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The Great Big Kilmarnock Thread

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Higginbotham linked to ICTFC :-) :-).

Would he be a good signing for us?
















*I am of course kidding. 

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Fucking lighten up you. He's shite anyway.


If Higgy moves and then scores against us then that's just life. I'm looking forward to next season simply due to the fact that Clark is clearing out the squad. At least if it all goes wrong then he'll have lived (and died) by his own players and decisions.

I would still build the team around Magennis, Boyd and Kiltie, despite Boyds age.

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Fucking lighten up you. He's shite anyway.

Have to agree. I can't understand people getting misty eyed at all the recent departures. Have they got a memory block at the turgid shit we've been subjected to over the last few seasons. It can only get better (hopefully).

Sent from my hairy sphincter!

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Have to agree. I can't understand people getting misty eyed at all the recent departures. Have they got a memory block at the turgid shit we've been subjected to over the last few seasons. It can only get better (hopefully).

Sent from my hairy sphincter

Very much this

Clarke has kept his promise to clear out the deadwood. I am looking forward to next season for the first time in quite a few years to see what LC can accomplish .

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In an official club capacity?  Wonder what he is up to.

I was told that he will be there as club representative and that those who are taking legal advice re the vote of no confidence will not be there as a result of him going

As for your 2nd question ..who knows what goes on inside his head , but he has got balls .

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KSA meeting lasted 3 hours, mainly due to MJ blethering on every time he was asked a question, usually without providing an answer.


He doesn't think that he is to blame for any problems at the club.  Claims that he needs to be there until at least 2019 because of the deal with the bank.  Obviously he can't provide any details of the deal.


Squirrelhumper got a mention :lol:

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