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When will indyref2 happen?



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16 hours ago, Ad Lib said:

British Unionists generally including but not limited to registered voters, parliamentarians and political parties.

Converting the leader of Her Majesty’s Official Opposition, an avowedly unionist party, to supporting a section 30 order and recognising the mandate of the Scottish Government to pursue a second independence referendum would be pretty fucking consequential.

It would make it much more difficult politically for the UK Government to frame a second referendum as simply a whingy Nat demand and would significantly strengthen the political and international pressure on the UK Government to enter section 30 talks or to make some sort of other concessions.

Is it a guarantee of a section 30 order? No. But it could create the political conditions for one or, failing that, the political cover for seeking to hold a referendum without one.

I don’t want to pump Zoe Deschanel.

What a load of pish.

Mods, please

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4 hours ago, Gordon EF said:

Totally justified to do it. Just would have been a bigger power move not to.

A gif of his wee Dale Carrick when Murphy got punted would have been more effective.

Its not really the big gotcha its being presented as. 

A poster accused me of not being qualified in politics and debating with someone who is. I am qualified in politics, so naturally would point that out, and couldn't possibly have know that Ad Lib was too. Its reasonable to assume he wasn't given he's a lawyer.  Naturally Ad Lib would also point out he actually is, the same as I did. 

I didn't raise qualifications, that was raised with me, and I didn't say Ad Lib or anybody else wasn't qualified to discuss politics as politics isn't like that. 

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Btw Ad Lib,  I have to say your 'unionists are not a monolith' schtick and 'they will respect our democratic wishes if the SNP win a majority' aren't looking particularly great given Osborne's article today and Douglass Ross proposing a unionist alliance in May's election just this afternoon.  Not very fortunate timing for you.

However, as I said, you're not dumb and you knew you were lying at the time. I doubt either of us expected you to be proved wrong this quickly though.

Edited by Carnoustie Young Guvnor
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On 18/01/2021 at 20:57, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

Perhaps, but the statement was I was arguing with someone qualified in the subject when I'm not, when in reality he has zero qualifications in politics and I do. Its just a statement of fact. 


2 hours ago, Carnoustie Young Guvnor said:

I didn't raise qualifications, that was raised with me, and I didn't say Ad Lib or anybody else wasn't qualified to discuss politics as politics isn't like that. 

The first quoted part clearly shows that you did say that he wasn't qualified.

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1 hour ago, John Lambies Doos said:

Ad Lib may be an expert in his field as well as a superb face maker during Spud Murphy's humiliation...but everyones opinions are valid, and perhaps he's not always right.

Just saying.....

He's clearly wrong here, knew it right at the start, persisted cause that's what he does, and was proved wrong within less than 4 hours. Which surprised even me tbf, we both knew it would happen, but expected it after May.

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If the SNP wins a majority a 'grand coalition' waving the biggest Union Jacks cannot take place.    Plus I suspect DRoss was just playing politics with his tweet - nailing the position of the Conservatives as the party of the union 'at all costs' and forcing prospective Labour leaders to answer whether they'd be prepared to dance with the (toxic to some) Tories.   

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6 hours ago, Erih Shtrep said:

This is so bad you can guarantee @The_Kincardine will love it.  

Certainly not a great showcase for his comic* talent but he is substantially right.  All nationalist movements boil down to 'us' vs 'them' but what makes Scottish nationalism so risible - pathetic, even - is that 'us' are almost indistinguishable from 'them'.

This isn't surprising as we've worked in partnership for almost half a millennium and have been the same political entity for over 300 years.

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56 minutes ago, Erih Shtrep said:

Conservative voter pretending to care about the 'us and 'them' schism imploring us to remain in one of the most unequal country in the OECD.  

I lived long enough in a housing scheme in Motherwell, London's East End, E'burgh's New Town and Aberdeenshire's Deeside to ken that only brain-dead Natter fuckwits think that the 'us and 'them' schism is Scotland vs England.

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5 hours ago, The_Kincardine said:

Certainly not a great showcase for his comic* talent but he is substantially right.  All nationalist movements boil down to 'us' vs 'them' but what makes Scottish nationalism so risible - pathetic, even - is that 'us' are almost indistinguishable from 'them'.

And yet your bosses still think you’re a pathetic Scotch joke, no matter how much you try and show him what a jolly good BritNat racist you are...

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