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Racist term openly used on this board and condoned by mods.




We are active supporters of the "Show Racism the Red Card" and will not tolerate racism of any kind on the board. Anyone posting what we deem to be racial abuse will be banned for life.

Those are the words as they appear in the forum rules.

Legal definition of racial-

"A racial group means a group of persons defined by reference to race, colour, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins."

Teuchter definition-

A derogatory word used by Lowlanders for a Highlander.



TEUCHTER, n. A term of disparagement or contempt used in Central Scotland for a Highlander, esp. one speaking Gaelic, or anyone from the North, an uncouth, countrified person (Cai., e. and wm.Sc. 1972), jocularly also applied

Ethnic definition-

pertaining to or characteristic of a group of people sharing common and distinctive culture, religion, language or the like.

A common culture-


Teuchter is, by definition a racial slur. Sort it mods.

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Apparently most real teuchtars are too busy out farming sheep or interbreeding with family members to spend much time on here. These plastic caber-tossers rip my weegie knitting...

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We are active supporters of the "Show Racism the Red Card" and will not tolerate racism of any kind on the board. Anyone posting what we deem to be racial abuse will be banned for life.

Those are the words as they appear in the forum rules.

Legal definition of racial-

"A racial group means a group of persons defined by reference to race, colour, nationality (including citizenship) or ethnic or national origins."

Teuchter definition-

A derogatory word used by Lowlanders for a Highlander.



TEUCHTER, n. A term of disparagement or contempt used in Central Scotland for a Highlander, esp. one speaking Gaelic, or anyone from the North, an uncouth, countrified person (Cai., e. and wm.Sc. 1972), jocularly also applied

Ethnic definition-

pertaining to or characteristic of a group of people sharing common and distinctive culture, religion, language or the like.

A common culture-


Teuchter is, by definition a racial slur. Sort it mods.

You need a joint pronto!

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TEUCHTER, n. A term of disparagement or contempt used in Central Scotland for a Highlander, esp. one speaking Gaelic, or anyone from the North, an uncouth, countrified person (Cai., e. and wm.Sc. 1972), jocularly also applied

Both links are 404's.

Taxi for the attention whore.

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Am I the only one who thinks he's winding you all up?

He has been trying this line for about 6 months and no one is paying him attention. When you have to start a thread for the moderators to wind up people in the BRALT you are trying way way too hard to be on the wind up any more.

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He has been trying this line for about 6 months and no one is paying him attention. When you have to start a thread for the moderators to wind up people in the BRALT you are trying way way too hard to be on the wind up any more.

Fair enough. I have absolutely no idea what BRALT is so I've never seen this before.

In that case: f**k off you teuchter c**t.

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I'm from Perthshire so obv we don't have these lowland problems over social class.

Down side though is that you still think Burberry is fashionable and souped up tractors are as cool as monster trucks ;)

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The only Highlanders you see nowadays are English Royalty and Arabs. We got rid of all the inbred yokels during the Teuchter Clearances - a great moment in Scots history where we fucked them all off to the Yanks and replaced them with far more intelligent (and attractive) sheep.

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