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What's your biggest regret of your life so far

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Too many to mention and some are to painful to relive, most of them revolve around woman and doing/saying something stupid and ruining a good thing.

One that I continually kick myself over is turning down the chance to go to the Isle of Man TT races back in 2000, I would have been 15 and although I had a vague interest wanted to just spend my summer playing football so told my Uncle that I wasn't bothered. That years event turned out to be a memorable one, as the legend that is Joey Dunlop took 3 wins at the age of 49. He died a few weeks later in another road race in Estonia. Never got to see, undoubtedly the best road racer and never got to experience the atmosphere either. Took me another 12 years before I decided to go to the Isle and wished I had done that a lot sooner.

Should have stuck at driving lessons when I was younger too.

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I've a million and one daft ones, like most young men I was a bit of a dick and I cringe inwardly when I recall some of my antics. Nothing outstanding but I did have a casual disregard for other people or things while I was trying to prove myself (and to myself) as a whacky 'don't give a f**k' kind of guy, the irony escaped me at the time.

Financially, when I bought my old flat the bank were trying to get me to take out a bigger mortgage and while I made a bit of a killing on the one I bought, I could have got a wee 3 bedroom house that would have set me up very nicely. All hindsight because nobody knew (well certainly not me) that house prices were going to go daft. I also didn't want to leave myself short in my pissing up fund either. :thumsup2

I've got a few 'one that got away' burds I suppose but while the current Mrs Root can do my head in, I don't think I've done too badly there and it seems they're all a bit batshit crazy anyway. :lol:

I'm happy enough we 'ME' to be honest and it's mostly the being a dickish yoof that I regret but it seems that's part of the growing up process for some of us.

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Good thread.

Like the poster above, I don't have too many, maybe wish I'd stuck in at cricket as I was pretty decent as a kid and picked for regional teams at u13 level alongside a couple of guys who went on to play for Scotland at full level e.g Majid Haq who was at the world cup just there, however the jump to u16s was too much and I chucked it after a year of hardly getting a game and when I did play hardly getting involved. Realistically tho the best case scenario would have been playing a few games for Scotland while not being good enough to go full time pro.

If I could go back to leaving school I'd have done a different course at uni, probably something more maths or statistics based, I was kinda led into studying accounting as it was supposed to be a fast track to a decent job. However I really didn't like the course or most of the folk on it (full of posh c***s who already had a job lined up at daddy's firm) and I wonder how things might have turned out if I'd done something I was more likely to enjoy. I'd probably still be in academia and have had a beard for the last 5 years.

The other fork in the road would be if I'd tried to make a career in NZ and become more serious with the girl I was seeing. She knew well in advance I was only staying for a few more months when we met so there was never any talk of moving in etc. We're still friends now- indeed I had dinner with her and her boyfriend when I was over in February- she's most likely over there for good and I probably made the right decision to come back, but there's a definite "I wonder what if I'd stayed" scenario that plays in my head from time to time.

Obviously millions of smaller regrets, many at 4.50 on a Saturday thinking "why the f**k did I travel to this away game to watch this shite".

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Obviously millions of smaller regrets, many at 4.50 on a Saturday thinking "why the f**k did I travel to this away game to watch this shite".

Let's hope tomorrow's another one. :)

Although it doesn't really matter much now...

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Should of taken driving lessons when I was 17 when I got given them. Now at 29 I was taking lessons for 6 months or so. Failed theory twice both times being on the hazard and perception and now I havnt went back to driving. Plenty jobs out there I could do but need a driving licence.

I need to sort this out. Now I'm angry with myself at this

G, sorry, but a trained monkey would pass the theory test.
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They only had multiple choice questions when I did it right enough. What else is it now?

Hazard Perception. A maximum score of (I think) 5 for each hazard, one video clip will have two hazards in. You click as soon as you spot a hazard. The earlier you spot it, the higher your score. Spot it too late, don't click at all or click too many times and you get 0. You can click more than once - and obviously everyone does to make sure they get it - but then you risk getting a 0 score. You'd actually have to sit constantly clicking for that to happen though. I thought I'd done really well on mine but I just scraped through and even managed a 0 on one question somehow.

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Should of taken driving lessons when I was 17 when I got given them. Now at 29 I was taking lessons for 6 months or so. Failed theory twice both times being on the hazard and perception and now I havnt went back to driving. Plenty jobs out there I could do but need a driving licence.

I need to sort this out. Now I'm angry with myself at this

Is this maybe a reason why your opinion on most Dundee threads is totally opposite from everybody else?

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Not going to the funeral of one of the best guys I've ever known. I couldn't get time off work. Should've jacked the job. Still haunts me with guilt.

Wouldn't worry about it, if he was that great a guy he'd have said don't worry about it come if you want if you can't make it no worries.

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