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Gideon's All Singing, All Dancing Budget. 8th July

I'm Brian

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And so it begins...

Georgie Boy and his crack team at the Treasury have called an emergency budget for July the 8th.

I kind of get the impression it is going to be pretty painful for all...except of course the ones at the top who will increase their wealth even more.

The world's most famous towel folder has over the course of the last five years failed at every turn. I see no reason to think he will perform any better over the next five years.

All of the spin and the misleading statistics he has thrown at us over the course of the last parliament fail to cover up that we are in a horrendously shit position and his policies have failed in a big way.

Obviously scroungers and layabouts will be targeted, and bear the worst of the cuts, and probably some more family silver sold off at a knock down price to his friends, but what else can we expect.

My money is on income tax rises and massive cuts to government departments.

What else?

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Really showing how nasty and mendacious they are now they have a majority, we hust had an election budget now we get to see the real Tories bear their teeth, they will attack the welfare state and begin to dismantle it.

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Does anyone know if the date is significant? My guess is because it is just before recess, so they can run away and hope everyone forgets about it.

If it is such an emergency, why not have it now, or am I reading too much into it

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You fucking love a prediction!

Why did you ignore my reply when I pointed out you are utterly wrong in thinking poverty is going down when its actually going up, and that the wealthiest actually pay less tax than the poorest?

Is it cause you have no reply but don't want to face reality?

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There wont be income tax rises. That was made clear during campaign

It will be horrific cuts that will effect the less well off and marginalised in our society.

The cuts wont be normalised, so they will have no effect on the rich but they will hurt the others.

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As I'm Brian points out, the timing suggests a "cut and run" type budget which I suspect the rich will be very happy with, and the Tories will be hoping the furore from everyone else will have died down until after the recess.

I'm pretty sure they'll also hammer welfare, making some fairly draconian changes to Employment & Support Allowance. I don't think there's a whole lot they could do to DLA/PIP. Jobseekers will also get absolutely hammered, especially the young.

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The public sector will get absolutely hammered. If there are tax rises they'll be badged under "green" and good for the planet stuff but the planet will see not one fuckin jot of the money. The welfare state will be cut to the bone and whilst vagrants and petty criminals who do embrace a something for nothing culture will rob their way through it, some good people who have fallen on hard times will just top themselves as the only way out. One thing is for sure most of us will get absolutely fucked over by these c***s.

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This will be harsh; really harsh. Then a few days after the budget many Tory voters, having been rewarded for their votes, will toddle off to church and sit with benign smiles on their faces whilst they hear sermons about how 'He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker'.

Despicable, hypocritical c***s of the lowest kind.

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The public sector will get absolutely hammered. If there are tax rises they'll be badged under "green" and good for the planet stuff but the planet will see not one fuckin jot of the money. The welfare state will be cut to the bone and whilst vagrants and petty criminals who do embrace a something for nothing culture will rob their way through it, some good people who have fallen on hard times will just top themselves as the only way out. One thing is for sure most of us will get absolutely fucked over by these c***s.

This will be harsh; really harsh. Then a few days after the budget many Tory voters, having been rewarded for their votes, will toddle off to church and sit with benign smiles on their faces whilst they hear sermons about how 'He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker'. Despicable, hypocritical c***s of the lowest kind.

Couldn't have put it better myself.


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This will be harsh; really harsh. Then a few days after the budget many Tory voters, having been rewarded for their votes, will toddle off to church and sit with benign smiles on their faces whilst they hear sermons about how 'He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker'. Despicable, hypocritical c***s of the lowest kind.

Absolutely, Tories are utter scum and every single one of their supporters is responsible. Look at Sooky, when confronted with the facts he just ignores them.

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If these cuts are as draconian as we are predicting, last weeks get together in Central London will seem like the teddy bears picnic.

I predict full scale riots, the likes of which have not been seen since Manchester in 2008.

If anyone thinks the Tory's are going to get it easy for five years they are deluding themselves.

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Welfare and health are the two obvious targets I'd have thought.

TBH we need to have a proper, mature public debate about both but experience tells me we won't get that.

On welfare we need to be able to argue why hard working tax payers should support people who have no intention of ever working.

This is a legitimate grumble and we can't simply ignore it.

On the NHS we need to challenge the public use of this resource.

IMO we are abusing it on a massive scale. We need a campaign to educate people at a young age on how they should and should not be using it.

At the same time we probably need to have an honest discussion with older people about what we can and cannot afford.

Politicians are shit scared of even broaching this subject IMO and they are wrong.

Ploughing ever greater amounts of money into the NHS hasn't worked and is never going to work.

If people don't stop abusing welfare we're going to end up losing it altogether.

If people don't stop abusing the NHS we're going to end up being forced to privatise all of it.

I don't think that many people actually abuse welfare. Or don't want to work. That's just the narrative the Tories have built with the right-wing press to legitimise their attack on the welfare state which is entirely ideological.

If you look at the figures abuse of the welfare state costs buttons, tax evasion costs much more but you don't hear nearly as much about that and not much has been done about it. Coincidentally the Tories' mates and backers are the biggest tax evaders.

David Cameron's father was a prolific tax evader, so is his father-in-law, so is George Osborne. He personally has a £4 million trust fund in the Cayman Islands.

These people are beyond contempt. Poor people are going to get poorer and rich people are going to get richer. People will commit suicide because of what they are about to do. A million people already depend on foodbanks just to survive, that will increase.

Thanks very much no voters, and Tories. They deserve each other, but we don't deserve either.

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Going to be on holiday when all this kicks off.

I work with homeless families in Dundee. The last couple of years have been pretty brutal in regards to welfare cuts, however, my feeling is that it will be nothing compared to what we are going to experience in the upcoming years. I honestly can't see where further savings can be made without the most vulnerable being absolutely hammered.

Housing Benefit, Jobseekers, and Child Benefit would be my guess as to where the hammer will fall. Either way the Tories slash and burn of the welfare state is going to be on an unprecedented scale.

The Tories really are a bunch of fucking c***s!

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