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Willie collum

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The highlights don't really show the red card incident. Which may be because there's no incident, but there's no way of knowing from that n

Likewise the first penalty may have been a foul, but the camera is late.

The second is iffy and the third is a joke.

Not really sure how a kick to the shins is iffy

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For some reason I thought you were an Ayr fan.

Seems strange for you trying to see things that aren't there to support Killie, so maybe I've got that wrong?

Or maybe the fact someone who very openly hates Killie can tell the referee was correct with that call tells us that the referee was correct with that call.

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Only about to read the thread, so might be way off the mark!

However, as much as I believe the referees in Scottish football are totally inept. There's only one man that I genuinely believe steps on the field to make it his show rather than referee the game, and that is Willie Collum. There's not been many games I've witnessed when he's been the ref and it's not been the Willie Collum show. Seems intent on annoying both sets of fans equally on the offchance he's not making an absolutely ridiculous decision just because he can.

As a side not, best referee? Dundee were utterly pumped on Thursday, so it doesn't make it a game good enough to judge him on, but Kevin Clancy seems the type that goes under the radar except for that one notable incident with Ciftci against Inverness which wasn't really his fault.

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StandFree03, on 02 Jan 2015 - 17:20, said:

They are though. Utterly hopeless. The linesmen are brutal as well, usually shit scared to flag for fouls that happen right in front of them and god knows what rules they get taught at referee camp or wherever the stupid c***s go.

Many referees actually explicitly tell their linesmen (Sorry, 'assistant referees') not to call for anything and leave the decisions to them, unless they're asked for advice. Only to flag for offsides. No idea if this is against the rules or not, but it was a former ref that told me that.

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Having just watched the highlights, that's some amazing refereeing going on there. Do they get a Bonus for Penalties and Cards given out or something? Is there a quota? The 1st and 3rd penalties were just crazy, you'd be giving a penalty every attack or set piece and the 2nd was Soft but I can kind of see why it was given if I squint. I was surprised at the 1st Red and I thought they had stopped yellow carding that celebration unless they jumped into the stands bizarre.

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The guy should get suspended for that display today.

3 wrong penalties and never a red card there was no headbutt.

1st was very soft slight tug should of gave a penalty at every set piece if he was consistent.

Penalty he gave us at the end was a complete joke never a penalty.

as a neutral have just watched the highlights on t v. thought he got all the decisions right.
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I still remember the seethe from Celtic fans in 2011 when Collum "cheated" them out of a win. So for that I say cheers ta, Willie Collum (still got relegated though :( )

or the time he gave a penalty while looking the other way

guy's just shit, he'll f**k up everyone eventually.

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I honestly think he might have. It was for a foul on Goodwin of all people as well... :lol:

He also intercepted the ball while we were on the attack and started a Killie counter that he eventually stopped by awarding us a free kick for... nothing I guess.

The guys round me were laughing their heads off at that. ...big howls when he got in the way leaving Killie in a really dangerous position. Then blows for absolutely nothing to save his arse if they had scored....was glad of it at the time but a complete nonsense peice of refereeing.

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The referees are terrible in Scotland. You cant really argue with that.

Well, I'll argue with that ;).

So terrible that 2 of Europe's 22 elite referees are Scottish, making us 1 of only 5 countries with multiple representation :rolleyes:?

(Incidentally the other 4 are the powerhouses of England, Germany, Italy and Spain).

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as a neutral have just watched the highlights on t v. thought he got all the decisions right.

Likewise except I thought all the penalty decisions were laughable, bordering on corrupt. And the showing off when he red cards McLean - oooooft, what a fucking c**t - calm down, come here ... gotcha get off!

Just an absolutely loathesome little twerp.

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Not sure about the photos but he's still regarded as one of our top refs by the SFA despite regularly coming under fire for putting in shite performances.

Is it the case that certain refs are put up as the creme de la creme by the authorities and then they shite it to put them back down a peg or two in order to save face?

Every club, every manager, is looking for excuses when they get beaten. Who is the most obvious person to turn on, well the referee of course.

Willie Collum is highly respected in Europe, rated among the top officials there, and by the FIFA. The referee that never made a mistake is yet to be born.

