly shaped Bureau to others, the locations are unique and fantastic examples of the clear imagination and creativity that went into the game. One subject of praise I have seen about the game is that it recreates a sense of place well. People who're from Kentucky and the surrounding area recognise it and identify with it. I can't speak to this specifically, but I have certainly played other games with a more dramatic and immersive sense of place.

But then even considering this, there are moments which should be emotionally resonant but which just aren't because of how difficult it is to follow the narrative. Remember in Red Dead Redemption when Jose Gonzalez plays as you go into Mexico for the first time? Or later when music plays as you go back to your family for the first time? How the music gradually comes in and plays over the usual sounds and ambient music, complementing and dominating at the same time while also defining the moment, physically and emotionally? Kentucky Route Zero has similar a few moments.

There are moments, usually at the end of the acts, which tie into the sense of place I mentioned earlier. Where a country/folky/bluesy acoustic guitar number will play, usually with a few shadowy figures in profile in the foreground of the picture, suggesting they're part of the audience along with you. The songs themselves are good, but unlike Red Dead where they make you realise how momentous what's happening actually is you just sort of wonder what and why. Why is music playing? Why is the music significantly more arresting than the events surrounding it? Arguably the most memorable part of the game is when the android musicians you team up with play their song in a bar. The roof tiles float away and the stars streak across the sky like a time-lapse photograph showing the movements of everything in the sky. The song - musically and lyrically - is absolutely haunting, and feels like a landmark moment in what's going on. You wonder who they're singing about (it's called Too Late to Love You and you can choose the lyrics).

But this is near the start of this act. You subsequently spend an hour in a cave with a computer that doesn't make any sense and the poignancy and impact of the music is long gone. I tried to like Kentucky Route Zero. I went in with goodwill (largely through ignorance, I knew virtually nothing about it) and for about the first two acts I played in curiosity and expectation. Eventually though the game just falls under the weight of the amount of strange, unresolved content which even undermines the actual memorable moments.

In a way it's hard to determine whether or not Kentucky Route Zero is a bad game. It's not broken. It's not lazy. Everything works. It's clear a lot of care and attention and detail and imagination went into the writing and the art design. Some aspects of this are more successful than others. Ultimately though a game like this only succeeds if it leaves an impact on the player, and it just didn't for me. I can still barely describe what this is about. As distinctive as the art style is, it's not going to stick with me. As much as some people on the internet think it's a transcendent masterpiece, I don't know if they could ever convince me. There might be a Message here, but I don't think it's communicated well and I don't know how well it even could be communicated in this format. The introduction to this game I posted earlier says "it's also a story, so it has an ending" and I just don't think that's accurate.

I don't know if I'm trying to not criticise this game or not, but it's just hard to decide what I think. It's hard to follow, the plot, narrative and characterisation is lacking and there are several prolonged occasions where it feels like an endurance test with the makers off to the side of the screen sniggering at you as you actually sit there taking this in. It didn't have the effect on me it seems to have had on people online. But I'm not overjoyed and glad to be rid of it, I'm just moving on. 

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I bought Balatro this week and it is terrific (Luck Be A Landlord is also good but slighter). It has interrupted me playing Phantom Doctrine which I bought a few years ago and never got into but have been enjoying quite a bit recently. It's an XCOM2-like that prioritises stealth over shooting. Pretty good. I really should go back and give XCOM2 another whirl but I remember liking playing the levels but could not get into the between stages stuff.

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On 27/03/2024 at 19:04, wuffster said:

I bought Balatro this week and it is terrific (Luck Be A Landlord is also good but slighter). It has interrupted me playing Phantom Doctrine which I bought a few years ago and never got into but have been enjoying quite a bit recently. It's an XCOM2-like that prioritises stealth over shooting. Pretty good. I really should go back and give XCOM2 another whirl but I remember liking playing the levels but could not get into the between stages stuff.

I've had Phantom Doctrine installed for years, but gave up on it after it took about an hour to reach the extraction conditions after completing the objectives on my first mission. Just felt really long-winded and a bit of a chore. Is it worth persisting with?

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On 27/03/2024 at 19:04, wuffster said:

I bought Balatro this week and it is terrific (Luck Be A Landlord is also good but slighter). It has interrupted me playing Phantom Doctrine which I bought a few years ago and never got into but have been enjoying quite a bit recently. It's an XCOM2-like that prioritises stealth over shooting. Pretty good. I really should go back and give XCOM2 another whirl but I remember liking playing the levels but could not get into the between stages stuff.

