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Tommy Sheridan


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thats who you people look up to !!! 212xsoh.jpg.. Please god end this madness

I'd rather my political aspirations were being fought for by a guy who tried to cover up going to a swinging club than leave them in the hands of folk who want to cover up what Westminster has been doing. No contest really.

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My opinion of him has sky rocketed, whilst I'm the total opposite with George Galloway. As I said in another thread, I can't believe I used to like George Galloway (although thinking Sheridan was a plum was more understandable).

That might sound like I just think everyone who agrees with my political opinions is great and the rest bawbags, which isn't the case. For example, Charles Kennedy is someone who I still respect and even though I don't agree with him on this, I think his heart is in the right place. The difference between Galloway and Sheridan is staggering though. One talks with passion about what he believes in whilst running no one down in the process, the other is a fucking bellend who talks about his nationalistic pride about Ireland and then wants to deny people in his country of birth the chance to do the same.

Agree with all of that.

I really wish Sheridan had the chance to start again. I like to think an iScotland would see the very welcome deaths of the Westminster line manager parties as they are up here to be replaced with a healthy bottom-up rebuilding of politics and new political parties on both the left and right, with genuine ideologies at their heart as opposed to the 'f**k the SNP'/ chase the middle class at all costs type shite we see now. Sheridan's politics is far better off with him than without him.

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Such a shame that he decided to put his personal reputation ahead of his party and the movement when he got caught being a dirty bugger. You can get away with being a dirty bugger. Perjury and personal betrayal not so much.

Edit: Just watched the clip - he's still a terrific orator, whatever his failings.

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Such a shame that he decided to put his personal reputation ahead of his party and the movement when he got caught being a dirty bugger. You can get away with being a dirty bugger. Perjury and betrayal not so much.

Tommy may have an ego moons orbit, but his love of dated rhetoric aside (all that "brother/sister" crap) he's a damn good orator & a man of genuine political conviction to earn enough respect from the likes of the late Phil Gallie (Tory MP/MSP) and Donald Findlay QC that they offered to represent him at the first NOTW trial because whilst hating his politics they didn't like the way they felt Sheridan had been set up.

He's discovered the hard way about how fair weather so-called "comrades" can prove (Anwar, Fox, Galloway, Rosie Kane, Leckie, McCombes), but whilst other so-called Scottish nationalists sulked on the sidelines for most of the campaign because of petted lips with Salmond or the SNP & only came back on board the moment it looked like it was going to win, Sheridan went back to campaigning from the off.

Four groups in the referendum campaign - including the Radical Independence Campaign - refused to give him a platform over past sins. Pity for them the meetings featuring Sheridan were overwhelming successes generating invaluable media coverage whilst their own were roundly ignored.

When all this is over there will be plenty of people willing to take Sheridan seriously again - he has re-earned his spurs with honours. The rest of what Raymond used to call the "buckled Lefties" will be reduced to the laughable irrelevences they always will be.

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Such a shame that he decided to put his personal reputation ahead of his party and the movement when he got caught being a dirty bugger. You can get away with being a dirty bugger. Perjury and personal betrayal not so much.

Edit: Just watched the clip - he's still a terrific orator, whatever his failings.

Call me naive, I always felt that it was more of a misguided attempt at a stand against the establishment. He was set up and the subsequent phone hacking cases have shown that if his 'comrades' had stuck by him, it would have been the notw who came unstuck.

He has an an appeal soon, if he is aquitted i can see a future for him in Scottish politics.

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No I mean not taken 200 grand from the notw to secretly record him.

I see. I have a vague recollection that one of his former friends secretly recorded him and that this was used by the NOTW. I've no idea whether he was paid for it but isn't that all rather beside the point. Sheridan was a dirty bugger and got caught out. I wouldn't have thought any less of him for it (all participants being consenting adults etc.) but to then decide to lie about it and try to force his friends and colleagues to perjure themselves is really beyond the pale for an elected representative.

Incidentallty, my recollection is that the secret recording only came to light after Sheridan was convicted but before the appeal.

In any event the gist of my point was right, you're suggesting that if his colleagues and friends had perjured themselves then he might have gotten away with it. You're not actually suggesting that he didn't perjure himself or encourage others to do so, just bemoaning the fact that he got caught out. That's pretty lame.

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Find it hard to take someone who's been sent to prison for lying under oath serious tbh.

A joke figure for me, amazed and delighted by how much airtime he's got in this campaign.

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