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Turning my back on Rangers?

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I'm not a Nationalist.

May I ask what proof you have to back up your assumption because there's only two things you've learned about me in our discussion. 1) I don't believe a Scottish team should ever have a "Scottish players only" signing policy. 2) I voted No in the independence referendum.

None of those things make me a "British Nationalist".

Of course you are, you're a British nationalist. I've been reading your posts, you're as big a nationalist as anyone on here.

You seem annoyed I was able to make that judgement (correctly) about you very quickly, but at the same time totally oblivious you did that about me before I even mentioned you. Hypocrite much?

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Oh dear. Only 38% of the electorate voted for independence. That means 62% of the electorate didn't. Imo 62% is nearly 2/3rds of the electorate. HTH

That is clearly not what you posted is it ?, you made a bold claim that two thirds of the country did not vote for independence implying they had voted.

You do realise that nearly 2/3rds of the country did not vote for independence

What you suggested is just some twisted facts to enhance your deluded nationalist agenda, the voters who absconded their vote might have wanted to vote yes or no. You are claiming victory from nothing here other than some twisted facts in your favour.

And before you try to twist the facts again in your next reply, adding those who absconded from voting as a no vote is just twisting of the facts. The other 15% who didn't vote might have been enough yes votes to have won independence. You just don't know, but I do know some that were going to vote yes but bottled out of voting all together because of the governments campaign that things would go pear shaped for Scotland.

54% of the electorate who cast their vote voted no, that's the only statistic that matters. Those who didn't vote at all don't count.

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That is clearly not what you posted is it ?, you made a bold claim that two thirds of the country did not vote for independence implying they had voted.


It clearly was what I posted. I quite speciffically claimed NEARLY 2/3rds did not vote for independence and that is factually accurate. Anything else is just made up fantasy by yourself

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It clearly was what I posted. I quite speciffically claimed NEARLY 2/3rds did not vote for independence and that is factually accurate. Anything else is just made up fantasy by yourself

Just as predicted in my post, you completely missed the point to promote your deluded ideology.

15% of the electorate who could have voted did not vote at all, these votes not cast may have been or may not have been yes or no votes. Try to get it through your thick skull that these votes in an election are void and useless and count for nothing in the votes that were cast.

You initially implied that nearly two thirds of the registered electorate had actually voted no in your post which is a lie.

I see you carry that warped philosophy that goes around that if you don't vote for Labour might as well call it a vote for the Tories even if you would have voted SNP in the first place.

What about the rejected ballots ?, would you like to add them to the no vote you idiot ?, while we are at it there were 1.6 million people <> who did not register to vote at all, would you like to add them to your didn't vote yes accumulator ?

In fact if you put together all the people who didn't cast a vote plus rejected ballots and factor in those who didn't register to vote I can do the same as you're trying to pull by claiming nearly 4 million people didn't vote no at all. Which means that only 2 million people actually voted no and I'll count the rest as a yes vote and nearly two thirds of the nation didn't actually turn up and put an "X" in the "NO" column. :1eye

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It was entirely counter-productive. In the early days of the Champions League, clubs took the 3FR on the chin....second rate players like Stefano Eranio and Daniel Massaro picked up medals which would probably have gone to Dejan Savicevic or Jean Pierre Papin had Milan had their way, but it was the anullment of JMB's contract, upon being deemed illegal and unconstitutional under EEC employment law, which had never been challenged before, from where the restriction on movement of labour was foisted upon Uefa to deal with due to being judged unlawful. There was no room for movement and in the immediate season, the likes of Machester Utd no longer had to leave out two of Irwin, Cantona, Keane, McClair or Schmeichel like the year before. Add Hughes and Kanchelskis to that, and suddenly half a team was previously unavailable. On the judicial side, sportsmen had never really been considered 'employees' until that point, indeed they were effectively slaves until Jimmy Hill led the movement which succeeded in having the maximum earnings abolished in 1963 or 64. Uefa's difficulty was in non EEC passport holders within the common market (eg Hristo Stoichkov, Florin Raducioiu, Robert Prosinecki to name three) utilising the same entitlements as their peers, so dropped the term 'foreigners' and in many cases countries adopted a maximum on number of such players on the books or in matchday squads. Without Bosman, the rest simply just couldn't have happened because the clubs were pissed off about it. Unless someone else came along.

You're forging a link that doesn't exist, simply because the timeliness roughly coincide.

The eight diddies rule was abolished because big clubs didn't like it, finding it restrictive. The Man United example you give is a good one as it illustrates that Bosman changed nothing on that front.

There's an irony that teams like Rangers wanted the eight diddy rule scrapped, little realising that it was their best chance of 1993 style success, because it restricted the genuine giants from fielding world XIs.

