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Salmond Vs. Darling - The Debate


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aye, aye, keep telling yourself that, pathetic

It will not make one ounce of difference to the polls

A prediction, Salmond has to go on the attack, Darling will bat things away, result a stalemate

Darling will melt. It'll be like Hibs in a cup final.

Sorry to dash your hopes but Darling got the short straw.

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McKenna from the Guardian on Salmond v Darling. This from an ex-Labour man in a leftie English paper:


Darling's only hope of matching his opponent (he will never better him) during this exchange and the second one to follow lies in disrupting the flow of debate. The former chancellor is a thoroughly insipid public speaker who engenders no passion or belief in what he is saying. His answers seem learned by rote and his continual blinking as he's delivering them makes him look unconvincing, like an understudy who's just been acquainted with the script owing to the leading man being incapacitated.

Darling has had a lacklustre independence campaign. Watching him trying to prop up Osborne's empty veto on currency union little more than a year after he himself said that it would be the best option for both countries in the event of independence was especially excruciating.

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Darling will melt. It'll be like Hibs in a cup final.

Sorry to dash your hopes but Darling got the short straw.

. shocking comparison, but would expect no better, pathetic
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I think they should have Darling and JoLo against Salmond in the second debate.

To see JoLo boil in the presence of her hero would be lovely.

She works very, very closely with her colleagues down south. Very, very closely.

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The debate won't change my decision or some no voters, but the fact that even small things like the CWG and Obama saying he supports the Union has changed some people's minds means that it will affect some people.

It might not be a big change like 10-15% but even 2 or 3% from No would be a benefit to Yes.

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That's actually from a Salmond rip taking website.

So glad ye reposted pal. :)

Really? I thought it was from a Salmond appreciate site.


. shocking comparison, but would expect no better, pathetic

Pathetic is your new "zzzz" is it?

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Inverclyde Labour goon Duncan 'donuts' McNeil has inexplicably agreed to a debate with the local SNP list MSP. That is an event worthy of TV coverage, of only to see his treble jowl slither around in a hopeless attempt at answering a question.

Scottish Labour leadership potential IMO.

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Insulting someone you don't know and you call me the knob, pathetic

aye just you be like the rest of them on here, just keep telling yourself that, pathetic

A 3rd debate is at least one even two, to many, one would have been more than enough

aye, aye, keep telling yourself that, pathetic

It will not make one ounce of difference to the polls

A prediction, Salmond has to go on the attack, Darling will bat things away, result a stalemate

. shocking comparison, but would expect no better, pathetic


Voting NO because you hate Salmond and the SNP, now that Ecto really is pathetic!!!!

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You do realize the guy put on twitter,he asked him if he could do it and said the salmond agreed and was a very good sport about it

i was only joking mate calm doon and tbh no i did not know that and fair play if true .

although the guy holding flag does look familiar ? has he been on tele for anything before ?

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Guessing the IPSOS-MORI poll will show, before the debate

YES - 41% (+5%)

NO - 51% (-3%)

DK - 8% (-2%)

That's a 55-45 lead for Darling to defend when the DK's are stripped out. It also highlights that Alex Salmond will have to eat in to the soft No's, not just the undecideds.

Disclaimer: The reason I'm projecting such low undecideds is a product of IPSOS-MORI methodology. Instead of asking the question straight up, they ask "If the referendum was tomorrow how would you vote", thus undecideds that are "leaning" one way tend to gravitate towards the preference rather than say they don't know. That remaining 8% are the ones that still have no clue, and could probably be swung by the debate.

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People look wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much into the polls, so many first time voters here I mean not gonna have a guess at numbers but therell be atleast twice as many people turning up to vote here, stop looking into them too much.

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As long as Darling sticks to hitting Salmond with the questions he won't or can't answer, such as the currency, EU membership and the costs associated with setting up the infrastructure of government, then he'll win hands down.

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People look wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to much into the polls, so many first time voters here I mean not gonna have a guess at numbers but therell be atleast twice as many people turning up to vote here, stop looking into them too much.

Twice as many compared to what exactly?

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As long as Darling sticks to hitting Salmond with the questions he won't or can't answer, such as the currency, EU membership and the costs associated with setting up the infrastructure of government, then he'll win hands down.

That'll be the same questions he gets hit with week in week out at FMQ and wins everytime ;)

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As long as Darling sticks to hitting Salmond with the questions he won't or can't answer, such as the currency, EU membership and the costs associated with setting up the infrastructure of government, then he'll win hands down.

He will answer those questions in fact I'll answer them now

Currency - Will be the same £pound as we currently use now

EU - We will be an EU member

Infrastructure - £250m

There ye go....

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Twice as many compared to what exactly?

Twice as many a bit of an exaggeration but how many people voted in the last GE? 2 million or so? Be atleast another 1/1.5 million turning out for this. Ive never know anyone but my gran and maw plus a few pals that vote, every man and his dug are gonna vote in this.

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Alastair Darling is a confused reprobate of a man and given he's got to front some ludicrously flawed principles against one of the greatest debaters of the last fifty years, I'd say he's shitting it right about now.

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