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Let Give The Labour Party A Kicking In 2015

Hen Broon

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Historically the SNP have got far less votes at Westminster Elections than Holyrood as voters don't see the SNP agenda as particularly relevant to Westminster politics.

If Constitutional reform becomes a major feature or the Westminster election campaign then the SNP's chances of bringing the bulk of the 45% out are far better.

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Strategically, I would probably be in favour of Labour winning the next Westminster general election. However, with Mr Bean as leader they are severely handicapped. Don't they have anyone better who could replace him?

Hmmm, Labour have just promised to cut Child Benefit and have said on numerous occasions that austerity will continue. There IS no real difference between the odious Milibland and Cameron. One millionaire is more posh than the other millionaire.

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Hmmm, Labour have just promised to cut Child Benefit and have said on numerous occasions that austerity will continue. There IS no real difference between the odious Milibland and Cameron. One millionaire is more posh than the other millionaire.

Unfortunately, it's a two party system at Westminster, due to FPTP. Which would you rather have Tories or Labour?

Personally, I won't be voting. Kirkcaldy always votes Labour, so what's the point?

Edit: actually, scratch that. I always vote for someone. The euro elections are the only ones I bump. I'll wait and see the calibre of the candidates. They usually put no-hopers in here though, as the other parties all know it's a safe Labour seat. I can see Gordon Brown being MP till he dies, unless he fancies a wee stint as FM or a nice wee sleep in the House of Lords.

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As to Hearts and the Foundation of Hearts, I think it's time for Ian Murray to step down as chair. The Labour Party is too toxic and his involvement, apparently, in getting the club to condemn the use of the Hearts crest in the Hearts' fans pro-Yes group is shocking. We need someone non party politcal in position.

The club wanting to maintain neutrality in the most divisive argument to hit Scottish society in generations seems pretty reasonable to me.

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A vote for the SNP is effectively a vote for the Tories. Want to raise the minimum wage, abolish the bedroom tax, avoid an EU referendum or freeze energy prices? Vote Labour.

If you want to give Labour a kicking, do it in 2016 where a vote for the SNP or Greens or Scottish Socialists or whoever you chose won't lead to a Tory government.

A vote for the SNP is a vote for the SNP, no more, no less. While we're on the subject though, it is exactly like the Labour party to find a cause, and do enough to be seen to be doing something, without making a proper difference. Freezing energy prices? A gimmick, the energy sector needs fundamental overhaul, but that would be hard, take a while and might offend people, so instead, Labour will go for a temporary single measure that will do nothing to stem long term price increases. Then your fabled minimum wage increase: Won't track with inflation, so what's the fucking point?

Something the Labour party needs to learn: when someone is drowning, they don't particularly care if the water level has been reduced from 30ft to only 25ft above their heads...

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Hmmm, Labour have just promised to cut Child Benefit and have said on numerous occasions that austerity will continue. There IS no real difference between the odious Milibland and Cameron. One millionaire is more posh than the other millionaire.

It's more to do with getting compliant people who will award the maximum new powers to the Scottish Parliament. In the old days that would have been Labour. These days I'm not so sure. Labour care much more about Labour than about Scotland. Milliband is just awful.

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Historically the SNP have got far less votes at Westminster Elections than Holyrood as voters don't see the SNP agenda as particularly relevant to Westminster politics.

If Constitutional reform becomes a major feature or the Westminster election campaign then the SNP's chances of bringing the bulk of the 45% out are far better.

Small problem here.

The 45% arent SNP supporters

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"Aye, but...but...erm....AYE! Whit aboot Brian Souter!"

I had some anarchist - aye?! - who voted no telling me 'what about Settler Watch'??!! Two cranks who were active 20 years ago?

Labour are completely toxic.

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Unfortunately, it's a two party system at Westminster, due to FPTP. Which would you rather have Tories or Labour?

Personally, I won't be voting. Kirkcaldy always votes Labour, so what's the point?

Edit: actually, scratch that. I always vote for someone. The euro elections are the only ones I bump. I'll wait and see the calibre of the candidates. They usually put no-hopers in here though, as the other parties all know it's a safe Labour seat. I can see Gordon Brown being MP till he dies, unless he fancies a wee stint as FM or a nice wee sleep in the House of Lords.

The message will be the same to London if Labour and Tory maintain their votes here.

It's a big SNP from me. And Green on the 2nd vote at the Holyrood election.

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I had some anarchist - aye?! - who voted no telling me 'what about Settler Watch'??!! Two cranks who were active 20 years ago?

Labour are completely toxic.

Did he ask you about your fellow Yes supporters in Siol nan Gaidheal?

How could you vote on the same side as these vermin?

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Unfortunately, it's a two party system at Westminster, due to FPTP. Which would you rather have Tories or Labour?

Personally, I won't be voting. Kirkcaldy always votes Labour, so what's the point?

Edit: actually, scratch that. I always vote for someone. The euro elections are the only ones I bump. I'll wait and see the calibre of the candidates. They usually put no-hopers in here though, as the other parties all know it's a safe Labour seat. I can see Gordon Brown being MP till he dies, unless he fancies a wee stint as FM or a nice wee sleep in the House of Lords.

We get that same attitude in our locality.

I'm all for compulsory voting.

When in local/general elections our area is lucky if gets between a 27-32% turn-out.

Then people moan about the council or the government of the day. I ask them if they have voted, if they answer no then it's a "Sorry, but if you don't go and vote, then you can't complain".

Political apathy is rife right across the UK.

That's what the people on here wanting to "do-over" labour have to remember. Catching the mood of the YES referendum voters is paramount before mounting an attack on labour.

ETA: Sorry Scary Bear, not getting at you personally, just trying to highlight the problems of trying to remove a Party/MP/Councillor you do not approve of.

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