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New national anthem


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We still are a nation! We're getting more power! This is a democratic step forward not an admission of weakness... :)

Aye right like the ones we were getting in 1979 dream on! English MPs are already publicly forming a movement to block these and even if it gets through the Commons which I highly doubt the Lords will block it, expect some tax raising powers so they can then scrap the Barnett formula and we can then pay the difference in raised taxes. The people of Scotland just gave Westminster the biggest endorsement to do what ever they like and they will make sure we never get in a position to have a referendum again. If you think the English will be all sweetness and play nice after that you are living in cloud cuckooland there will be a backlash and a big one.

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Just let the rest of the UK decide. We clearly can't be trusted to make a correct decision for ourselves. It's what most of the electorate would want.

Describes it perfectly. I don't know if I can ever sing Flower of Scotland again, or Scotland the Brave. Neither is appropriate. Someone else said a minute's silence - that seems appropriate. It wouldn't surprise me if England wipe the floor with us in the upcoming friendly. We're not a nation, we can't even describe ourselves as a country. We're a region, north Britain. That's what we were called when the union was first agreed. We might as well go with it. What's the point of having separate "national" teams and leagues when we're clearly not a nation. I'm embarrassed now to call myself 'Scottish', although last night we decided there was no such thing as Scottish. Technically I'm British, but I'll never consider myself that. We bottled it last night. The lies, the scaremongering, the last minute bribes, the biased BBC and the biased written press, they all succeeded with project fear.

I'm heartbroken, but proud of the 1,617,989 who voted for their independence and proud of Glasgow and Dundee, North Lanarkshire and West Dunbartonshire. But I wonder, what will be done to improve life expectancy in Scotland, which on average is much higher in the south of England? What will be done to bring jobs to Scotland, instead of losing around 30,000 youngsters down south every year? What will be done to reduce poverty? England will continue to grow stronger and bigger, using our oil money, while we stay much the same. We had a chance to change things and build a better future. We blew it.

The declaration of Arbroath says, "For as long as but a hundred of us remain alive, never will we on any conditions be brought under English rule. It is not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom — for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself." William Wallace would be ashamed. I'm not sure why we were so embarrassed to bring up our history. All we had to do was put a cross in a box, while Wallace fought and died for our freedom. Then, just over 300 years ago, we were sold out and lost our freedom. Rabby Burns said at the time, "We're bought and sold for English gold- Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!"

We had the chance to correct that yesterday. We failed. If we need a new national anthem, let's use 'Such a Parcel of Rogues in a Nation' by Burns. After all it starts like this, "Fareweel to a' our Scottish fame,

Fareweel our ancient glory;

Fareweel ev'n to the Scottish name,

Sae fam'd in martial story."

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Here's another from Burns, part of which was printed on the Telegraph front cover yesterday morning

"Be Britain still to Britain true,

Amang ourselves united;
For never but by British hands
Maun British wrangs be righted!"


I wonder how he coped with the cognitive dissonance :blink:

Edited by The Old Northerner
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Has to be GSTQ, it's only right and fair as it represents the majority of our residents.

We should also pass a bylaw that only allows the flying of the Saltire in Dundee, Glasgow, West Dumbartonshire, North Lanarkshire and optional in Inverclyde. Everywhere else should fly the Union flag of our proud nation.

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When's the next Scotland game? Will be interesting to see how the fans respond to the FoS.

Personally, I'd revert to GSTQ and let the embarrassment wash over the nation until it finds some balls again a generation or two down the line.

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