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12 minutes ago, Dindeleux said:

Dundee fans are raging that two of their creditors actually wanted the money they were contracted to receive.  Disgraceful stuff from Dodds and Chisholm, trying to pay their mortgage and feed their families.

They were absolutely terrible at their jobs, and should never have been appointed. Chisholm was never really accepted due to being an Arab, but Dodds was a DFC favourite for a long time, but turned into a complete p***k in his media jobs, it was a poisoned chalice for him coming back.

I felt sorry for the players, office staff etc losing their jobs, they genuinely did need the money. The jug eared c**t, nah, sod him, Im glad he got screwed over.

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Copy + paste on McIntyre from last week when a Thistle fan asked about McIntyre.


Yeah, he has a good CV in many respects.  I don't think it would be a bad appointment in the short term, no-one could realistically predict the long term.

Some new managers like to keep things going as they are and tweak things on a small scale, others will want to put their mark on the team straight away.  I think McIntyre would definitely do the latter, and it is probably what Thistle need after things have been stale for so long.

Applying what he did at County to what he might do at Thistle:

  • Preach positive mental attitude to get the squad's confidence up, including giving the appearance of being a strong leader from the touchline and pulling the team over for instructions during small pauses in play.
  • Infuse tactical discipline off the ball.  He won't have the team carry luxury players or those that break the mould, if a young winger lets a full-back run past him repeatedly then he's out of the team.  There is no room for mavericks. Every player has an opponent he is responsible for.  Teams tend to zonally mark across the pitch in modern football, but McIntyre preferred a man-marking system so if an opponent broke through the lines the team knew whose fault it was.  That isn't always the norm, Aberdeen use it quite often and I guess McIntyre probably picked up the idea from McInnes at Bristol.
  • Instil a culture of responsibility and culpability among the players as a result of the above.  It tends to rely on players who are used to the rough'n'tumble of Scottish/British football.
  • Quickly jettison or replace some of the manager's old favourites if they don't fit into his way of thinking.  Some current legends/fan favourites might have to be sacrificed.   
  • Maintain good standards of video analysis and preparation for set-pieces.
  • Use a young player who is underused eg Fitzpatrick as a symbol of progression at the club.  Derek Adams wouldn't trust youth players whatsoever even though everyone thought Tony Dingwall deserved a chance.Archibald has of course used Fitzpatrick and others, but if McIntyre can play Fitzpatrick more to distinguish himself from Archibald then he will. 

Some shortcomings:

  • In reality McIntyre barely allowed any pathway from the academy to the first team at all apart from the token gesture at the start and filling the squad at pre-season.  He showed no direct interest in the u20s because they couldn't be trusted to maintain the standards that the man-to-man defensive structure demanded.
  • He had good ideas tactically sometimes but his strategies would let him down.  It seemed he would lose sight sometimes of what made the team good.  When things were rough no-one could guess the team from one week to another.
  • He had a blind spot for central midfielders.  If they could run the length of the pitch and track their man, that was preferable to someone who could dictate play and thread passes between the lines.  It can be good to have both but McIntyre's systems didn't allow for that.
  • For a manager who tends to play wingers, he has rarely used a winger who could consistently beat a full-back for pace and trickery.
  • The culture of senior players ruling the roost means that they can sometimes seem immune to culpability if they make mistakes when other players might get dropped for similar mistakes.
  • The signing strategy can be haphazard.  There might be an overall aim to build a solid base, but there was such a high turnover of players at County despite the long term objective of having a consistent core to the team for a number of years.



I would put a tenner on his first signing being Martin Woods.

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Just now, Dee Man said:

You reckon they'd have got their money if the club had gone into liquidation?

Probably not to be fair, I don't know the ins and outs of the process generally and Dundee's own most recent admin event.  I would guess that they took legal advice over it and were advised to reject it as they may have got more from the club being liquidated, sale of Dens etc but again I am totally guessing.

I don't have an issue with anyone getting the money they are due.  Football is obviously different from your average business but it is a business.  Dodds, again I would guess, would have more money/savings than Chisholm and perhaps he just wanted to stand by his mate who may have needed the money he thought he was contracted to.  

