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OCD. Does anyone suffer from it?

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if i told you i have over 2400 unread emails in my works in box you'd probably explode.

i read them in the viewer and if i dont need to reply i just file them.

I just deleted 850 unread emails today, the last time it was over 4,000.

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I reckon I probably have it. I wash my hands a ludicrous amount of times a day, before I eat anything from a packet of crisps to a single biscuit or something I get the urge to wash my hands, and if I don't I wont eat it. Its a similar sort of thing with my dishes in the house they all have to be spotless. Checking doors are locked several times and plugs are off is another big one. I should probably go to the doc....
Yes. I absolutely have to masturbate at least once a day.
I wash my hands pre and post chug. Does this mean I have an O.C.D.?
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Very much this. People seem to be absolutely desperate to be told they have something wrong with them.

You've got something wrong with you.

Not saying for a minute that they’re not real conditions that can be serious in extreme cases, but there does seem to be a rush to overdiagnose things and medicalise behaviour, especially in kids. Nobody but nobody’s got a kid who’s a wee shite anymore, he’ll have ADHD. Nobody’s got a wean who’s a bit glaikit, instead he’ll be on the autistic spectrum, and so on.

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I have to make sure things like notifications on my phone, Facebook or whatever are all dealt with. It annoys me to buggery when there's an unread message or update that I haven't processed. And my battery always has to be above 20% which is a problem as I have an iPhone.

And I have to be early for everything. At least 5 or 10 minutes. I don't know if that is OCD or just like being organised though.

That's being called "a woman".

What sort of "women" do you know?

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I have to make sure things like notifications on my phone, Facebook or whatever are all dealt with. It annoys me to buggery when there's an unread message or update that I haven't processed. And my battery always has to be above 20% which is a problem as I have an iPhone.

And I have to be early for everything. At least 5 or 10 minutes. I don't know if that is OCD or just like being organised though.

I'm the same with notifications. The problem here is that I usually check them when I'm not able to respond to them immediately. This then means I forget and people think I'm ignoring them.

That's being called "a woman".

I display precisely none of the other behaviours mentioned.

I do, however, have some little quirks that it turns out a lot of other people have. I can't stand emails sitting in my inbox. I sort them into folders whenever I can and if I can delete them, even better.

Numerical volume scales will eventually kill me. They absolutely must be on a multiple of five. If I can't find one that's a comfortable volume, it must then at least be an even number. It's just a shame that I sometimes need to adjust the volume while driving, usually because my husband thinks he's in Spinal Tap and sets it to 11 meaning I have to change it.

None of my quirks have a huge impact on my life at all. I certainly don't have OCD and if I did, there'd be millions of us walking around with it.

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Cannot leave the house without turning off all plugs!

Always check that I've locked the door and often go back to the house to make sure doors are locked! I will pull the handle down 6 times after I've locked it to make sure. I get very unsettled if I think it's not locked. To combat this I think of something unusual when locking the door so that if I think about it during the day it triggers my memory to the unusual thing.

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Cannot leave the house without turning off all plugs!

Always check that I've locked the door and often go back to the house to make sure doors are locked! I will pull the handle down 6 times after I've locked it to make sure. I get very unsettled if I think it's not locked. To combat this I think of something unusual when locking the door so that if I think about it during the day it triggers my memory to the unusual thing.

I used to do this with my straighteners! I had to turn off the socket with my foot or bend in a specific way so that I'd remember having done it later on. I never once actually left straighteners on when I went out but I got the fear regardless.

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I'm the same with the iron. I usually said in a loud voice "THE IRON IS OFF" to remind myself the iron is indeed off, but even then you're not sure.

When I was living in Edinburgh, I was having a night out in Glasgow and I was so convinced / worried that I'd left the iron on, I got the train back to check. It was, of course, off.

I've now developed a foolproof way of avoiding this situation from ever happening again. I never iron anything.

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Another "condition" from the recent craze for wanting to be diagnosed with something.

See also food intolerance's, dyslexia, adhd.

People need to get a fucking grip of themselves.

Solid post. Conditions like adhd, dyslexia etc are part of the normal spectrum of human behaviours. IN extreme cases they do impact on a person's ability to function in school and other social settings.

Don't get me started on the medicalisation of masculinity in schools though.

It really is PC gone mad.

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I have some habits but I wouldn't go as far as too say I have ocd. I've seen the extreme cases on the tv and I don't get into a state like them I just get a bit annoyed. I know someone who apparently didn't get into the army because of it so I know it could be a lot worse.

All my dvds, cds and games are in alphabetical order. All my calendars have to be on the right month or I'll have to change them immediately. Remotes or coasters on a table must be at a right angle. The volume always has to be an even number or I'll change it. The weirdest one is my iTunes every song has the absolute correct grammar and spelling, the album has to be the studio album it was on and the artwork is always included if it's easy to find. It's sad how much time I must've spent getting album covers off wikipedia.

I don't go around telling people this because I don't want to be one of those people who are desperate to have something, it also stops people taking the piss :lol:

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My missus definitely has a touch of it. Before she goes to bed she checks every single plug socket. I'm nit sure entirely what she does but she spends an age doing it and I think she looks at each one and counts to a certain number. When we leave the house she locks the door and does the same thing to the handle, like a check that it's locked then 3 more quick fire checks to make sure; and more often than not asks me not long after if she locked the door, which becomes a bit irritating! I'm not even getting into her housework compulsion! F£cking nightmare to live with at times.

I have small traits but certainly wouldn't class myself as one. My biggest one is with my dvds. I need to have each genre together, sequels go first and in each genre the films with the same lead actor stay together. I uses to just have them all alphabetically but with over 600 odd dvds that system doesn't work once you get a new dvd and have to fit it in then move 400 other dvd's one space to accomodate it; just naw!

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