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I'd be embarrassed that someone so moronic is able to grasp the - perfectly simple - quote function while someone of your education struggles time and time again.

Are you getting on your high horse about sectarianism but at the same time mocking someone that you thinks lacks education ? Yes, you're a real noble guy CTiD.

I'm pretty sure Ludo spells 'I' with a capital letter though if we're going to get all precious about education.

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I don't know why people still respond to trolls it just makes you look as bad as them.

I'm not as angry about the whole thing as most people I've heard from on here and mad but even I thought that statement was a bit light. It should have contained the facts about arrests, behaviour and sectarianism at dens and the derry. That would prove there isn't a problem. By just mentioning the media and not dc thomsons directly they've kind of let them away with it. The whole thing seems a bit generic and the best fans in the world is just meh.

I hope they've had a lot of emails complaining from the people they've shown with the accusations had a drop in sales. I've always thought they'd been pretty fair and have never bought into any of the suspected bias in their football reporting. It looks like their just desperate for people to buy their papers or go on the website and their sinking to tabloid methods.

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If even one member of your support uses that sort of language, I would class that as a problem. By saying they don't have a problem, I believe Dundee FC are claiming that none of their fans use sectarian language, which is almost certainlynonsense. It may be a very small minority who do, but that doesn't mean it should be ignored.

You've made an absolute c**t of yourself here. Look at the speculative pish I've highlighted in your post.

The statement from the club doesn't claim to know the innermost thoughts or beliefs of each individual supporter or what they get up to in their spare time, they are saying there isn't a sectarian problem at matches, and their isn't. I've followed Dundee home and away for 30+ years and I've NEVER heard anything referring to Protestants, Catholics or any religion.

Trying to troll a football club. Dear oh fucking dear. Have a word with yourself.

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Because they are up to their knees in something or another.
Arab blood, mate. In reference to Dundee United fans, not our Middle Eastern brothers. Thank you.
Prove that Dundee don't sing sectarian songs. I look forward to your conclusive proofYour move.
Please prove that the Cowdenbeath hierarchy and fans are not involved in an international paedophile ring. Thank you.
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Turns out that Mark Pirie the 'reporter' who wrote the article concerned is a Clyde fan...

Now, call me suspicious, but was it not a Clyde fan who was much involved in the 100 and odd page thread about the Derry back in the day on here and went on a one man crusade with H_B? Anyone recall his username?

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Turns out that Mark Pirie the 'reporter' who wrote the article concerned is a Clyde fan...

Now, call me suspicious, but was it not a Clyde fan who was much involved in the 100 and odd page thread about the Derry back in the day on here and went on a one man crusade with H_B? Anyone recall his username?

Why does his article have no actual examples or specific incidents rather than just throwing out generic derogatory terms? I'd like to know exactly what he's referring to and if the club are going to do anything about the fans being labelled without any substance whatsoever.

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