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When will indyref2 happen?



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16 minutes ago, btb said:

That joint endorsement says more about you than is good to reveal.. 

I think enough was revealed by the weird meltdown about SNP state religion the other week - I’m genuinely surprised he thinks he can get away with pretending that madness didn’t happen, and casually reassuming the “just an honest Labour supporter” mask.

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8 minutes ago, btb said:

Nope as I mentioned yesterday my reason for disliking the the current ScotLab iteration is it's decision to elect an exploitative corporate shill as their leader, someone who can be trusted to jump exactly as high as Sir Keir requires. There seems to be a bit more promise in the generation to follow Sarwar but they've yet to turn that promise into credible reasons to think about voting ScotLab.

Alba is led by Mr. Sleepy Cuddles and filled with backwards looking malcontents you sum them up pretty well - it really doesn't surprise me that they appeal to a corporatist acolyte like yourself.



So the SNP cosy up to big business/money bang on about creating entrepreneurs etc, sell off Scottish assets to the highest (multinational) bidders, seek to trim down the public sector in order to let private succeed, pursue a low corporation tax etc regime.....all good.

But it's Labour who are the 'corporatists'

Incidents the state religion section refers to a society in which organised religion has dwindled to such an extent that many people seek an 'alternative'. In this case you have a national 'movement' which has a set of 'doctrines' which need to be adhered to ideally without question, behind a powerful 'leader'...any similarities?

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2 minutes ago, Jedi said:

 I very much supported them under Salmond yes.

Since then: 

Copying up to big business and chasing big money, with a willingness to sell off Scottish assets in firesales to multinationals  (BP/Shell et al). Unwillingness to use tax powers to try and take more from those more able to afford it.

Various factors around the 'handling' of the pandemic.

Pursuing and publicising measures such as 'free' bikes, laptops, baby boxes the, the GRA etc..not saying there is anything 'wrong' with these but they are pushed to the front to  votes and cover up the record on public services 

The 'proposals' for the first 10 years after Independence which sends a shudder up spine

Dividing public sector workers against each other

Control freakery from the top which often shuts out the views of members 

And being much more aggressive in attitude towards anyone who isn't on message..didnt see that so much pre-2014.

Are just some of the 'things' which have happened to the SNP compared to the past (there are more).

My support changed around 3 or 4 years ago.


Please provide examples of “cosying” up to big business, it’s a meaningless term unless you provide examples. I was furious when they let McColl into the fold as he’s a tax dodging c**t who only thought to support independence as it seemed it may happen & benefit him. I’ve worked for him in two different organisations and he’s a c**t of the highest order. All that happened under Salmond.

If you check, Scotland taxes high earners more than any other administration, so moot. 

Various factors! Ffs be more specific! If you are taking about masks etc, I agree with you, but Labour UK proposed even more draconian measures.

Ah ok, governments worldwide are notorious for hiding success stories. That’ll be filed in the bin.

What? Rejoining the largest trading block in the world sends shivers up your spine? Accepting immigration as necessary to keep our vital services & economy running, aye that’s proper horror. Will there be hard times, yeah. But long term, for my kids & your kids, the future should be a hell of a lot better.

Public sector workers? You’ll need to be more specific, not sure what you mean. 

Oooft! I agree there is probably a little too much top down policy from the SNP, but that’s so rich coming from a UK Labour supporter! Almost every motion at conference is ignored by Keef & the front bench. I’m actually embarrassed for them. 

I’ve not seen any aggression from the SNP, mores the pity. These crooks lining their pockets need called out more. Labour was born out of aggression & the general feeling of outrage, more of that from the SNP please, they are failing in this, but not the way you think. 

I do apologise for the disjointed nature of my post, not quite masters multi quote from a Nokia. 

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Will need to take these in different points as there is a lot there..