Mate you defo need to persist with xcom 2, once you get the hang of researching, opening up new communications stuff etc it really expands the game 

By the end when your team are kitted out in alien gear and stacked with a f**k ton of advanced weaponry, the levels are even better to play

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On 27/03/2024 at 19:04, wuffster said:

I bought Balatro this week and it is terrific (Luck Be A Landlord is also good but slighter). It has interrupted me playing Phantom Doctrine which I bought a few years ago and never got into but have been enjoying quite a bit recently. It's an XCOM2-like that prioritises stealth over shooting. Pretty good. I really should go back and give XCOM2 another whirl but I remember liking playing the levels but could not get into the between stages stuff.

XCOM dissent shall not be tolerated. Mods!

War of the Chosen is probably one of the greatest DLCs of all time. Maybe play the base game through on a low difficulty to get the hang of the base-building and stuff, then play it on increasingly harder difficulties until your mind breaks. Then play WotC and keep playing, forever.

Chimera Squad is a budget story-based XCOM lite with scripted characters; a more laidback diversion. It's also good, and you might like it more if the base-building/research stuff of XCOM 2 seems like too much of an arseache. There's also Midnight Suns, your enjoyment of which will depend on how much you enjoy the Marvel films/characters, and if you fancy almost-but-not-quite romancing them and having them tell you you're just swell. I've enjoyed it quite a bit too, even if the superhero chat is very cringe (as I believe the young people say).

Basically, Firaxis can do no wrong and I will fight you.

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5 hours ago, BFTD said:

XCOM dissent shall not be tolerated. Mods!

War of the Chosen is probably one of the greatest DLCs of all time. Maybe play the base game through on a low difficulty to get the hang of the base-building and stuff, then play it on increasingly harder difficulties until your mind breaks. Then play WotC and keep playing, forever.

Chimera Squad is a budget story-based XCOM lite with scripted characters; a more laidback diversion. It's also good, and you might like it more if the base-building/research stuff of XCOM 2 seems like too much of an arseache. There's also Midnight Suns, your enjoyment of which will depend on how much you enjoy the Marvel films/characters, and if you fancy almost-but-not-quite romancing them and having them tell you you're just swell. I've enjoyed it quite a bit too, even if the superhero chat is very cringe (as I believe the young people say).

Basically, Firaxis can do no wrong and I will fight you.

I cant fight worth a f**k but i got your back as well

War of the Chosen was a fantastic DLC, all the DLC for xcom 2 was great fun, for me it perfectly mixed the blend of base building, researching etc and the battles, you never felt you were constantly barraged with either

I tried that phoenix point but was burnt out with the turn based for a bit, well defp go back to it

Midnight suns was good how they changed up the tactical side, they could have just done a marvel copy of xcom 2 but instead they tried to change it up and i think the battles are great fun in terms of having to think about what you do, 

Just need a remake of command and conquer now (proper next gen console one would be unreal) but alas it will never happen

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On 03/04/2024 at 18:00, Boo Khaki said:

I've had Phantom Doctrine installed for years, but gave up on it after it took about an hour to reach the extraction conditions after completing the objectives on my first mission. Just felt really long-winded and a bit of a chore. Is it worth persisting with?

I would give it a whirl. There is only one map I thought was a real chore to get through and it was a bit into the story. YMMV

On 04/04/2024 at 15:11, 54_and_counting said:

Mate you defo need to persist with xcom 2, once you get the hang of researching, opening up new communications stuff etc it really expands the game


On 04/04/2024 at 16:11, BFTD said:

XCOM dissent shall not be tolerated. Mods!

War of the Chosen is probably one of the greatest DLCs of all time. Maybe play the base game through on a low difficulty to get the hang of the base-building and stuff, then play it on increasingly harder difficulties until your mind breaks. Then play WotC and keep playing, forever.

Chimera Squad is a budget story-based XCOM lite with scripted characters; a more laidback diversion. It's also good

Basically, Firaxis can do no wrong and I will fight you.

Thanks for the replies but the highlighted stuff is what I cannot be bothered with (and I realise it a classic etc.). Some games just pass you by.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Really interested in No Rest For The Wicked


Releases into Early Access later today. ARPG, but with "soulslike" combat rather than skill spamming.

About 8 hours with this now. It really is a bit different. Combat is fiendishly difficult, far more so than the likes of Elden Ring. I don't think it's broken or over tuned, it just places a premium on not getting hit and working out the timing and combos of even the "trash" mobs. Loot is mostly random, but it doesn't spew out garbage left and right like a typical ARPG, so there is an element of "go with what you find" that seemingly stays true throughout, although there is apparently a shared stash that lets you hoard better drops and pass them on to alts. I'm hooked.

