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P&B Out of the Loop

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I could easily make my own StandFree style seethe list, given that the replies I got were about as predictable as it gets.

Im surprised you havent yet, seeing as youve stolen everyones elses patter already

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I could easily make my own StandFree style seethe list, given that the replies I got were about as predictable as it gets.

You play Goat Simulator so making that list would probably be the closest thing you ever get to real friends.

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I think this was the advice given to someone on P&B who's car was overheating. Not sure who the posters were though

Not just on here. I used to work for a company whose biggest transport vehicle used to have steam belching from under the hood within five minutes of running. They refused to get it fixed because it was technically, technically possible to keep it going by WDTWATTHUF. I ended up on a death march/drive up to Inverness in the damned thing in the middle of Summer, which killed the van and didn't do much for the rest of us either.

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Were you in the toilet doing things to make the fat boy cry?

Or were you in the fat boy?? :huh:

Lying on the floor looking under the stall wall? :unsure:

I've caught folk doing that before. Not while I was crying, though.

Anyone ever had your toilet neighbour's foot slide under the wall and try to rub against yours? :lol:

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That guy takes his mod power way too seriously

I got a final warning for suggesting that a certain oriental cuisine is not my choice of 3am drunken food :lol:

The very same fascist Mod gave me a warning for telling a Hibs fan (TGIG?) to f**k off and die. Censorship IMO.
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No, I was tapping dripping cocks with my gold-topped cane.

When you caught someone, did you smile at them then pull your best gurn as you squeezed out a hefty shud?

I was so surprised that I didn't get the chance. They looked terrified to have been noticed, scrambled to their feet, and slammed out of the door. Entirely covered in pish, judging from the state of the floor :yucky

And no, no footsie in the bogs! I'm glad you got to meet George Michael though.

That's happened more than once to me too, although never in Scotland. First time it happened, I was just a nervous teenager, so I whipped my foot away in a panic and the lad got the hint. Last time I was worldly-wise enough just to say "no thanks", which got the same reaction. Seemingly very polite laddies, these cottagers, although clearly not very choosy. Talk about a lucky dip - "who's in the lavvy today?" :lol:

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