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Clarke Carlisle


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I think this is a perfectly fair criticism. People who commit suicide do so after having made a conscious decision to do so - there are many ways to do this, and taking the option Carlisle did is indeed selfish, as it brings another individual into the situation.

Whether the decision to end his life was a rational oneis a separate issue. Having made the decision to do so, he chose a way which would indeed have adversely impacted the life of a completely innocent second party.

Got to agree with this, excellent post.

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Dee Man, on 05 Feb 2015 - 14:41, said:

Do you think depression is a valid excuse to ruin someone else's life?

Are you saying it wasn't a selfish act, New Dom Dom?

The act is obviously a selfish one in itself. Never disputed that. I'd dispute that he was in any position to tell the difference though.

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The act is obviously a selfish one in itself. Never disputed that. I'd dispute that he was in any position to tell the difference though.

I doubt depression denies you the faculties to decide whether jumping in front of a truck would impact on the driver's life or not.

Did his statement include an apology to the driver?

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Bit shocked that Ralf Little has had a go. I guess his beef is with selling the story but bloody hell, mental illness is seriously one of the biggest issues in this country and anything that spreads awareness has to be good. Whatever their differences in the past i think it was uncalled for that Little should get involved.

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I doubt depression denies you the faculties to decide whether jumping in front of a truck would impact on the driver's life or not.

Did his statement include an apology to the driver?

Im with you all the way Dee man!!

Its all me me me with these people and from what i read there was no mention to the bin lorry driver who was just a guy going about his daily business and then having this inconsiderate selfish moron doing this to him. There is obviously a major risk of causing further collisions with other vehicles, not sure how busy the road was at the time or where it was but all in all f**k Clark Carlisle the selfish w****r

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Im with you all the way Dee man!!

Its all me me me with these people and from what i read there was no mention to the bin lorry driver who was just a guy going about his daily business and then having this inconsiderate selfish moron doing this to him. There is obviously a major risk of causing further collisions with other vehicles, not sure how busy the road was at the time or where it was but all in all f**k Clark Carlisle the selfish w****r

His wife apologised to the truck driver, on her twitter.... Modern world is fucked

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I completely agree - I have seen first hand the number of people whose lives get torn apart from actions like this and he should feel thoroughly ashamed of himself and apologise. He did it on the same day the devastation occurred in Glasgow as well where 6 innocents were killed by a lorry and theres this arsehole purposely throwing himself in front of one! Absolute w****r

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I completely agree - I have seen first hand the number of people whose lives get torn apart from actions like this and he should feel thoroughly ashamed of himself and apologise. He did it on the same day the devastation occurred in Glasgow as well where 6 innocents were killed by a lorry and theres this arsehole purposely throwing himself in front of one! Absolute w****r

In what way does the bin lorry incident have any relevance whatsoever to Clark Carlisle trying to kill himself? Are his actions somehow made worse because people died being run over in another country (after he actually tried to call himself)?

Haven't you said you suffered/are suffering from depression? I sincerely hope it never gets so bad that you want to kill yourself. You can say with absolutely no certainty what you would do in that situation.

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In what way does the bin lorry incident have any relevance whatsoever to Clark Carlisle trying to kill himself? Are his actions somehow made worse because people died being run over in another country (after he actually tried to call himself

Was he in?

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I completely agree - I have seen first hand the number of people whose lives get torn apart from actions like this and he should feel thoroughly ashamed of himself and apologise. He did it on the same day the devastation occurred in Glasgow as well where 6 innocents were killed by a lorry and theres this arsehole purposely throwing himself in front of one! Absolute w****r

You're a tube.

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The guy's an arrogant attention seeker.

Does he have depression? Quite possibly. However depression doesn't explain his arrogance and his continued media/pr campaigns.

Interesting he and his wife thought the best time to show the public the respect they deserved was after he hadn't been mentioned in the media for a month suddenly getting him, his sad depression story and bad luck story full public knowledge just as the CPS/courts were due to sentence him for his despicable crime again which depression is no justification for.

I do hope he gets the treatment for depression he needs but at the same time think his PR people should keep his depression off their workload.

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The guy's an arrogant attention seeker.

Does he have depression? Quite possibly. However depression doesn't explain his arrogance and his continued media/pr campaigns.

Interesting he and his wife thought the best time to show the public the respect they deserved was after he hadn't been mentioned in the media for a month suddenly getting him, his sad depression story and bad luck story full public knowledge just as the CPS/courts were due to sentence him for his despicable crime again which depression is no justification for.

I do hope he gets the treatment for depression he needs but at the same time think his PR people should keep his depression off their workload.

Clarke Carlisle's PR people? What other staff has the big man got?
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