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Line of Duty.

John Lambies Doos

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11 minutes ago, Jim McLean's Ghost said:

Also the switcheroo with the police vans resulted in no bullets being fired when previously the OCG have been willing to get in firefights with police.

The getaway driver sat in the range rover watching it all unfold and thinking "I will just sit here and wait until they arrest everyone and then tell me to get out the car, driving away is a hassle". 

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A couple more thoughts:

  • Buckles was obviously covering for Osborne - it literally couldn't have been telegraphed any louder without him saying "I'm covering for the Chief Constable"
  • Carmichael alluding to it being easier to look the other way kinda gets to the point of the issue - how was AC 12 really going to take down Osborne? it was never going to happen with so many people just refusing to acknowledge the open secret about institutionalised corruption at the top levels
  • Am I the only one who thought the guy playing Ryan Pilkington was a bit rubbish?
  • The Terry Boyle ending had me punching the air. Delighted to see him as a free man



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That ending left me with the same empty feeling you get when you wake up early from a dream and are momentarily raging cos you want to know how it concluded. And like a dream it sort or meandered trudged on without any real meaning or drama. Even the long, long, long dramatic wait to the big reveal only for it to be Buckles was underwhelming and shite. At this point usually in the narrative of the series, I'm expecting another 2 or 3 episodes to show how it wasn't Buckles after all but here's your last minute plot twist and that leads to your big memorable showstopping finale. I was still expecting it when they were in the pub getting sentimental, I was thinking one of them were definitely dying 

However, the episode, particularly the last 10 minutes certainly had a feel of wrapping everything up, right back to going through each series' main antagonist in the photos at the end. 

I reckon we're done with it. 

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3 hours ago, Albertlegend said:

If Buckles is the mastermind why was he shaking like a shitting dog when Lakewell got Murdered? 

Why did he Have Kate on his squad? 

How easily was he set up by Jo? 

Why did he need Ryan on his team? 


buckells said he was just a go between,not a mastermind-just a bent rozzer who helped out the OCGs-theyre still the ones calling the shots,as  they demonstrated to him by murdering lakewell in front of him

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i think i posted something similar earlier in the season but the Lawrence Christopher stuff makes me wonder if they've decided to start to completely shift the focus away from cops n' robbers (well, OCG) and just go in more heavily on police covering up racism. Felt like most of that last season was hampered by indecision in the writing. It's got the feel of retconning in a racism angle to it rather than having any sort of grand plan about it all being about institutional racism all along for the show.

Another part of me wonders if its even more simple and they shat out of making Hastings "H" because he was too popular, he looked really shifty a few times in that last episode.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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I'll turn to a positive from last night.

The only satisfying part of the entire ending was Terry finally getting what he deserved. He was manipulated and coerced by the OCG since series 1 and was easily the most wronged person on the entire show. It was a good conclusion to have him end up somewhere he wasn't being controlled anymore. 

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5 hours ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:

Another part of me wonders if its even more simple and they shat out of making Hastings "H" because he was too popular, he looked really shifty a few times in that last episode.

They’ve never fully explained why he got rid of his Laptop either, unless we are expected to believe that he really was just watching porn.

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I thought this series had been the strongest up until last night but that was such a let down.

If Buckles was behind it why did they kill Lakewell in front of him in prison, like who gave the order if it wasn’t Buckles?

Why did Jo say that she framed Buckles when she was getting interviewed if he was in charge?

Loads of unanswered questions, doesn’t make sense for that to be the end. Probably my favourite series of all time tbh but the ending was just underwhelming, praying for a series 7 to restore faith.

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The reservoir incident put Ryan under suspicion too soon and his storyline was made worse by not giving him an interview scene or even him and Steve coming face to face. 

The box including the knives was more tying up loose ends for the police rather than the viewers. Given Ryan was already in training and the OCG had no obvious leader after Corbett’s death it’s bizarre Ryan didn’t dispose of the knives himself. Also Gates was dead so why keep that knife.

Fairbank return was meaningless as he didn’t contribute anything to the story other than an unconfirmed link to Jo. They should have had him either faking then letting the mask slip when interviewed or someone who has brief recollections of the past when prompted.

Buckles interview like Jo last week was drawn out too much with so many “No Comment” answers. If you want us to at least believe Buckles was top man then make him show his true colours under interview. He still came across an idiot instead of someone with this sinister side who orders killings.

Although fair play to Chloe who did most of the work on the case herself.


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