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Wrong wrong wrong. The findings of the cases FC Liege, the Belgian FA and Uefa vs Jean-Marc Bosman were that in line with EEC law, imposing quotas was deemed illegal. The clubs, in their own immediate short-sightedness, backed the club and Uefa unanimously during the case, hoping for a verdict which would exert continued control over their assets. Given that JMB was wishing to move from FC Liege to Dunkirk, the agenda of European competition eligibility rulings was probably the furthest thing from his mind. Once the EEC got involved, there was nothing the clubs could do whether they wanted to or not. How anyone could see the outcome as being bad for any party is beyond me, i know it doesnt fit the agenda that Scottish football's been shafted in all of this (no one moaned when Lambert was pocketing his CL winners medal.....) because it really hasn't.

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You do realise that nearly 2/3rds of the country did not vote for independence ? Glasgow was one of only 4 constituencies that actually did vote Yes. .

Ok QC..here is exactly what I posted on the independence vote. Everything in that statement is quite specific and accurate.

I have no interest in anything you have to say on Politics. I have no interest in anything you have to say on Rangers. I have no interest in anything you have to say on Scottish football. In short I have no interest in anything you say on any subject. The only reason I am even replying to you is you are just making shit up about the above post. Now it is there for all to see we can move on.

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hellbhoy cuts another notch in his stick......

He is nothing but an attention seeking twat ... His part in the PMing other members to try and form a wee gang says all you need to know. I have said for a while now he is best ignored but at the same time i am not letting him totally misrepresent what i posted.

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How old were you?

I had just turned 16. The revelation started when was out golfing and not giving a f**k as Scott McDonald scored two goals to give Rangers the title. Not really much point in following a team where you shrug your shoulders to winning a title like that.

I didn't fully make the transistion until around the time George Burley took us on that unbeaten run. A footballing heart to heart with friend on a September weekend away was what helps make the transistion. I took a bit of stick (all in good faith mind) for being a gloryhunter about it, but it worth it in the end.

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I had just turned 16. The revelation started when was out golfing and not giving a f**k as Scott McDonald scored two goals to give Rangers the title. Not really much point in following a team where you shrug your shoulders to winning a title like that.

I didn't fully make the transistion until around the time George Burley took us on that unbeaten run and took a bit of stick (all in good faith mind) for being a gloryhunter about it, but it worth it in the end.

Rangers win the league and are behind Hearts at the start of the next one so you switch to Hearts.

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Can some mod punt this monumental pile of shite to The Catharsis thread?

If no such thread exists then can we create an Ex-Bear Drama Queens - We all understand your trauma sub-forum?

Someone is definately not liking people giving their reasons for walking away from Abomination FC?

There must be a certain percentage of folk who feel burdened by being 'locked in' to the supporting Rangers thing and may prefer do be done with it and especially all the related traditions.

Its like those movie crowd scenes where one brave wee guy stands up and goes against the mob mentality, then another, then some more, and finally most of the 'good guys' ;) have seen common sense and done the decent thing.

(probably starring James Stewart)

or the Romanians turning against Cosescu (sp?)

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I actually think the op is a spoof

But know of a good few people in my social circles who have ditched Sevco because of the referendum behaviour, massive Scotland fans and yes voters who actually went to Ibrox aswell

Truly Scotland's shame

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I actually think the op is a spoof

But know of a good few people in my social circles who have ditched Sevco because of the referendum behaviour, massive Scotland fans and yes voters who actually went to Ibrox aswell

Truly Scotland's shame

the spoof angle crossed my mind as well, and if so a decent bit of plausible trolling. Apologies to OP if not.

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I actually think the op is a spoof

But know of a good few people in my social circles who have ditched Sevco because of the referendum behaviour, massive Scotland fans and yes voters who actually went to Ibrox aswell

Truly Scotland's shame

Scotland said no!

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Ok QC..here is exactly what I posted on the independence vote. Everything in that statement is quite specific and accurate.

I have no interest in anything you have to say on Politics. I have no interest in anything you have to say on Rangers. I have no interest in anything you have to say on Scottish football. In short I have no interest in anything you say on any subject. The only reason I am even replying to you is you are just making shit up about the above post. Now it is there for all to see we can move on.

You come across as a cnut at times don't you. Everything in your statement wasn't true at all other than just a bunch of facts & figures manipulated like what governments do to make things appear better for them. Seeing as you want to be quite specific and accurate, I'll put forward that out of a population of nearly 6 million just over 2 million people actually voted no on their ballot papers. Just let that sink in, it makes the no vote look insignificant when facts & figures are twisted to promote another agenda even though in reality the countries registered voters voted no to independence.

He is nothing but an attention seeking twat ... His part in the PMing other members to try and form a wee gang says all you need to know. I have said for a while now he is best ignored but at the same time i am not letting him totally misrepresent what i posted.

Now you've have just went that extra mile to look even more of a tit than you really are ! :lol: , PM'ing other members to form a wee gang ? FFS this makes your Celtic View thread a credible thread telling the truth.

Your mind is completely warped at times and why you get the title of "the two No8's", one day your friendly then next day you are all over the place insulting the same poster as an attention seeking twat and shit.

Do have a nice day. :)

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