If you bought a new house based on your boss telling you that you would get a certain amount of money for a certain period of time and then decided to change that a short period later would you just accept it?

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15 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

I can understand why Dundee fans would be raging about Dodds being appointed, and can get that many will see McIntyre as an uninspiring and dull appointment, but why are some losing their shit about it (see the guy who is claiming he won't go back to Dens whilst McIntyre is in charge :lol:)?

Am I missing something?

It’s just a shite, boring appointment and he played for that lot. 

I don’t want anyone at my club who’s been at the filth. Having said that Tommy Coyne fair changed my mind!

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2 minutes ago, Sarto Mutiny said:

Sorry. I'll leave you all to it.

In all seriousness, if I was a Dundee fan I'd be fucking raging at the prospect of Dodds joining.

I was only joking, fire in. By god we deserve it after this appointment! You just know Dodds is getting appointed. 


I’m hoping this is just a bad nightmare :lol:

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23 minutes ago, Dindeleux said:

Dundee fans are raging that two of their creditors actually wanted the money they were contracted to receive.  Disgraceful stuff from Dodds and Chisholm, trying to pay their mortgage and feed their families.

You genuinely think EBT Dodds was struggling financially? 

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Clean slate for McIntyre from me, if he gets the team playing well and we move up the table then Im all for it.

However if there is no sign of improvement the DAB c**t better get less time than McCann, a (still in my eyes) Dee legend.

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2 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

You genuinely think EBT Dodds was struggling financially? 

No. No one was. He wanted his money. Some people have priorities. Mine would have been the club. His was money. 

Past is past and our club survived. You are biting to a Kilmarnock fan. You are much better than this.

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I don't think McIntyre is gonna get anytime at all and that's without Dodds. If we are not flying by Christmas there'll be a certain degree of disgruntlement.

If he appoints Dodds and doesn't get off to a flyer by Christmas, Dens will be struggling to pull a 4 figure attendance.

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1 minute ago, Crawford said:

No. No one was. He wanted his money. Some people have priorities. Mine would have been the club. His was money. 

Past is past and our club survived. You are biting to a Kilmarnock fan. You are much better than this.

Because I'm absolutely seething.

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McIntyre is meh, but he's an improvement on McCann I think. His history with us (especially with his habit of scoring last minute winners in derbies) means he'd be unlikely to be given much time. It would be like us appointing...er...Neil McCann, I suppose.

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2 minutes ago, Crawford said:

No. No one was. He wanted his money. Some people have priorities. Mine would have been the club. His was money. 

Past is past and our club survived. You are biting to a Kilmarnock fan. You are much better than this.

Exactly, it was ok for poor Dodds to cheat the system, however when it was him losing out.... 

Greetin' faced satellite lugged c**t. 

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I couldn’t do that but Billy Dodds would get me contemplating it. He’s genuinely the last guy in footballing circles I want employed by our club. 

He’s a terrific forwards’ coach, and you’ll be doing the nation a favour by getting him off the radio for at least six months. Think of it as taking one for the team.
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2 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

Exactly, it was ok for poor Dodds to cheat the system, however when it was him losing out.... 

Greetin' faced satellite lugged c**t. 

No one can say they are exactly thrilled by it but it is what it is. We got a manager with a wealth of experience and a recentish trophy.

He also is now drinking in last chance saloon at top flight football. He WILL give his all and get the best out of the players. I'm sure of it.

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31 minutes ago, Yenitit said:

f**k off, just f**k off. Please. Thank you. 


I see you missed out his cup success, europe and top 6. 

You've virtually appointed Paul Hartley, if Hartley was an Arab.



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2 minutes ago, Sarto Mutiny said:

McIntyre is meh, but he's an improvement on McCann I think. His history with us (especially with his habit of scoring last minute winners in derbies) means he'd be unlikely to be given much time. It would be like us appointing...er...Neil McCann, I suppose.

To be fair appointing popular (would legends be too strong?) ex players didn’t work out too well for United recently.

I’m more pragmatic.   I’m not too fussed who our manager has played for in the past.

I’m more concerned whether he is able to get the best out of the players.  That’s where I’m just not sure about this appointment.

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