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Jim Murphy


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In Scotland its pretty obvious,uk wide i dont care

Fwiw we were in a similiar position under swinney

Come on Fishy. It was never that bad. We had 500% more MP's elected under Swinney's stewardship than Murphy did under his

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They did well in the 2010 election, because Brown's government were popular. I want Labour to do well in 2016, but I care a lot more about them doing well in 2020.

That's the problem, you've got this back to front. You can't do well in Scotland in a general election before you repair your approach inside Scotland. The time of relying on someone like Brown at a UK level has gone. Scottish politics has changed but Scottish Labour has failed to adapt.

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They did well in the 2010 election, because Brown's government were popular. I want Labour to do well in 2016, but I care a lot more about them doing well in 2020.

I think there's a lot of undue panic about Labour's prospects in Westminster. True, they're probably fucked in Scotland for the foreseeable future, especially if they keep Murphy, but they've rarely relied on the Scottish vote anyway. The swing they need in England and Wales isn't huge, and who else are people going to vote for?

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"We've become Northern Ireland" :lol:

I said it the other night, but there it is right there. Everyone involved with the party, from the Ian Davidson WATP types to the hipster runt on here; they fucking hate Scotland now. Hate is the only rational response they have left, as they haven't a clue as to what's caused their obliteration.

Congratulations to everyone involved with kicking the utter shite out of them on Thursday. Just a year to go until their jelly and ice cream death is final.


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I would like to see a refreshed, independent Scottish Labour back at some point in the distant future. However, I am not content with how they have been punished so far. Obliteration in Holyrood next year should just about do it. I for one hope Jim Murphy stays on as leader, he is a disaster and seems to have turned into some kind of robot only capable of saying certain phrases and repeating these to any question asked. It would be funny if it wasn't so enraging.

In summary, at the moment 'f**k Labour'

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No leader should survive what happened to Labour in Scotland. Whether Murphy does or not remains to be seen.

He will certainly try to cling on for as long as possible, but will be under pressure to go.

Neil Finlay resigns from the shadow Cabinet but doesn't have the guts to call for Murphy's resignation.

Murphy is an unpopular clown and although I would like to see him humiliated into resigning it may be in my long term interest as an SNP supporter to see him remain.

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Paul Sinclair's hatchet job on Murphy in today's Sunday Times was terrific reading: Murphy as the Paul Le Guen of Scottish politics. :lol:

Rats fighting in a sack now.

Sunday Herald, no? Good and fascinating piece. He is every bit the total knut we all think he is.

Read it in the SH today, paper copy. Would like an e-version to send out.

Edit - it was Paul Hutcheon in the SH. Maybe we're both right?

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I noted in the herald article a reference to Labour treating MSPs as second rate. A few years ago i had a conversation with Connarty because i wanted to go to the House of Commons. I asked him about Holyrood and whether I'd be able to do some compare/contrast between the 2. No point going to Edinburgh was the gist of the reply. It's that disregard for Scotland that has fucked them in the end.

I've no idea where they go from here. A strong opposition is healthy in politics but the SNP have moved into what would traditionally have been regarded as heartland Labour policy. And many among their core vote won't be happy with the direction they will head down south.

By the time Cameron has finished another 5 years of kicking f**k out the weakest and the squeezed middle it will be a genius who can explain why we'd still be better together

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Is Jim Murphy a secret Tranny? he looks like he plucks his eyebrows, wears make-up and wears fishnet stockings when behind closed doors! :yucky

He coloured his hair until recently. Image is everything to him.

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Sunday Herald, no? Good and fascinating piece. He is every bit the total knut we all think he is.

Read it in the SH today, paper copy. Would like an e-version to send out.

Edit - it was Paul Hutcheon in the SH. Maybe we're both right?

The Herald reports on the comments, but Sinclair's hatchet-job calling Murphy out in those terms is in the Times.

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What do you think Scottish Labour should do?

Figure out what they are actually for and get that message out. The negative campaign run for this election was terrible. Misreading Scotland after the referendum was a mistep as well.

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English labour want and need to become more Blairite though if they're going to improve their showing in the marginals.

The Scottish and rUK sections of the party are on completely different paths now.

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I don't think anyone can do any better at the moment and another leadership election would be terrible for party unity. Labour in Scotland are in trouble and stability is important. Murphy is the only person who I think can save the party from itself. Going for a no-mark radical would make a terrible situation worse. As far as I can tell we would end up with that, or a poorer version of Murphy.

Personally I think a stronger UK party will make more of a difference to Scottish Labour's fortunes than who's leader of Scottish Labour.

You must have a few MPs that lost their job better than Jim Murphy as i thought he would be a good but imho he has been terrible. How about Douglas Alexander which I thought he spoke very well at after his defeat.

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