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What Was The Last Game You Played?


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Journey deserves being played now, not in ten years.

It's brilliant in so many ways, but the impact of having another anonymous player drift in and out of your game, to co-operate, was groundbreaking and elevated it to being arguably the best game of the generation. Games like No Man's Sky will take that to another level.

I'd need a PS3, unfortunately. Shame it's an exclusive as it'd be near the top of the want-to-play list.

A list with hundreds of entries stretching back thirty years :lol:

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No, had never heard of it. Looks like it got some stellar reviews.

Oh well, guess that's another game I'll be remembering to play on an emulator in ten years, along with Red Dead Redemption and Heavy Rain :P


Journey is very, very worth it. And playing it on an emulator would probably rob you of the online experience, which is much more important than you might think.

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Journey deserves being played now, not in ten years.

It's brilliant in so many ways, but the impact of having another anonymous player drift in and out of your game, to co-operate, was groundbreaking and elevated it to being arguably the best game of the generation. Games like No Man's Sky will take that to another level.

Journey is an absolute triumph in every sense.

The first time I played it, I met up with an experienced player and it was one of the most memorable gaming experiences I've had. And then, when it got to a particular level (you can guess the one I mean) the other player exited the game and I was left to go on ahead, alone, and ... well, it was emotional. :whistle

I've been through it countless times now.

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The Wolf Among Us

Bought the season pass for this when it was on sale ages ago and finally got round to trying it out.

Its the second Telltale game following the same format as Walking Dead. You decide on responses to questions, decisions made etc. which carry over and alter the game in some minor or major way.

It is based off a comic of the same wherein all the fairytale characters are living in New York. You play as the Wolf Bigby who is the sheriff for Fable town as it's called where all the fairytale characters live. The non-human characters must pay for glamours to appear human in appearance.

You are investigating several murders of fables and it runs over 5 episodes.

Was fairly decent but felt the last episode dragged a little and the loading times on the 360 were horrendous.

Edited by Jack Burton
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Anyway, the last game I played was Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments, which was rancid.

I've just started playing this as it was free on PS+. The Sherlock Holmes games are a guilty pleasure of mine, but this game runs terribly on PS3. The quick time events are awful as well, especially that arm wrestling one in the first case.

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I've just started playing this as it was free on PS+. The Sherlock Holmes games are a guilty pleasure of mine, but this game runs terribly on PS3. The quick time events are awful as well, especially that arm wrestling one in the first case.

that arm wrestling one is impossible, his face never changes and no matter what variation of buttons you press it makes no difference.

Also the thing that struck me the most about the poor quality was the sound of the speaking which was the same quality as an extremely poor illegal download from 2001

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Journey is very, very worth it. And playing it on an emulator would probably rob you of the online experience, which is much more important than you might think.

...and I'm out. Thanks anyway :P

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I've started way too many games recently and haven't managed to make progress with many.

I completed the main story Bloodborne through the month of May. I'm not a fan of RPGs much, nor of absurdly difficult games, but this kept me going back for more. The world is so rich and detailed, and so eery, that my curiosity as to what would be around the corner made sure I stuck with it even when I found difficulty spikes. The main spike is in the first few hours when I had to learn how to fight efficiently (I killed the first enemy with puny bare fists because I didn't know how to equip weapons!).

You die a lot, but that is fine, it never seems unfair and there are lessons to be learned: don't be rash but pick your moment to be aggressive. Some enemies seem frightening on the first impression but there's a delicate balance between risk and reward. I loved the sense of progression without having to resort to spamming pointless loot like in other RPGs, and the sense of achievement (and relief) of finding the next main area is unlike anything I've come across before.

I hadn't played a Souls game before but I recommend this for anyone who has the patience to learn how to adapt to the game's controls and systems.

Prior to that I was playing Valiant Hearts. The friendship between the chums and the dog tugged on the heart strings in the middle of grim WW1 themes. The educational pieces between the gameplay were pretty good. Ultimately, I dropped it about halfway through because the gameplay mechanics became too repetitive for me, I've got too many other titles competing for my attention to persevere with something that became a chore.

Immediately after completing Bloodborne I bought Child of Light. It's a pleasant and charming RPG, the exact opposite of Bloodborne in every way. That was initially some nice relief but became an issue: it was far too easy and there was no challenge at all to the point that I got to. I probably should've gone to another genre after Bloodborne because it was an unfair comparison.

Otherwise, I bought Stealth Inc on Steam. Looks like my sort of thing.: a mix of XCOM, FTL with a heavy lean on stealth. I shouldn't have bought it at release because I've not played it beyond the tutorial yet.

