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What Was The Last Game You Played?


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Only bug I've found so far: I was hiding under a desk while the alien stomped around the room, only for its tail to whip around under the desk and touch me. It immediately started hissing and roaring, so I figured that was curtains, but nothing happened. After a minute or so, I edged my way out into its line of sight, which I had no choice about in due to its position in the room, but it remained rooted to the spot like it was having a stroke. Edged by way out of the room without trouble and was able to get out of the area without problems :thumsup2

It's blind though, isn't it? I assumed it was anyway. I've been down a corridor from it and just stood still and it's went about it's business. I just thought it was all about how much noise you made, as that's what it was attracted to :-)

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Sonic & Knuckers (with Sonic 3 locked in)

As much as I enjoy playing new generation consoles, I still love every now and again getting the old Mega Drive/ SNES out.

Fantastic game

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It's blind though, isn't it? I assumed it was anyway. I've been down a corridor from it and just stood still and it's went about it's business. I just thought it was all about how much noise you made, as that's what it was attracted to :-)

Definitely not blind. I've been perfectly still under a bed as it's patrolled down a corridor towards me - it paused for a second when it spotted me (presumably because the game was giving me a chance to run), then sprinted down the hall with the inevitable results.

You die a hell of a lot in this game. Doesn't do much for the self-esteem.

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Saints row 4, re-elected.

Liked it first time, struggling this time, maybe it's just the fact I've already played it on the 360? Perhaps.

There's a pawn shop in town I'm going down to this Saturday to see if they have any PS2 games on the cheap for my old console.

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I was going to give the Dark Souls 2 thread a wee bump, but this is probably a better thread.

There is a Youtube gaming channel I watch quite regularly who have just started a play-through for Bloodborne, and that looks an amazing game.

It's a PS3 I've got, so can't get Bloodborne, so fancied catching up with Dark Souls 2 and picked it up for £10 in ASDA.

And, wow, I'm absolutely hooked now. It took a few aborted attempts, and very nearly gave up completely, but I'm really starting to understand this game now. It's seems impossibly difficult, as I've never played a Souls game before, but I can see I'm getting better and starting to progress. Although I did shite-bag it out of a boss fight last night.

I completed Braid a wee bit back which I picked up over Xmas for £4 and I would highly recommend this game.

It's a difficult puzzle-platform where you manipulate time to collect pieces of a jigsaw. Again, it's highly addictive because you always seem to be on the edge of solving puzzles. Although, it does seem like a slightly worthy game and I ended up having to Youtube the final few sections to get to the end.

I also downloaded R.U.S.E, a WW2 strategy game, and I'm completely stuck on one of the very early, starting levels :) . I've even looked at several Youtube walkthroughs and still can't progress, and always end up getting my wee army destroyed every single time.

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+1 for Braid. One of the few games that makes you feel like you're playing a piece of art. A really fucking annoying piece of art in which you die many times because your brain can't cope with the temporal physics of the thing.

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+1 for Braid. One of the few games that makes you feel like you're playing a piece of art. A really fucking annoying piece of art in which you die many times because your brain can't cope with the temporal physics of the thing.

I got Braid a long time ago and couldn't get into it at all. I've played a lot more since that's much more convincing in the "games are art" argument.
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I got Braid a long time ago and couldn't get into it at all. I've played a lot more since that's much more convincing in the "games are art" argument.

Oh, come on, you can't leave it at that! What would you put forward as examples of games as art?

Folk who claim games can never be art can GIRUT; there's more artistry in your average game than in a thousand unmade beds or eviscerated sharks.

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Been having another go at Papers Please, the Eastern Bloc border checkpoint bureaucracy simulator. Really well worth a look, especially it you're in the mood for something a bit different, and there are numerous story threads that you can pursue, along with a couple of dozen endings. Needs a lot of concentration though, as the game loves to try to trip you up over expiry dates, fingerprints, contraband, department stamps, etc...although sometimes it's worthwhile turning a blind eye.

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+1 for Braid. One of the few games that makes you feel like you're playing a piece of art. A really fucking annoying piece of art in which you die many times because your brain can't cope with the temporal physics of the thing.

It's a cracking wee game.

When I was looking through for solutions to the puzzles, I stumbled on this video which made me laugh and dug it up again.

Plus, Dark Souls 2 - it is awesome. I'm about ten hours in and still just probably at the beginning :)

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It's a hypothetical modern world (in 1960!) where the nazi's won the war. The arsenal is very modern though as are the buildings! I really enjoyed it and it's not the type of game I normally play. I found it very fun and completed it within 2 days (about 10 hours though, was on holiday and just binged!). Got it for £20 as well, which was a bargain tbh. Definitely recommend as a filler game.


Battlefield Hardline next.

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Oh, come on, you can't leave it at that! What would you put forward as examples of games as art?

Folk who claim games can never be art can GIRUT; there's more artistry in your average game than in a thousand unmade beds or eviscerated sharks.


I'll get back to it eventually but I think that any artistic merit Braid may have is impossible to appreciate properly given the method it's presented in. Or maybe I'm just shit at puzzles.

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... you have heard of Journey, right (even if I surmise you have a PC, not a console)? Seriously though, it's a masterpiece.

No, had never heard of it. Looks like it got some stellar reviews.

Oh well, guess that's another game I'll be remembering to play on an emulator in ten years, along with Red Dead Redemption and Heavy Rain :P

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Journey deserves being played now, not in ten years.

It's brilliant in so many ways, but the impact of having another anonymous player drift in and out of your game, to co-operate, was groundbreaking and elevated it to being arguably the best game of the generation. Games like No Man's Sky will take that to another level.

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