Loads of whining online because the equipment has a durability mechanic, so if you die 3 or 4 times you'll usually have to run to the smith to fix it, but I suspect this is a skill issue and a case of "get gud scrub" due to typical ARPG button-mashers being used to playing while watching box-sets.

Edited by Boo Khaki
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Really can't praise No Rest For The Wicked enough. Only Early Access, so the size of it is a bit limited right now, but the Devs have released 2 Hotfixes already and are about to release another this afternoon. 

Best way I can describe it is kinda like a top-down Elden Ring, but with random loot drops like a more typical ARPG. It has the weapon variations of ER, character building is similar, and the combat is punishing until you really figure out what you are doing, but overall I'm having an absolute blast playing it. Through the Story part and I'm about to start on what currently makes up the end-game, and I'm already desperate to see them expand what's available. Multi-player is the first update on the schedule and that could make things really interesting if they are planning group dungeons and so on.

If you remotely enjoy Souls-like games and/or ARPG's then this is a must play, but I will warn you if all you are interested in is a faceroll keyboard-piano ARPG like PoE or Diablo, then this isn't it. It's much more nuanced and you really need to pay attention or you'll die over and over. It's closer to a Souls game than TItanQuest/Grim Dawn/PoE.

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Anthem (PS4, 2019)

When I bought my PS4 in 2017 it was around a year before I started playing it regularly. I still had some PS3 games to finish. Through 2018 and probably a year or two prior to that I had slowly amassed a decent collection of games for when the time to switch finally came. PlayStation Plus games made up a large amount, but I checked the sales regularly and picked up things that looked interesting. For that first year or so I was mainly finishing games on PS3, I think I only really played Gran Turismo Sport and Rocket League on the PS4 before making the full switch over to the new generation. 

I felt like I was making up for lost time with Rocket League in particular. I played the original version, Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars, on PS3 and adored it, even if it felt like I was the only person who knew it existed. If you've never played it, imagine Rocket League with constant screen tearing, horrible collision physics, 20fps and actual good quality bots which you can only play with in pre-specified modes. I've played Rocket League regularly since then, alongside everything else I've played. Its nature makes it easy to dip in and out of for a few games at a time, and while I improved a lot over a period of what you can probably count as years I never really felt like I committed a significant amount of time to it. 

In saying this, a lot of the time when I was playing I would feel guilt that I wasn't playing something else from the backlog. I was playing something that effectively wasn't achieving or finishing or completing anything. I played a match and it was largely inconsequential outside of the five or so minutes I spent on it. 

One of the downsides to the free games I had access to through PS Plus from 2012 to about 2016 was that there were too many of them. I felt overwhelmed by an obligation to play all of them. There were times where this worked out and I played something I loved but would otherwise never have heard of or considered, and that's great. But as anyone with a self-declared backlog will tell you, the sense of having more video games to play than time to play them in isn't enjoyable. 

I don't think there was a specific point where I made the conscious decision to change the way I approached things then, but I did and it was unquestionably a good thing. I don't need to play all of these. I ditched some things I had spent years assuming I would get around to. I even didn't bother redeeming free PS Plus games for PS4 because I thought that I would change the way I played games and the amount of time I spent on them and I might achieve something worthwhile and fulfilling with life outside of my room and my TV and sorry I'm rambling a bit here. The point is, I went from having a PS3 backlog, to realising I didn't need to have a PS3 backlog, to giving myself a PS4 backlog.

I had a PS4 backlog and what was I doing? Putting on Rocket League almost out of habit, absentmindedly spending an hour or so here or there when I could be doing other things. Did I enjoy playing Rocket League? Yes. Am I still playing it nearly seven years later? Yes, but my timing is shot and I think the collective level of skill has increased because my ranks have gone down but my opponents are better than they've ever been. Why, then did I so often feel like I should have been spending that time elsewhere? It almost didn't feel real. It was like I felt guilty for playing one game at the expense of several dozen others. Not anxiety, not anything else, actual literal guilt that I was choosing how to spend my time on things I enjoyed and things I wanted to do. 

