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Scott Allan

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What happened to No8. that has resulted in an alias being created? :lol:

He got banned. Not exactly sure why but apparently it was due to things said in the BRALT thread

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He got banned. Not exactly sure why but apparently it was due to things said in the BRALT thread

He kept pushing it with the BJK stuff despite several warnings. Yet another one with a deeply unhealthy fascination with the Torbett stuff.

Rangers fans : The Pete Townshends of P&B

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No 8 was always one of those Rangers fans that tried to portray he was a nice guy. When the heckles went up or if alcohol had been consumed he turned into your average bigoted moron. Like a lot of Rangers fans I know actually.

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Rangers fans : The Pete Townshends of P&B

He didn't push, "the BJK stuff". He merely quoted from Sean Fallon and Billy McNeil. This seemed to be one calumny too many.

I've taken note not to quote from ex Celtic players in future. Not that there's ever much worth quoting.

When the heckles went up or if alcohol had been consumed he turned into your average bigoted moron. Like a lot of Rangers fans I know actually.

I hope they have the good grace to explain the difference between 'heckles' and 'hackles' to you. It will be a revelation, like it would be to a lot of diddies I know, actually.

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I was away when No8 got his ban and was surprised to see that the BRALT had in the meantime been closed and re-opened.

I'm not sure if certain posts had been removed by mods or deleted by posters, but from what I could see, No8 didn't appear to have done very much to merit a ban.

I'd be amazed if he and Ally88 are in fact one and the same. Ally88 is just a bit of a tool who is under the mistaken impression that supporting a big club makes him successful and relevant compared to the rest of us.

No8 had his moments, but there was a lot more to him than that. He was well worth discussing things with and he could be quite funny on his day.

The board is the poorer without him.

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He didn't push, "the BJK stuff". He merely quoted from Sean Fallon and Billy McNeil. This seemed to be one calumny too many.

I've taken note not to quote from ex Celtic players in future. Not that there's ever much worth quoting.

I hope they have the good grace to explain the difference between 'heckles' and 'hackles' to you. It will be a revelation, like it would be to a lot of diddies I know, actually.

Bit ironic that a supporter of a Dundee club should make this mistake, considering that "heckling" is derived from the jute industry iirc.

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I was away when No8 got his ban and was surprised to see that the BRALT had in the meantime been closed and re-opened.

I'm not sure if certain posts had been removed by mods or deleted by posters, but from what I could see, No8 didn't appear to have done very much to merit a ban.

I'd be amazed if he and Ally88 are in fact one and the same. Ally88 is just a bit of a tool who is under the mistaken impression that supporting a big club makes him successful and relevant compared to the rest of us.

No8 had his moments, but there was a lot more to him than that. He was well worth discussing things with and he could be quite funny on his day.

The board is the poorer without him.

This more or less. I was completely unaware No 8 was banned until i was bored enough to read the last couple of pages of this thread just now. I would pretty much rather watch paint dry than read the BRALT.

No 8 occasionally was completely unreasonable but so are we all at times I guess. He was also usually lucid, engaging and not afraid to criticise the more outrageous elements of the Rangers support when the situation called for it. If he is banned thats disappointing. However it is what it is. If he overstepped the mark despite warnings then I have little sympathy.

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Bit ironic that a supporter of a Dundee club should make this mistake, considering that "heckling" is derived from the jute industry iirc.

A quick look suggests that 'heckle' (like many English words) as two different roots, one being from as, you said, jute.

Similarly 'boor' could have its roots in South Africa or Paisley.

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