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Gideon's All Singing, All Dancing Budget. 8th July

I'm Brian

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Going to be on holiday when all this kicks off.

I work with homeless families in Dundee. The last couple of years have been pretty brutal in regards to welfare cuts, however, my feeling is that it will be nothing compared to what we are going to experience in the upcoming years. I honestly can't see where further savings can be made without the most vulnerable being absolutely hammered.

Housing Benefit, Jobseekers, and Child Benefit would be my guess as to where the hammer will fall. Either way the Tories slash and burn of the welfare state is going to be on an unprecedented scale.

The Tories really are a bunch of fucking c***s!

Yip, Child Benefit will be limited to two kids, Jobseekers will probably go completely for under 25's, Housing Benefit will be cut.

And Tories like Sooky will ignore all of it and pretend they're decent human beings.

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Public support is on the side of the Tories. That's who they elected.

It's for the rest of us to defend our demands democratically and using peaceful methods.

Rioting is for twats and never works.

Rioting may be for twats, but it definitely works, every now and then.

Scotland quietly objected while England tore the house down. Who was more effective in getting rid of the Poll Tax ?

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And so it begins...

Georgie Boy and his crack team at the Treasury have called an emergency budget for July the 8th.

I kind of get the impression it is going to be pretty painful for all...except of course the ones at the top who will increase their wealth even more.

The world's most famous towel folder has over the course of the last five years failed at every turn. I see no reason to think he will perform any better over the next five years.

All of the spin and the misleading statistics he has thrown at us over the course of the last parliament fail to cover up that we are in a horrendously shit position and his policies have failed in a big way.

Obviously scroungers and layabouts will be targeted, and bear the worst of the cuts, and probably some more family silver sold off at a knock down price to his friends, but what else can we expect.

My money is on income tax rises and massive cuts to government departments.

What else?

You having a breakdown are you.

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Yip, Child Benefit will be limited to two kids, Jobseekers will probably go completely for under 25's, Housing Benefit will be cut.

And Tories like Sooky will ignore all of it and pretend they're decent human beings.

Why should we be sponsoring people to have children? child benefit should be limited to the first 2 children and completely removed from families/single parents earning 50k or more.

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We won't get anywhere by saying we can't fix abuse in the welfare system without also tackling abuse in the tax system.

And you are wrong to talk about no abuse of the welfare state. Almost £1 billion of welfare fraud is not an insignificant problem.

And we certainly do have many thousands of people who have never worked and don't want to.

We won't get anywhere by ignoring that either.

Abuse of the tax system is much harder to fix and needs a different kind of solution.

I agree that there has to be a mature debate regarding the welfare state, however, a debate cannot be had without the inclusion of pensions which makes up nearly half of the total spend (around 70 billion per year). It has been an area that all the parties have refused to discuss for obvious reasons

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Rioting didn't end the Poll Tax.

Lack of support amongst her own people ended it.

The failure of the much more widespread miners strike just a few years earlier should have taught you that really.

I guess yet again we'll need to agree to disagree

The lack of support was due to spineless arseholes in Thatcher's govt seeing that the public were revolting and there cushy little careers were under threat.

The miners strike taught me that the Labour Party were arseholes who would abandon their principles at the drop of a hat.

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It is hardly a rant Kev old boy, it's the chilling realisation that the real Tories are about to be let of the leash.

You celebrate that all you like.

I wont celebrate anything they do not when it concerns welfare cuts.

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I wont celebrate anything they do not when it concerns welfare cuts.

Yet you cheerlead against the SNP. The only major party who are actually against welfare cuts

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Thats correct i do but lets be honest even the snp would make make cuts to some degree.

Through your blind hatred you haven't being paying attention to the details have you?

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Blind hatred is on all sides to be fair

It is, but there also plenty of pragmatists as well. You however don't fit into the latter category.

You are quite happy to support parties who support massive cuts to the welfare budget, because they are not the SNP. And then tell me you don't support welfare cuts

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Yes and that would have been the sight of hundreds of thousands of people protesting in the streets.

Nothing to do with violence.

Yes that definitely made them sit up and take notice in Scotland who as previously stated legitimately and peacefully protested.

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I don't think that many people actually abuse welfare. Or don't want to work. That's just the narrative the Tories have built with the right-wing press to legitimise their attack on the welfare state which is entirely ideological.

If you look at the figures abuse of the welfare state costs buttons, tax evasion costs much more but you don't hear nearly as much about that and not much has been done about it. Coincidentally the Tories' mates and backers are the biggest tax evaders.

David Cameron's father was a prolific tax evader, so is his father-in-law, so is George Osborne. He personally has a £4 million trust fund in the Cayman Islands.

These people are beyond contempt. Poor people are going to get poorer and rich people are going to get richer. People will commit suicide because of what they are about to do. A million people already depend on foodbanks just to survive, that will increase.

Thanks very much no voters, and Tories. They deserve each other, but we don't deserve either.

You might want to look up the difference between avoidance and evasion and get a lawyer who can defend you for libel

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It is, but there also plenty of pragmatists as well. You however don't fit into the latter category.

You are quite happy to support parties who support massive cuts to the welfare budget, because they are not the SNP. And then tell me you don't support welfare cuts

The snps main aim is indepedence does that mean everyone who votes for them does so on that reason no it does not.

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Abuse of the tax system is much harder to fix and needs a different kind of solution.

:lol: That sounds like it's right out of the Tory handbook.

Let me interpret it for you. It's far easier to attack the poor than it is to attack the rich and we're not interested in the poor anyway '.

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