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General Election 2015


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Just read through 2000 posts. What a night, seriously what a night. Dumfries went #dece, although unfortunately, our neighbours in the shire couldn't quite replicate what the good public of Dumfries did.

Who could have dreamt of what would unfold. Not only did the SNP win Scotland, they annihilated the opposition.

Murphy - Gone

Alexander x 2 - Gone

Curran - Gone

Sarwar - Gone

Kennedy - Gone

Russell Brown (arsehole) - Gone


Balls - gone

Cable - gone

Davey - gone

Farage failing to get elected.

Then we have the resignations of Ed, Clegg and Farage. The last 24 hours have changed the political landscape of the UK for a long time, possibly forever.

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This isn't really about the Tories for me, I don't see a Labour government as much more preferable, however this is something that is hitting home with a lot of first time voters my age, and second time voters a little older than me, and it's something we should have listened at the referendum.

This is about the fact that Scotland's vote has been completely ignored at this election. At the last election, at least we had 13 MPs in government, and at the three before that the majority of our MPs would sit on the government benches.

I don't really see where we go from here other than giving Alex Salmond a "free role" to be a major pain in the arse in the house of commons, however that probably isn't effective in an absolute majority situation.

I'd love to see someone commission an opinion poll on independence in the next few days.

Yeah bit of a problem eh. We could fix it with independence, but then you voted against it didn't you? Well done

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3.9m UKIP votes = 1 seat. 1.5m SNP votes = 56 seats. Is that fair? @DouglasCarswell @NicolaSturgeon

The seethe from middle England is glorious.

Is it f**k. Middle England is delighted with another 5 years of Tory government.

Thank you, Scotland.

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Is it f**k. Middle England is delighted with another 5 years of Tory government.

Thank you, Scotland.

What you thanking us for? Is it for just electing 1 Tory? Don't mention it.

You lads down there need to have a word with yourselves. You're too fond of the colour blue.

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Just read through 2000 posts. What a night, seriously what a night. Dumfries went #dece, although unfortunately, our neighbours in the shire couldn't quite replicate what the good public of Dumfries did.

Who could have dreamt of what would unfold. Not only did the SNP win Scotland, they annihilated the opposition.

Murphy - Gone

Alexander x 2 - Gone

Curran - Gone

Sarwar - Gone

Kennedy - Gone

Russell Brown (arsehole) - Gone


Balls - gone

Cable - gone

Davey - gone

Farage failing to get elected.

Then we have the resignations of Ed, Clegg and Farage. The last 24 hours have changed the political landscape of the UK for a long time, possibly forever.

Just realised that Mhairi Black unseated the guy responsible for BT Patronising Lady! How ironic.

You reep Dougie and you sow...



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Here is a thought:In 1918 Irish Election Sinn Fein got less of the vote (3.1% less) that the SNP got in this Scottish Election.

I do like the way the Tories are talking about change and I do hope they look into this as we all know the Smith Commission doesn't go far enough. It is obvious that the Scottish Public wants more change and that imho is either independence or full fiscal autonomy. So hopefully they will listen or I think the next election the SNP will put in Independence on their manifesto.

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I'm kinda gutted I missed the 1am-4am declaration hotbed, we're never going to see a night like that again.

Next year at Holyrood it's just going to be the SNP holding a lot of seats they already won, the only thing that could make it a fun night this time next year would be the SNP getting over 50% of the FPTP vote (They were rounded to 50.0 today, but got slightly less than half the votes) and the Greens having a big night on the list.

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Heard some analyst on the radio earlier saying it's been a bit of an open secret in the political world for a while that the Tories were likely to outdo their poll predictions and some were even surprised their majority is only 12

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