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Question Time


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23 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Surely everyone in the audience has an interest in politics and supports one party or another? 

I have an interest in politics but don't have an opinion on everything.

Question Time use to be good when it was a subject where both sides had a point.  The best bits were when I could say "oh, I hadn't thought about that".

Nowadays on Question Time they just talk past each other.  For example, it would be nice if a Leave voter could really say something that made it obvious why leaving was such a good idea.

Instead they just talk to their own crowd and maybe Remain does as well.

Zero enlightenment.

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17 minutes ago, Fullerene said:

I have an interest in politics but don't have an opinion on everything.

Question Time use to be good when it was a subject where both sides had a point.  The best bits were when I could say "oh, I hadn't thought about that".

Nowadays on Question Time they just talk past each other.  For example, it would be nice if a Leave voter could really say something that made it obvious why leaving was such a good idea.

Instead they just talk to their own crowd and maybe Remain does as well.

Zero enlightenment.

I very rarely watch it, afraid I have very little interest in what the "random" man on the street thinks. The format has died a death, politicians reading out loud  from their head office list of talking points and the token celebrity trying to come up with something left field to impress their twitter followers. Here's a suggestion, select an audience with shared problems and aspirations, say zero hour workers, and let them ask the politicians what they're going to do to help.

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4 minutes ago, MixuFixit said:

You can surely appreciate the difference between giving a spotlight to e.g. a member of the public unconnected to a party but with clear sympathies and a party activist.

Not really. One's more lazy?

Edited by welshbairn
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43 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

I very rarely watch it, afraid I have very little interest in what the "random" man on the street thinks. The format has died a death, politicians reading out loud  from their head office list of talking points and the token celebrity trying to come up with something left field to impress their twitter followers. Here's a suggestion, select an audience with shared problems and aspirations, say zero hour workers, and let them ask the politicians what they're going to do to help.

Or on the Today programme, or Sky News, or a factory floor in Stoke .  .  . 

Patronising and insulting, but sadly par for the course. 

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Could be worth a watch this week, just for the giggles. Kirstine Hair [emoji848]

No fucking way! The Conservatives obviously are very poor on vetting their attendees. I really hope she gets ripped to shreds on numerous issues, the main one being that she didn’t vote on the Brexit referendum as the issue was “too complicated” for her pretty little, born into money, farming c***s, mind to comprehend. She’s as vacuous a person as you could ever hope to meet.
I’m really fucking embarrassed that she represents my constituency. Bint!
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23 minutes ago, Brother Blades said:

No fucking way! The Conservatives obviously are very poor on vetting their attendees. I really hope she gets ripped to shreds on numerous issues, the main one being that she didn’t vote on the Brexit referendum as the issue was “too complicated” for her pretty little, born into money, farming c***s, mind to comprehend. She’s as vacuous a person as you could ever hope to meet.
I’m really fucking embarrassed that she represents my constituency. Bint!

Same here....when you ask Brexit voting anti SNP work friends who they will vote for.....they say it wont be her...utter bollocks!! 🤣

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"that's not what i am hearing on the doorsteps"..... never been seen anywhere in Angus!! [emoji1787]
She and her lackeys doorstepped one of colleague's pals a day or two ago and was politely told to bolt. Another lackey turned up half an hour later and was less politely told to bolt.
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21 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

Why can't the SNP talk about the issues instead of just banging on about independence? They're obsessed.


We said No to Brexit, why won't they listen!!1!11!

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 She doesn't look terrible, but she looks really weird. Like she should be 50 years old but is only 30 but without the haggard features.

I was quite shocked when I found out her age, genuinely thought she was 55.

Political insight for the day for you all. :D

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