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Someone on the Morton fans board saying we are after Jay Bird any of you guys heard anything.? Also what sort of player is he?

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Just now, gmfc said:

Someone on the Morton fans board saying we are after Jay Bird any of you guys heard anything.? Also what sort of player is he?

Hes a decent player tbh work rate let’s him Down at times imo. Bags of quality don’t always see it. Think he’d score goals in the right team would say most championship  teams would be after him up here anyway. Heard Falkirk interested too 

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4 minutes ago, gmfc said:

Someone on the Morton fans board saying we are after Jay Bird any of you guys heard anything.? Also what sort of player is he?

I think when he came to us, it felt like he hadn't played much football in his career, maybe hadn't been used to being a regular starter, so he struggled to get through games at first.  He is without a doubt a natural goalscorer though, he has a real eye for it, and as SmokeyJoe says, in the right team could score a lot of goals.  He doesn't have the greatest workrate at times though, and he can disappear for chunks of a game, but I'd absolutely love it if we were able to keep hold of him next year.  I think its vanishingly unlikely though, he can do better than league one, and I don't think our manager fancies him.  

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14 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:


Easy to laugh but I kind of agree with the sentiment.

A decent signing and some players re-signing and suddenly everyone seems to be happy to give McIntyre more time.

Even if all of our out of contract players re-sign and we bring in a few more players that doesn’t take away from the fact that McIntyre has been a disaster for us with not one iota of noticeable improvement. He’s been incapable of getting anything out of a squad containing (allegedly) some of the best part time players in Scotland and a load of his own signings, and I fail to see how that will change.

I’ve never seen a manager, any manager, turn this kind of situation around in all my years of watching football and I’d be astonished if McIntyre was the one to buck that trend.

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28 minutes ago, lichtie23 said:

I thought we were disgusting tidsy 

It took me a while to figure out what “disgusting tidsy” meant. No we weren’t. We matched an average Championship side apart from lack of composure in front of goal and a weakness they exploited at right back. Dreadful to continue our losing streak and too much hoofball at times but pretty organised and not disgusting. 

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6 minutes ago, Tattie36 said:

Easy to laugh but I kind of agree with the sentiment.

A decent signing and some players re-signing and suddenly everyone seems to be happy to give McIntyre more time.

Even if all of our out of contract players re-sign and we bring in a few more players that doesn’t take away from the fact that McIntyre has been a disaster for us with not one iota of noticeable improvement. He’s been incapable of getting anything out of a squad containing (allegedly) some of the best part time players in Scotland and a load of his own signings, and I fail to see how that will change.

I’ve never seen a manager, any manager, turn this kind of situation around in all my years of watching football and I’d be astonished if McIntyre was the one to buck that trend.



The club have said what's happening, they gave everyone an opportunity to hear what's happening live and in person and the facility to ask any question you wanted if you needed to 

It's not what you want, it's not what I want, it's not what a lot of people want, but it's the reality - the board have made a tough decision and they think that's what is best for the club

They know what the plans are and what McIntyre wants to put in place... we don't, none of us do. So I'm not going to personally sit and be arrogant enough to think that I know best and any other decision is flat out wrong 

So people might not like it, I don't like it. But are folk really going to bang on every day until next season starts like stroppy children not getting their own way because I don't know why anyone would want to do that. They'd maybe be better off screaming it into a cushion instead. What is anyone gonna get out of constantly repeating themselves about wanting him sacked after it's all been addressed by the club and the decision has been made 

McIntyre might not be a success next year. I lean that way with my thinking too but he is here to stay, the board like his plans for next season and going forward that's all he can be judged on, maybe just maybe it will work... 

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5 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:



The club have said what's happening, they gave everyone an opportunity to hear what's happening live and in person and the facility to ask any question you wanted if you needed to 

It's not what you want, it's not what I want, it's not what a lot of people want, but it's the reality - the board have made a tough decision and they think that's what is best for the club

They know what the plans are and what McIntyre wants to put in place... we don't, none of us do. So I'm not going to personally sit and be arrogant enough to think that I know best and any other decision is flat out wrong 

So people might not like it, I don't like it. But are folk really going to bang on every day until next season starts like stroppy children not getting their own way because I don't know why anyone would want to do that. They'd maybe be better off screaming it into a cushion instead. What is anyone gonna get out of constantly repeating themselves about wanting him sacked after it's all been addressed by the club and the decision has been made 

McIntyre might not be a success next year. I lean that way with my thinking too but he is here to stay, the board like his plans for next season and going forward that's all he can be judged on, maybe just maybe it will work... 

I agree with every single word you say.

However all Exile did was express an opinion that many of us probably share.