From the developers that made Stealth Inc I finally got around to trying Mark of the Ninja. The computer didn't like the DS4 pad I was using so pinched an Xbox 360 pad from elsewhere - PC/Mac gaming really annoys me in that respect. I tried the first couple of levels and it looks great but I haven't had the time or the attention to sit with it. I intend to stick with this next.

I started off Never Alone, a PS+ title on the PS4 and a side-on platformer with puzzles reminiscent of Limbo and many others. I like the interaction between the boy and the fox, but the thing that I like most is the education on the native Alaskan culture that I had no idea about. I didn't get far and will get back to it eventually, probably on remote play via the Vita because the controls transfer across well.

I'm not sure I'll play another game as good as Bloodborne until Fallout 4 comes out.

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Chip's Challenge. Now available on Steam with the previously-unreleased Chip's Challenge 2 and a level editor, all for £3.99.

Currently doesn't scale to full screen on your monitor, but they're still working on it. Just fucking buy it, for Christ's sake; one of those puzzle games that everyone should own.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just picked up Dead State during the Steam Summer Sale; one of those games I've had my eye on for a while, as it's turn-based and the kind of thing I can put on in the background while I'm doing work. Seems a wee bit 'The Zombie Sims' so far, with you setting jobs for a team of survivors, making sure everyone's happy, and going out on raiding missions to find supplies. Only finished the first mission, but it looks promising.

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Shadow of Mordor.

It's okay, easily a 7/10 about halfway through it.

Next up will be the evil within, followed by arkham knight and then Gat out of Hell.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Little update on Dead State - it's not bad, obviously inspired by the original Fallout games, and takes a bit of work to understand how the game works as you don't get much help. Also has the occasional bug, like the one that lost my team's entire stored rations somehow, so saving often is a smart move. They're still actively working on it, however. I picked it up for about £8, and I'm happy enough with it at that price. Would've felt a bit let down at the RRP of £22.99, however, as I'm a cheap b*****d who doesn't like paying much for his games.

In other news, the universe has been Max Payneing me to death lately - sold a few copies of the movie, then tested a borked copy of the PC game, and I'm about to test a copy for the Xbox. Finally took the hint and I'm playing through it for the first time since the original release - it's still just as much fun, but I'd forgotten that it's as hard as fucking nails, even on the difficult setting for BigFatTabbyPussies. One shot to the head when you enter a room and it can be goodnight, sweet prince. Looking forward to getting through it and moving on to the second and third, neither of which I've played before.

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Grim Fandango it's currently only £6 on the PlayStation store. Its a point and click adventure game from Lucas Arts.

I never played this when it was first out but have always loved this type of game Monkey Island, Space Quest etc.

The remastered version is the exact same as the original but the graphics still hold up. The only thing is it is not wide-screen which is a bit off putting initially. There is no instructions or hints and no flashing icon etc to indicate things you can interact with. Really enjoying it although I am stuck already.

The basic story is you are playing a dead man called Manny who has to work for the department of death to pay off a debt. Your job is to help the recently deceased in their travel to the afterlife. Its full of the same type of humour and characters that makes Monkey Island great.

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Grim Fandango's quality. The remake was necessary as the original stopped working on new PCs after only a couple of years had passed since release. Bit of a lost classic in that sense, as there'll be a whole generation of younger gamers who haven't played it, despite the regular plaudits it receives from the gaming press.

I've had a terrible, shameful Leisure Suit Larry urge lately, so I just played through parts 3 and 6 again. Not on the Grim Fandango or Monkey Island level, obviously, but I still find them quite entertaining. Pity that the recent (and superfluous) remake of the original Leisure Suit Larry isn't going to lead to a remake of the disappointing Part 2, or even a whole new game, due to the BEASTliness of the guy running the studio that made it.

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One of the trailers at E3 really caught my imagination, (and any excuse to share the video):

... so, I decided to track down previous games made by the creator / director and got ICO and Shadow of the Colossus for £8 from PSN for PS3.

For a start, the parallels between Last Guardian and ICO seem to be clear. It's a beautiful and unsettling game. It begins when you end up trapped in a large castle / shrine, because of reasons, and ...

you encounter a princess in white who you want to to help escape with you. There is a great moment at the beginning of the game when you first take her hand and help protect her from attackers.

Shadow of the Colossus is exceptional.

In order to save a princess, you must ride out to meet and a host of giant creatures. Each must be killed in their own way and each requires that you adapt your combat style. Again, I can see the overlap with Last Guardian with respect to the large, animals and the sympathy and shared feeling etc.

I'd highly recommend both of these games. They are regarded as classics and deservedly so.

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