Handling of the pandemic: Enabling elderly patients to be sent back out of hospitals to care homes which led to a significant further deaths. Continually banging on that schools were 'entirely' safe and (in order to court popularity) keeping them fully open for the most part (no matter what) despite high case numbers there. The number of missed cancer cases which occurred across Scotland and again led to further deaths in order to prioritise Covid above all else (obviously Covid was 'the' priority, but all other areas of health and social care suffered too much as a result 

The 'plan' after Independence is not just to 'get back in the EU' (with the admittance that that will take some time) but slashing public services to the bone in order to pursue an austerity agenda for 'up to 10 years'..'that' sends shivers down my spine.

Dividing public sector workers against each other...Nursed (good) teachers (bad) when it comes to pay disputes  in order to court public popularity. Banging on about zip, nada, nothing left in the kitty and then 'magically' finding 550 million for a social care proposal.

If you don't think they have encouraged aggression against No supporters since 2014 on Social Media and in.public am.not sure which society you have been living in since then.

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1 hour ago, Jedi said:

And as said in a Holyrood election I would go Labour 1 and Alba 2

That seems a strange choice, given that Labour are likely to win more seats on the list than in constituencies in Lothian. 

Assuming that Labour & the Tories both win 1 constituency seat each again, Labour would only require an extra 1906 list votes (or for the Tories to lose 1906 list votes) to pick up an extra list MP. Alba would need to increase their vote by approximately 13,500 to even have a chance at a list seat.

As I've suggested before, you might want to think things through before you type. Your voting strategy might even allow an extra Tory to slither in. Surely you don't want that...

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5 hours ago, Jedi said:

 I very much supported them under Salmond yes.

Since then: 

Copying up to big business and chasing big money, with a willingness to sell off Scottish assets in firesales to multinationals  (BP/Shell et al). Unwillingness to use tax powers to try and take more from those more able to afford it.

Various factors around the 'handling' of the pandemic.

Pursuing and publicising measures such as 'free' bikes, laptops, baby boxes the, the GRA etc..not saying there is anything 'wrong' with these but they are pushed to the front to  votes and cover up the record on public services 

The 'proposals' for the first 10 years after Independence which sends a shudder up spine

Dividing public sector workers against each other

Control freakery from the top which often shuts out the views of members 

And being much more aggressive in attitude towards anyone who isn't on message..didnt see that so much pre-2014.

Are just some of the 'things' which have happened to the SNP compared to the past (there are more).

My support changed around 3 or 4 years ago.

Is this a different Salmond from the one who cosied up with RBS and the other banks?

Edited by DeeTillEhDeh
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6 hours ago, Jedi said:

The Labour Party has many flaws, as imo does the SNP.

You are never going to vote Labour which I get, and I am never going to vote SNP, though obviously I have done in the past for a long time, and as said am said to see what they have become compared to the party of before.

Labour under Corbyn was much closer to the founding values of the party, but as we know (sadly) the 'realpolitik' of winning elections across the UK means that a more genuinely left-wing and radical manifesto will fail against the Tory media.

Ultimately winning elections is still important in order to implement policies which you believe can make people's lives better. I still think a Labour govt (wish it had been Corbyn's) but now the 'Starmer version' will still improve lives compared to the Tories 

Let's be honest, it wasn't just the Tory media that was gunning for Corbyn, it was an anormous chunk of the PLP, from day one.

And there's quite a gulf between 'radical left-wing' and the kind of identikit, generic Tony Blair cosplayers that the Labour Party seem to think they need.

The Tories and the Tory media have abslutely played a masterstroke is crushing Labour between a rightward moving edge of the Overton window on the left and the Tory party on the right. And that's something I'm genuinely sad to see but the fact that they haven't had the wit to see what was happening or the vision to combat it is an indictment on them as much as anything else.

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5 hours ago, Jedi said:

And as said in a Holyrood election I would go Labour 1 and Alba 2

You'd go for a 3rd placed party and an 8th??? (genuinely don't know) placed party in a 1 horse race?

Good luck with that.

Edited by StellarHibee
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36 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

Let's be honest, it wasn't just the Tory media that was gunning for Corbyn, it was an anormous chunk of the PLP, from day one.

