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Lorne, slice, square

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A multi-page discussion on differing regional vocabulary with shite puns thrown in. Welcome to 90% of threads once the referendum ends and we go back to having f**k all to talk about.

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Slice = the round shit you get on the cheap in corner shops.

Lorne = the same shit you get but from posh arseholes who can't admit they're normal

Square = what it is.

How can it be called "square" when it isn't even square?

No many posh people in The Democratic Independent Peoples Republic of Dundee, and its Lorne.

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Slice = the round shit you get on the cheap in corner shops.

Lorne = the same shit you get but from posh arseholes who can't admit they're normal

Square = what it is.

Nice try, but you're far more likely to find 'steak slice' as a product (not to be confused with bakery item) with 60%+ meat content - the 'Lorne' products are always made from the cheap, sawdust-filled crap that doesn't make the hilariously low grade for 'real' slice.

That they're all at the end of the day different kinds of slice (and different kinds of lips, arseholes etc) is a given.

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  • 3 years later...
Guest Moomintroll

Who cares if it is slice, Lorne, square or any other nonsense. In this time if crisis can we all just agree it tastes orgasmic with a tattie scone in a roll with some butter (or a spread of your choice if you are so inclined ).

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