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5 minutes ago, Tattie36 said:

I agree with every single word you say.

However all Exile did was express an opinion that many of us probably share.


But saying people have been ‘bought off by the board’ re McIntyre because we have announced a signing.

They’ve probably, even though they don’t particularly like the decision, just come to terms with it and are getting on with it like adults



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2 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:


But saying people have been ‘bought off by the board’ re McIntyre because we have announced a signing.

They’ve probably, even though they don’t particularly like the decision, just come to terms with it and are getting on with it like adults



I don’t think he meant literally. Probably not the best choice of words from him granted, but there definitely seems to be an “everything will be fine now” vibe after the last week. Maybe I should stop reading our social media.

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32 minutes ago, Tattie36 said:

Easy to laugh but I kind of agree with the sentiment.

A decent signing and some players re-signing and suddenly everyone seems to be happy to give McIntyre more time.

Even if all of our out of contract players re-sign and we bring in a few more players that doesn’t take away from the fact that McIntyre has been a disaster for us with not one iota of noticeable improvement. He’s been incapable of getting anything out of a squad containing (allegedly) some of the best part time players in Scotland and a load of his own signings, and I fail to see how that will change.

I’ve never seen a manager, any manager, turn this kind of situation around in all my years of watching football and I’d be astonished if McIntyre was the one to buck that trend.

Wouldn’t say im happy to give him time but the board obviously are so no point greeting about it he’s staying so might aswell see what happens. 

from what whispers im hearing and new signings I don’t think we would be far off if things go right but we won’t know that till season starts I guess so no point greeting till then.  

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5 minutes ago, SmokeyJoe said:

Wouldn’t say im happy to give him time but the board obviously are so no point greeting about it he’s staying so might aswell see what happens. 

from what whispers im hearing and new signings I don’t think we would be far off if things go right but we won’t know that till season starts I guess so no point greeting till then.  

Again, I completely agree with you.

We have to give him more time because there is, unfortunately no other option.

All I was saying was that I understood Exile’s sentiment - that “some” of our fans seem to think all is rosy because some players have re-signed and we’ve made a positive signing. Doesn’t and shouldn’t take away from the fact that McIntyre has the worst management record I’ve ever seen at Arbroath…. By a long long way. No one has ever survived anything like this and I don’t understand why he has.

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2 minutes ago, Tattie36 said:

I don’t think he meant literally. Probably not the best choice of words from him granted, but there definitely seems to be an “everything will be fine now” vibe after the last week. Maybe I should stop reading our social media.

Obviously, some dramatic license was employed, but clearly I'm not the only one to see the immediate vibe shift after we announced the shiny shiny new striker and a couple renewals.  It takes more than that to make me go full Clashy!  I think having him in place going into the new season is an absolute disaster, and makes things needlessly difficult.  I've seen some people saying that we don't want to start being a revolving door club of sacking managers....we have *never* been a revolving door club.

Had a look at arbroatharchive:

Dick - Resigned
Lumsden - Sacked, long long, long after we should have
Sheerin - Resigned
Moore - Sacked
Sheerin - Resigned
Weir - Resigned
McGlashan - Resigned
Cairney - Resigned
Kirk - Resigned
Brownlie - Resigned

If I've got that correct, that's two sacked managers in 24 years.  If anything, that is an absurdly low number of sacked managers.   Note also Brownlie, got us relegated, arguably not all his fault, got the summer, had a terrible start.  Also Steve Kirk had a terrible start, kept us up by the skin of our teeth arguably not all his fault got the summer, and naturally enough, had a terrible start to the next season and resigned.

I was fine with us being relegated, but knowing that we're going to be stuck with McIntyre has absolutely stripped any optimism out of me.  We've all seen this story before, we all know how it always ends.  If McIntyre makes a success of things after the start he's had, then he could probably get a documentary made.  Its that unlikely.  So I'm afraid I'm not willing to join the "well, its happened now, might as well clap happily along at the shiny new signings" crowd.


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The “vibes” changed since the meet the manager when it was clearly indicated that he’s here till next season so no point going on about it daily till season starts next season. Let’s see how preseason goes then first few games of season 

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I'm not a huge McIntyre fan and probably would be in the out camp but there is no question he has had some difficult circumstances to judge him on. 

Came into an unbalanced squad already missing one of our best players to injury and then went on a run of bad luck with injuries every week. 

Haven't had a settled back four the whole season and just can't compete with that at this level.

We also were lacking creativity and get Reilly on loan who then like everyone else this season gets injured. 

Some of the signings have been poor and that is my biggest worry but we were forced into picking up what was available.

Hopefully with a decent summer and his own squad we can regroup next season. I'm not convinced but the people in charge think it's the correct move so I will accept it.

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