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Inverness Caledonian Thistle F.C. vs Celtic F.C. // SC Semi Final

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Caley boss John Hughes refused to be drawn on the ban but admitted Celtic were RIGHT to complain.

He said: “I’m 100 per cent behind Celtic. Unfortunately it’s the referee that gets it.

“It was a penalty and a sending-off. It would have been 2-0 and game over but I’m 100 per cent convinced that it was an honest mistake by the officials.

Got to wonder about our boss sometimes.

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They received a formal letter from a member club. I don't think a couple of hundred people howling at the moon purely because they don't like Celtic will have the same impact.

In that case fans should pressure their individual clubs to send a formal letter to the SFA. Or just write one big one and get all 41 other league clubs to sign it stating that this is pish. By your logic that would get this case thrown out immediately.

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We could be taking legal action against the SFA.


Will we be backed by Celtic and their fans who have mantained for years that the governing body and Scottish football is corrupt to the core and the officials are all against them, or are they happy with things to continue and they can wallow in their victim mentality?.


We should also be pushing for video evidence to be used for dubious decisions involving goals, penalties and red card offences, we can't continue to allow incompetent referees to ruin games without giving them as much help as possible :)

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Against lossless image compression formats :angry:

Sorry m9. Got it from a m8 on Facebook.

Guess which team has the most penalties awarded to them and the least against them this season?

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Listening to the sportsound podcast, Vincent Lunny came on and mentioned the compliance officer is entitled to offer this ban because the match officials missed a red card offence.

It's the first hand ball on the goal line incident to be raised but it seems the Compliance officer is entitled to raise this complaint.

I think Josh is fooked, unless one of the officials throw themselves in front of a bus and admit they seen it but didn't give it.

Which poses what for me is the most important question in the whole affair; why have they decided for the first time to cite someone for a missed handball.

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Which poses what for me is the most important question in the whole affair; why have they decided for the first time to cite someone for a missed handball.

It may be the first time that the compliance officer has had the issue raised.

The SFA have the chance to set a precedence now. They can either dismiss the case and say that deliberate hand ball is not to be dealt with retrospectively or they can act upon the complaint and open the floodgates for many many similar issues to be raised.

The ball is with the SFA now.

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Ideally the match officials should be allowed to referee a match without interference from outside and using a replay for evidence by an official in the stand in contact with the match officials on the pitch is fine for rugby with its stop start nature but for football maybe not.

The argument over other sports having a "stop-start" nature, and this not being suited to football is ridiculous. The last world cup had the ball in play for an average of 57.6 minutes (http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/archive/brazil2014/statistics/index.html) - the missing half hour suggests there is plenty of time for an official to have a second look at an incident.

Field hockey uses a single review system at the top level, where the captain can ask for a review of decisions in the circle which may lead to a penalty corner/penalty stroke/goal, or any of those being overturned. They get one shot, if they are right, they keep the review, wrong and they lose it. The umpire is also allowed to review any goal themselves if need be. Hockey at the top level is similar in speed and ball in play to football, and it hasn't held them back.

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It may be the first time that the compliance officer has had the issue raised.

The SFA have the chance to set a precedence now. They can either dismiss the case and say that deliberate hand ball is not to be dealt with retrospectively or they can act upon the complaint and open the floodgates for many many similar issues to be raised.

The ball is with the SFA now.

I hope they don't use an arm to control it...

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Obviously the stakes and the pressure is higher now than ever when it comes to decisions by match officials. Ideally the match officials should be allowed to referee a match without interference from outside and using a replay for evidence by an official in the stand in contact with the match officials on the pitch is fine for rugby with its stop start nature but for football maybe not. I would in some way though prefer to see decisions made during the game and not in retrospect unless it was an incident of a violent nature that wasn't picked up. I hope we win our appeal as it could kick off a lot of future disputes with the SFA. As I have said before Celtic have gained nothing out of the SFA Compliance officer's decision.

We do have an amazing amount of technology available but some of it is expensive but who would pay for it?.

Maybe its not all down to incompetence from match officials either, they have to make a decision using their own eyes and mistakes do happen. Where as some of us have the luxury of video replays to guide our own opinions.

Their is far too much at stake now not to utilise technology to assist referees calling the correct decisions and I'm fully aware that celtic would no longer be the beneficiaries of a great deal of these "honest mistakes".

It really is the only way to ensure that poor refereeing is identified and corrected when it matters and not at some meeting 2 days later when the damage has already been done.

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If the SFA had the ref's report on Monday after a Sunday game it's another first given the number of times I've read of them still waiting for a report midweek from Saturday games.

It must not be forgotten in this story that in the SFA's rush to follow their rules to the letter they have somehow overlooked offering Zaluska his ban after his assault. Yet again it's one rule for the bigots, another for the rest.

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Alan Muir told the ref the ball hit Meekings in the face. Quite obviously the ref missed the incident so couldn't comment. He will have to at the appeal.

Doesn't that mean the officials saw it, but called it incorrectly? In which case, Meekings has no case to answer.

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Anyone else fucking bored of this saga already?

Yup, we should just give ra Sellick their threble and hang the officials from Sunday's game from the lamposts outside the SFA offices at Hampden and be done with the whole sorry episode ;)

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