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What Was The Last Game You Played?


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FTL: Faster Than Light - just started playing this again. Possibly as close to being the perfect game as you're going to get, and a full playthrough only takes a couple of hours. One of those games you can play again and again. Only £6.99 on Steam, and an absolute must-buy at that price. They've added a bunch of new content since last I played too, which hasn't hurt the gameplay at all, which is the worry with anything so well balanced. Seriously, just buy the damned thing and thank me later.

Also, give DoomRL a try too. I'm not a fan of these ASCII Roguelikes, no doubt because I'm a graphics whore, but they added Doom graphics and sound effects to this one and it makes a massive difference. Tremendously good fun to play, and it's FREE - http://doom.chaosforge.org/

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Been playing through the old Doom series but with a modification called 'Brutal Doom' that ups the gore and makes it feel a tad bit more modern.

There are some quality Doom mods around. It's a game that never gets old.

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I just got a computer capable of running games, so I bought XCOM again. Running through on Normal Ironman (autosaving permadeath). I had forgotten how great this game is.

I've got FTL as the next game to play, the game window looks tiny when the computer is running on a 4k resolution.

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I've got FTL as the next game to play, the game window looks tiny when the computer is running on a 4k resolution.

Huh. Right enough, I'd never noticed that. Haven't tried it myself, but maybe this would help?


Edit: yeah, works a treat. Give it a try.

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Huh. Right enough, I'd never noticed that. Haven't tried it myself, but maybe this would help?


Edit: yeah, works a treat. Give it a try.

Cheers. Even bumping it up to 1080p would help a little. I'll try that when I get around to playing it again. I know it's my type of game.

(I've actually been holding out a little to play it on a tablet/iPad that I don't yet own).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I played through The Shivah on the PC, but I believe it's on iOS too.

It's a point'n'click adventure where you control a Rabbi in Manhattan, trying to uncover odd circumstances that build to a climatic set-piece. It takes only two hours to run through it but it's rich in dry 'Jewish' humour and the problem solving makes you feel clever.

The final set-piece takes a bit of trial and error but the rest of the game flows naturally. It comes highly recommended for a different pace of game.

I'll get to FTL soon, but when I tried upping the res it borked the framing of the screen. That's the thing with gaming on the PC again, it's a hassle to configure anything after playing on consoles for years. When I first tried to play Super Meat Boy - a game that was released after I gave away my 360 so it's something I've wanted to play for years - it didn't have native support for my controller, WTF!

I've got Killzone Mercenary for the PS Vita on the go as well, because it's on sale for less than £7 on the digital store. I think it's a corker of a game at that price. I bought it to play versus mode with bots offline, for some brainless late evening downtime. I started the campaign and am astounded by the quality of the graphics, the Vita has such untapped potential that will never be realised because of the lack of consoles sold. In many ways it's a generic A to B first person shooter but I'm very happy with it for the price I paid.

I haven't touched the PS4 in a few weeks. I've still got a fair bit of Driveclub content to burn through, it's much improved since the launch. I've also got Metro:Redux to open and a few indie titles on Steam I've bought at discounts (Jazzpunk, Teslagrad). And not enough hours in the day for anything.

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Once a year, my subconscious lets me know that it's time to install Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines and see what Wesp5 has done with his never-ending patch. This is the time for 2015, and the main difference seems to be electricity cables that flap overhead like Cthulhu's briney tentacles.

Heartbreaking that this game will never see a sequel.

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I had an Xbox 360 but moved over to the Playstation 4 at Christmas although I haven't really had much chance to play it. And when I do I usually just stick on FIFA 15 or DriveClub. However, I just purchased The Last of Us and had a quick shot (2 hours) of it last night. Already I'm invested in the story and looking forward to getting another hour done tonight. Impressive so far.

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  • 1 month later...

Just replaying LA noire at the moment. One of the first cases, this middle-aged, balding man makes a break from the arrest, climbs up the roof and starts parkouring the shit out of it. Ridiculous.

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Just replaying LA noire at the moment. One of the first cases, this middle-aged, balding man makes a break from the arrest, climbs up the roof and starts parkouring the shit out of it. Ridiculous.

Parkour's surprisingly easy, you know.

Go on, give it a go and let us know how you get on :P

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Alien: Isolation - ahead of the curve as ever with this one. It was £6.39 at getgamesgo.com, so I figured I'd get it as my birthday present for this year.

I'm at the point where the laddie in the medical wing finds a nasty surprise waiting on the other side of a door (not a spoiler; his puppy just made a whoopsie, that's all, honest). Interesting so far, although my natural tendency to explore the crap out of games is killing me, because you spend all your time hopping between closets and storage bins once the alien shows up. Can't say I've found the rewire boxes to be much use, as the effects don't seem to last long and you're as well darting along to another hiding spot rather than spending so much time exposed. Don't know how you could play this without headphones on, as you need to be aware of every little noise and where it's coming from.

Only bug I've found so far: I was hiding under a desk while the alien stomped around the room, only for its tail to whip around under the desk and touch me. It immediately started hissing and roaring, so I figured that was curtains, but nothing happened. After a minute or so, I edged my way out into its line of sight, which I had no choice about in due to its position in the room, but it remained rooted to the spot like it was having a stroke. Edged by way out of the room without trouble and was able to get out of the area without problems :thumsup2

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