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When will indyref2 happen?



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28 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
1 hour ago, Thistle_do_nicely said:
Kinda assume the question will just be the same as the time out? Makes it a bit more straightforward to gauge a shift vs. the last indyref and avoids anyone humming and hawwing about the wording.

Yes it will be exactly the same, if allowed

It should absolutely be the same wording, but I bet Johnson and the Tories will want it changed. Muddy enough waters to create as much confusion as possible, that will be their aim.

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Kincy discovering twitter has been one of the highlights on the politics forum in recent times.

At least he's now sticking to posting random anonymous Yes supporters rather than the far right goons he was previously.

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Project Fear from this current Westminster Government is going to be on a scale that will make "Better Together" 2014 pale into insignificance.

I still think too many people will shit it once they enter the polling booth, unless the Covid has a huge spike this winter to cull enough of the populace which holds this country back.

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18 minutes ago, Szamo's_Ammo said:

Project Fear from this current Westminster Government is going to be on a scale that will make "Better Together" 2014 pale into insignificance.

I still think too many people will shit it once they enter the polling booth, unless the Covid has a huge spike this winter to cull enough of the populace which holds this country back.

They will try to use the utter failure of a Brexit negotiation as some sort of indication of how hard they are willing to play. Unfortunately, morons will laot that shit up. 

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We saw recently how councillors in Dumfries and Galloway were looking at the idea of not joining the DPRS in the event of a Yes vote  Now Shetland councillors are looking closely at, “exploring options for achieving financial and political self-determination”:



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9 minutes ago, The_Kincardine said:

We saw recently how councillors in Dumfries and Galloway were looking at the idea of not joining the DPRS in the event of a Yes vote  Now Shetland councillors are looking closely at, “exploring options for achieving financial and political self-determination”:



Do you oppose this as much as you oppose Scotland achieving self determination?

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1 hour ago, The_Kincardine said:

Yeah - it's surprisingly high.  Add in the retweets and the numbers who follow the retweeters and so on then I'd expect this to snowball and be in the Natter manifesto for next May.  One of his endorsers has even taken the  justification a step further with this wee gem:

This is the kind of grass roots thinking that Nippy really should be picking up on.


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Pleasing to see serial letter writer and SiU stalwart Allan Sutherland being afforded more column inches to enrich us with.   Enjoy.  

Having ploughed thro this mince, I think it would be a WHOLE lot easier for us all if following a democratic decision of the Scottish electorate to choose independence he just buggers off to somewhere furth of Scotland.
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7 hours ago, Beth Paige-Black said:

Pleasing to see serial letter writer and SiU stalwart Allan Sutherland being afforded more column inches to enrich us with.   Enjoy.  


Divide and rule. Ever the way with these roasters.

Publicly advocating the Balkanisation of Scotland is just crazy.

They are clearly panicking about the inevitable and now starting to lose the plot.


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1 hour ago, git-intae-thum said:

Divide and rule. Ever the way with these roasters.

Publicly advocating the Balkanisation of Scotland is just crazy.

They are clearly panicking about the inevitable and now starting to lose the plot.


It's a nonsensical scaremongering article and one which we will have to get used to in the run up to next year's Holyrood elections, given that 99% of the print media are tory owned we can expect and brace ourselves against Armageddon type headlines spewing anti Independence venom, the daily express is so far leading the way with 'daft end of the world as we know it' predictions if we leave their warm enveloping blanket of the UK, childish immature shite trying desperately to turn the pro independence movement doing well in the polls. 

As for Shetland and The Western Isles wanting autonomy, why not, Shetland especially with an Independent Council has done very well in raising oil revenues from the the major oil companies over the last decades which they have spent wisely amongst their community.

Edited by SandyCromarty
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14 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

Kincy still like a moth to a flame (the flame being absolutely none of his business having fled his homeland in an attempt to deny his children the gift of democracy) despite claiming he wasnt going to post anymore.

Quelle suprise

He lives in Buckinghamshire which has many areas of social deprivation, High Wycombe a prime example and an absolute shithole, I would suggest his unionist postings is really the reverse of what he really means to convey in that he would love a return to his country of birth and to be able to converse with his own people, sad really. 

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On 09/07/2020 at 17:20, SandyCromarty said:

I did a course in High Wycombe Buckinghamshire some years back at Ross Hill, what a fuckin shithole never seen so many town centre  beggers, junkies and drunks necking alcohol in the morning and so much town centre anti social behaviour at nights you couldn't walk around and go for a pint. Hard to find any taxpayers, only bums and stiffs.

Our pal Kincardine seems to be quite happy and content in that shire and he probably fits right in. 


15 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

He lives in Buckinghamshire which has many areas of social deprivation, High Wycombe a prime example and an absolute shithole, I would suggest his unionist postings is really the reverse of what he really means to convey in that he would love a return to his country of birth and to be able to converse with his own people, sad really. 

Daft wee Sandy excelling himself.  Again.

I hope to f**k he was cutting about Wycombe in his normal garb of kilt, Timberlands and Jimmy bunnet as all kiddy-on Jocks do.and I hope he got pelters from Wycombe's 'spare any change, please' denizens.

In Wycombe the street beggars ask for the price of a cup of tea from the local taxpayers.  In Jockland the indolent ask for upwards of £12 billion pounds per annum from the very same taxpayers.

Buckinghamshire is one of the least deprived counties in Britain and its best state schools piss all over anything you'd get as state education in Scotland.


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