Clubs from top to bottom have 'diving coaches'. Players are constantly trying to gain advantage by cheating. See what the referee has to contend with at EVERY corner from top club down to the ten yearolds. Obstruction, jersey pulling arm tugging. Any referee could award ten penalties in any grade at every corner kick. Then we have the media who just pick on their favourite referee to weekly to tear to ribbons..

Collum the other week was castigated on awarding a penalty, but it was assistant who assured him it was a penalty, when the player had simply slipped.

Leave the referee alone and blame the incompetent managers and their equally incompetent players.

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Many referees actually explicitly tell their linesmen (Sorry, 'assistant referees') not to call for anything and leave the decisions to them, unless they're asked for advice. Only to flag for offsides..

Lead up to incorrect penalty 2 I'd have been happy for assistant to even do that right. On 3 occassions managed to bollocks up simple who touched it last what way is the throw in decisions.

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Every club, every manager, is looking for excuses when they get beaten. Who is the most obvious person to turn on, well the referee of course.

Willie Collum is highly respected in Europe, rated among the top officials there, and by the FIFA. The referee that never made a mistake is yet to be born.

Clubs from top to bottom have 'diving coaches'. Players are constantly trying to gain advantage by cheating. See what the referee has to contend with at EVERY corner from top club down to the ten yearolds. Obstruction, jersey pulling arm tugging. Any referee could award ten penalties in any grade at every corner kick. Then we have the media who just pick on their favourite referee to weekly to tear to ribbons..

Collum the other week was castigated on awarding a penalty, but it was assistant who assured him it was a penalty, when the player had simply slipped.

Leave the referee alone and blame the incompetent managers and their equally incompetent players.

Absolute nonsense. Likewise the ludicrous premise that players and managers aren't criticised.

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Every club, every manager, is looking for excuses when they get beaten. Who is the most obvious person to turn on, well the referee of course.

Willie Collum is highly respected in Europe, rated among the top officials there, and by the FIFA. The referee that never made a mistake is yet to be born.

Clubs from top to bottom have 'diving coaches'. Players are constantly trying to gain advantage by cheating. See what the referee has to contend with at EVERY corner from top club down to the ten yearolds. Obstruction, jersey pulling arm tugging. Any referee could award ten penalties in any grade at every corner kick. Then we have the media who just pick on their favourite referee to weekly to tear to ribbons..

Collum the other week was castigated on awarding a penalty, but it was assistant who assured him it was a penalty, when the player had simply slipped.

Leave the referee alone and blame the incompetent managers and their equally incompetent players.

Now *that* sounds more like Supras.

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Many referees actually explicitly tell their linesmen (Sorry, 'assistant referees') not to call for anything and leave the decisions to them, unless they're asked for advice. Only to flag for offsides. No idea if this is against the rules or not, but it was a former ref that told me that.

Willie Young operated that way, although he also told them to flag for shys and corners. He was crap too.

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Every club, every manager, is looking for excuses when they get beaten. Who is the most obvious person to turn on, well the referee of course.

Willie Collum is highly respected in Europe, rated among the top officials there, and by the FIFA. The referee that never made a mistake is yet to be born.

Clubs from top to bottom have 'diving coaches'. Players are constantly trying to gain advantage by cheating. See what the referee has to contend with at EVERY corner from top club down to the ten yearolds. Obstruction, jersey pulling arm tugging. Any referee could award ten penalties in any grade at every corner kick. Then we have the media who just pick on their favourite referee to weekly to tear to ribbons..

Collum the other week was castigated on awarding a penalty, but it was assistant who assured him it was a penalty, when the player had simply slipped.

Leave the referee alone and blame the incompetent managers and their equally incompetent players.

Oh the irony - A Sevco fan complaining about diving in football - Rangers have been notorious for playing divers for years.

I was there on Thursday and have to say we won because of Collum. I don't think we would have scored otherwise

While I thought we were the better team I can fully understand the anger of the St Mirren fans - that was the worst display of refereeing I have seen since Bob Valentine's display in the cup tie at Pittodrie in 1982. Collum must have got at least 25 decisions wrong on Thursday

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