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General Election 2015


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So the folk of East Renfrewshire want Cameron as prime minister by a whopping 52% - in other words Murphy's vote SNP ge tTories is actually back firing in his own back yard :lol:

Would be fucking hilarious if the Tories came 2nd behind the SNP

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I think the team third bottom should have to change their name, given their league position.

Elect UKIP and we'll have to refer to football as soccer, the table as the ladder, and marmite as vegemite :blink:

Not that I'm being pedantic but there's two countries represented in the A league

There are also two countries represented in this election. If you could Wales as a region of England and NI as a failed statelet.

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Imagine if he loses to a 20 year old novice. Now I have seen her a few times on clips on YouTube and she is coming across a hell of a lot better than she was when she started, but it's her first time out and she is up against Alexander.

And she is winning.

That's a front bench minister with years of political experience.

And she is winning.

That's the mastermind of Labour's campaign.

And she is winning.

And she is going to win.....

Let that sink in folks. This is unchartered territory.

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Genuinely think I will cry with laughter/delight if Murphy, Alexander and numerous other c**ts are indeed launched out.

It will be glorious beyond comprehension.

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Just seen the PEB for TUSC on BBC - nice to see the message that there is an alternative for those of us who don't have an SNP or PC candidate. Only standing in about a quarter of constituencies (not including mine - this time round anyway :( ), but an authentic voice for the workers of this country and the Trades Unions - the only organisations willing to fight for the workers of our country.

As Bob Crow said, "spit on your own and you can't do anything, but if we all spit together we can drown the b*****ds".

Some of us are active Trade Unionists all the time, some only when push comes to shove. Election season is when we can all pull together and send a message that we want what's best, not for those who run the country, but for those who make the country run. Being left-wing is nothing to be ashamed of, and allowing "socialist" to be used as an insult is shameful. Grab your next Tory/Red Tory/LD sycophant candidate and push them to admitting their "Christian Values". Then ask them if Jesus would be happy with their Business-friendly abuse of this country's biggest asset - its people. Before ramming their pretty campaign leaflets up their arse and voting for whatever candidate espouses real humanitarian, decent policies which would make a difference to YOU.

Sure, most of the candidates will be well behind in the final count (you've no idea how jealous I am of those who are part of the revolution in Scotland), but we can send a clear message that what we see from SNP, PC, Green, TUSC and other left-wing parties is what we want. Scotland has woken up to the sham that is the modern "Labour Party" - let's give the rest of the UK a nudge and chase these bastárds - then, and only then, will we have a chance of a Government based on principles and policies, not profit and opportunistic short-termism.

Rant over - but seriously, if you're outside Scotland, don't waste your vote. Make your voice heard.

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Tonight at midnight, one of the main political parties will announce a ministerial appointment in the next government (if they win). Gosh.

My prediction is Gordon Brown being announced as Secretary of State for Scotland.

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Sam Coates Times@SamCoatesTimes 3h3 hours ago

Tonight at midnight, one of the main political parties will announce a ministerial appointment in the next government (if they win). Gosh.

My prediction is Gordon Brown being announced as Secretary of State for Scotland.

He cant. He would have to be an MP and he is standing down. Its impossible

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