According to PSNProfiles there are 405 games on my profile, dating back to November 2008 when trophies were first introduced. There are 177 PS3 games, 190 PS4 games and 38 "multiplatform" games which can be played on multiple systems. There are a few discrepancies with these numbers. Some are PS Plus games I played a long time ago for a few minutes, unlocking one trophy then never touching again. These are mostly PS3 games. Oh let's not talk about the time I redownloaded LittleBigPlanet 2 because I'd done that, or the time I bought a PlayStation Eye camera to get the platinum in Burnout Paradise. Some of those games are also ones on my system I've technically not started yet. 

In addition to the 190 PS4 games there the spreadsheet I keep with all the games I have and their time/difficulty estimates currently has around 130 games on it, although I've not updated it since January. I also think if I were to go through that right now you could count out at least half of it, so don't look at that as another 130 games that I 'intend' to get around to.

Whichever way you look at this, I play a lot of games. And even in the time I do, a lot of the time I'm still thinking of what I can play next. Very often I never do. In the past month I've been certain that I'm going to start the Crash Bandicoot trilogy, or download Metro Exodus, or try Vanquish again on PS4. I've wanted to play Days Gone for years. What's the deal with Subnautica? In reality I think my next game is going to be none of these things, because there's still stuff on my profile I need to clean up first. I want to get the Trackmania platinum before my subscription runs out at the end of May. I've been trying not have multiple games on the go at once and to go back and clean up things I've got bored/frustrated with in the past and finish them. I've been getting better with it. I suppose I'm not really free of that, even if I try my best to convince myself I am, or even if I actually do make progress and bring the numbers down to the levels I'd like them to be, while actually enjoying what I'm playing. 

Over the past months I've had videos in my youtube recommendations I've not watched with titles like Why Isn't Gaming Fun Anymore? and How To Beat Your Backlog and, really, I think it's a very strange mindset to have for what is effectively a hobby. Is it healthy to effectively stockpile things you tell yourself you want for the future, without making any actual plans to get around to them? Is it sustainable, when there are endless sales and services which offer access to a set group of games at a given time? Is it necessary, even? I don't think it's a healthy thing to wilfully overwhelm yourself like this, or at least to feel as if you're overwhelming yourself. Looking at the amount of games I've played and finished since that PS3 to PS4 switch, by any measure it's a lot of time spent and a lot of games finished. I've played more PS4 games in a smaller space of time than I spent with the PS3. Yet looking at the numbers, to me there's still a lot of things I want to do. 

I don't consider myself a completionist, but if I were to talk about video games with someone in real life and tell them how I play games and how many games I play they'd say I am. They'd say I'm nuts as well. Yet I know there are people who play a lot more than I do, and play just as many substantial games within that rather than purely the sort of number padding ezpz nonsense that's so prevalent now. I don't know what I'm writing about any more here, but what is the point? What's the point in playing and fully(-ish) completing games if there's a feeling that there's just as much still to come when I'm done? Will I ever be done?

In January this year I paid £1.59 for Anthem. Anthem is one of the most contentious video games in history, with a protracted development which was ruined by its publisher half-heartedly (or completely ignorantly) trying to get into a market they and the developer they used were completely unsuited for. I spent around 60 hours with it. It was a load of boring shite. Avoid. 

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Shadows of Forbidden Gods on Steam.

Its like Crusader Kings, except its a randomly generated world with made up factions, and you're an evil overload trying to spread unrest and disease through agents for long enough for your "God" to enter the world and reek absolute carnage, all while trying to make sure the "Chosen One" doesn't catch on and seal your "God" away for eternity instead. The beginner "God" is a giant snake that destroys a chunk of the map when he arrives and is effectively a death march to victory unless the "Chosen One" manages to create a big enough alliance to create a massive army to destroy it.'

Its UI is shite, and its hard to figure out until you've lost 4-5 times, but it really is great fun and every game is unique due to trying to figure it out, and how random events (I was on the verge of defeat when an Orc captain across the map attacked a City, killed the ruler, and it gave me the chance to manipulate the story to blame a rival ruler (who'd joined a map wide alliance to defeat me) and this erupted into a full scale civil war that killed half the population just days before my Snake God blew up the Northern half by appearing) can change things.

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I dug oot Medieval 2: Total War.
What a masterpiece. The missions in South America are the nuts.

It's a shame the quality of the Total War games dropped off steeply after they released the almost unplayable Empire: Totally Buggy.
Now they just look and play like cartoony RTS to appeal to moronic kids.

This is why we can't have nice things.

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Recently discovered the genre of hidden cat games on Steam (just search for 'hidden cat'; there are hundreds of them).

I'm planning on getting a new PC soon, primarily for playing games. Pretty sure I'll be using it to play these. Slightly concerned that I'm turning into someone's nan.

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