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FIFA officials arrested.

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A few months back the talk amongst US soccer journalists was that FIFA leadership had informally promised the 2026 WC to the US. FIFA extended both the English and Spanish language US tv rights for one extra WC through 2026 without opening up for bids. The English language US tv rights are the most lucrative in the world and the Spanish language are something like 2nd or 3rd. The speculation was that FIFA is making good since FOX paid $425 million to take the rights away from ESPN/ABC. Then both tournaments are put on the other side of the world due to corruption. And then the Qatar WC is moved from the middle of summer (the deadest spot in the US sports calendar) to right in the middle of the NFL and college football seasons (by far the two most popular sports in the US). Fox is already going to be showing two NFL games each Sunday and probably 10 college football games across their platforms on Saturday.

I did wonder why the US were getting involved. Obviously it's not for any altruistic 'sporting intgrity' reasons. It's a money thing but since we all know it's all about money anyway, go get them. Better 'fair' money than 'crooked'.

(not that I really believe there is 'fairness' where cash is concerned)

eta Maybe the Yanks see a chance to take over the whole shebang.

Edited by cyderspaceman
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I don't know. The arrests were announced at the Federal Justice Dept. headquarters. And the brand new Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, appointed by Obama just happened to be the lead investigator on this case. Obama has to be personally backing the case if he appointed her right as this high profile case was about the break. Post 9/11 anti-terrorism laws were the basis of the investigation. It seems like the full weight of the US federal government is about to come down on world football. There aren't many folks who can successfully fight the full weight of the Feds if everyone up to the President and Attorney General are personally trying to take you down. You've pretty much gotta be high up in a nuclear armed state or hide out in some desert.

Why do you think Blatter decided to become best pals with Qatar and Russia?

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Fox Soccer on Twitter suggesting Jack Warner has surrendered to police in Trinidad and Tobago

That would amaze me if true. I'm sure he's got a dossier on everyone in Port of Spain that he's bribed or accepted a handout from, so under full protection.

Edited by welshbairn
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Was he on the run?

I've visions of a cross between Donald Sutherland's Eye of the Needle and that BBC series Death in Paradise...

Funnily enough he was in court yesterday in Trinidad defending himself on a libel charge for accusing someone else of corruption.

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I wonder why it's the United States that have finally decided to actually do something about FIFA's nonsense? I imagine they will have an eye on hosting a World Cup in the next two decades, so it could prove costly for them to get on the wrong side of Blatter and Co.

Not if they shift Blatter and Co.


He'd be too incompetent to orchestrate this culture of bribery, at least.

A lot of folk seem to be underestimating Blatters ability to survive. He'll come out of this stronger.

Probably. I'll believe change happens when I see it.
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Apparently Bill Clinton has been pushing the investigation as he was so pissed off that he wasted two years on the USA's failed 2022 bid.

Not sure that's entirely true, the Qatari's seemingly eased his pain with a series of charitable donations to his foundation.


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It's not very often you can say this but hats of to the Americans

Yip its one invasion we can all get behind

Anyway Andrew Jennings (the reporter that did the undercover stuff) says there a bigger story waiting to be broken

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