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Very robust defence of Gary Caldwell and Craig Levein on the show last night. Billy Dodds, Kenny Miller and Peter Grant were rallying round the old boys network.


It was also very disingenuous.


Regarding Levein, they said that injuries, suspensions and bad luck have been to blame, and said it would be a crazy decision to sack him so early in to the season. This is where the disingenuous part comes in, as, whilst they briefly touched on it, they tried to portray the shortcoming of the manager as only relevant to this season. They couldn’t see the bigger picture that clearly shows that Levein has been shit and has showed no signs of turning it around for Hearts. I think fans can accept some poor results if they can see a team playing well and improving, but from the highlights I’ve seen and the views on Hearts fans on here, the opposite is true. His wretched record has been highlighted as relegation form, yet is ignored. There was little to no talk about how he’s barely won a game in months, about how poor the football his team are playing is, about how inept his defence has been and about how he’s not utilising players correctly. There’s no evidence to show that he can turn it around. If he was a foreign manager there’s simply no chance they’d all be desperate to make up excuses and write off record breakingly bad runs.


As for Caldwell, Miller said that he put on great training sessions that were always relevant and enjoyed by all. I have no reason to doubt that, but it’s completely meaningless, irrelevant even, when a team does not get results. He said he spoke to Caldwell about Friday’s game and they both thought that Thistle actually played well. Astonishing, as they were awful and even when they had a spell of 15 or so minutes in the second half where they controlled things they still weren’t any good. Bad luck, suspensions and injuries were cited again, and they once again rolled out the tired nonsense about it being too early in the season to sack a manager. Again, totally disingenuous and ignoring the bigger picture, that being that Caldwell simply was not good enough at Thistle. His win rate was dreadful and, much like Levein, performances were poor. The Thistle fans have been going on about how bad their team have been playing for ages, and from what I’ve seen (especially Friday night in the first half) I can see what they mean. Once again, there’s no evidence to show that he’s just having a bad run but can turn it around. It’s not like the performances have been decent but they’ve just been unlucky, or that the fans can see clear progression and believe things will soon pick up.


The show was just a massive pile of nonsense basically. They weren’t really debating it. They were putting together a defense for guys they know (and in Miller’s case with Caldwell, a friend) and doing so in a massively one sided manner, pretty much ignoring or disregarding everything I’ve said above.

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One of the guests tonight actually broke ranks and dared to talk sense over the Levein situation. He noted that the other players in the squad who are currently in the team were signed by Levein and should be good enough, and that they should be desperate to get in to the team and be doing their utmost to keep whoever they replaced out, rather than be a stopgap/placeholder. He also noted that the youth development at Hearts might not actually be that good if players who, when they broke through were good, but haven't been able to sustain form.

Most tellingly of all he dared to point out that Levein's record, going back to the League Cup semi, has been appalling and that the style of play has been poor.

When asked if he Hearts should be punt Levein, the guest stammered a bit and said some change was needed, but pretty much inferred that yes, Levein should be sacked. 

This guest was the voice of reason and voice of sense on the show. Admittedly the bar was comically low given John Hughes and Jim Duffy were the other guests, but he ran rings round them and put over his points sensibly and clearly, and they were very reasonable and backed up soundly.


This voice of reason?

Kevin Kyle. When he's the voice of reason on your show it might be time to change things , especially the useless morons you get on to spout the same cliched pish. Kyle can stay though!

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Ten minutes into today's programme and Brian McLaughlin is already prodding managers to whine about how horribly unfair the world is to managers in the pre match interviews. If this was Italy then half a dozen more dung managers would have been out the door by now and most of those clubs would have improved off the back of it. 

The chief issues with managers in Scottish football are that they i) get handed far too much time to ruin entire seasons by clubs when they've already proven to be fucking useless and ii) the conveyor belt of fucking uselessness produced from the dominant recruitment network of ex-pros, via a Largs coaching setup that is still dining out on having Mourinho there that one time a generation ago. More and earlier sackings of these gormless picks is part of the solution. 

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Chick Young discussing the change in fortunes for Harry Cochrane at being on the bench for Dunfermline, he’s 18 and has been injured for the best part of 2 seasons. Then giving us a real golden anecdote about putting a fiver on 1-1. Then decides to read out the teams. A gibbering moron.

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Once again they are promoting the fact that Bartley is just what Hibs are missing. Wonder if this has anything to do with him appearing on the show a few times...

Kenny Miller calling Ian McCall “gaffer” on the radio is utterly tragic too. Football is the worst at times. 

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1 hour ago, Muzza81 said:

Once again they are promoting the fact that Bartley is just what Hibs are missing. Wonder if this has anything to do with him appearing on the show a few times...

Kenny Miller calling Ian McCall “gaffer” on the radio is utterly tragic too. Football is the worst at times. 

I don't think there's a Hibee on here who hasn't been of this opinion though.

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1 hour ago, Merkland Red said:

I don't think there's a Hibee on here who hasn't been of this opinion though.

Bartley bared played for Hibs latterly I'm sure. They may need a player like him but he is 100% not what they need. He was pretty hopeless latterly for them.

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12 hours ago, Muzza81 said:

Once again they are promoting the fact that Bartley is just what Hibs are missing. Wonder if this has anything to do with him appearing on the show a few times...

Kenny Miller calling Ian McCall “gaffer” on the radio is utterly tragic too. Football is the worst at times. 

Did they mention his, er, chequered past at any point...?


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