And there's quite a gulf between 'radical left-wing' and the kind of identikit, generic Tony Blair cosplayers that the Labour Party seem to think they need.

The Tories and the Tory media have abslutely played a masterstroke is crushing Labour between a rightward moving edge of the Overton window on the left and the Tory party on the right. And that's something I'm genuinely sad to see but the fact that they haven't had the wit to see what was happening or the vision to combat it is an indictment on them as much as anything else.

Which of:

Nationalising railways

Properly increasing the minimum wage

Strengthening Trade Union rights

Tackling domestic violence

Cracking down on tax avoidance loopholes 

Massive investment in green jobs and industry 

Cracking down on landlords rent abuse

Increasing foreign aid

Windfall tax on energy profits

Is 'identikit' Tory and 'right-wing'?

Genuinely interested 

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35 minutes ago, StellarHibee said:

You'd go for a 3rd placed party and an 8th??? (genuinely don't know) placed party in a 1 horse race?

Good luck with that.

Labour in some polls in Scotland running at closer to 30% and opening up a healthy gap on the Tories, so 3rd last time, 2nd now.

Alba, yes, clearly in the doldrums at the moment. Whether their support increases following the failure of the 'one' horse in the race to get 50% at the GE or indeed at the next Holyrood election remains to be seen 

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42 minutes ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Is this a different Salmond from the one who cosied up with RBS and the other banks?

Salmond was certainly happy to talk up the arc of prosperity before the financial crash and of course as a former employee of RBS was friendly towards them.

I don't recall him selling off assets to multinationals or proposing to cut public services in order to boost private industry though.

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5 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Whether their support increases following the failure of the 'one' horse in the race to get 50% at the GE

Considering the clear 50%+ support for independence in the polls and the denial from the democracy denying parliament in London, the one horse party will inevitably get 50%+ and that's despite the best efforts of the yoon mouth piece media doing everything to try and thwart it.

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13 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Which of:

Nationalising railways

Properly increasing the minimum wage

Strengthening Trade Union rights

Tackling domestic violence

Cracking down on tax avoidance loopholes 

Massive investment in green jobs and industry 

Cracking down on landlords rent abuse

Increasing foreign aid

Windfall tax on energy profits

Is 'identikit' Tory and 'right-wing'?

Genuinely interested 

Are these in a Labour manifesto? I haven't seen Keir mention pretty much any of those tbh 

Edited by Benjamin_Nevis
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12 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Which of:

Nationalising railways

Properly increasing the minimum wage

Strengthening Trade Union rights

Tackling domestic violence

Cracking down on tax avoidance loopholes 

Massive investment in green jobs and industry 

Cracking down on landlords rent abuse

Increasing foreign aid

Windfall tax on energy profits

Is 'identikit' Tory and 'right-wing'?

Genuinely interested 

Given the fact Labour hasn’t properly supported the current strikes and the fact there are so many landlords within the Labour Party, I can’t see any of those actually happening. 

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53 minutes ago, Jedi said:

Which of:

Nationalising railways

Properly increasing the minimum wage

Strengthening Trade Union rights

Tackling domestic violence

Cracking down on tax avoidance loopholes 

Massive investment in green jobs and industry 

Cracking down on landlords rent abuse

Increasing foreign aid

Windfall tax on energy profits

Is 'identikit' Tory and 'right-wing'?

Genuinely interested 

I never used the phrase 'identikit Tory' or even 'right-wing' in my post so I've no idea what you're trying to even say here.

Absolutely nothing i said suggested that all Labour policies or soundbites are right wing and writing up a sarcy little PR piece doesn't change that.

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49 minutes ago, Benjamin_Nevis said:

Are these in a Labour manifesto? I haven't seen Keir mention pretty much any of those tbh 

Are you suggesting that some shadow cabinet nobody talking about maybe linking the minimum wage to the cost of living in front of two men and a dog at some conference isn't the dawning of a glorious new socialist age?

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32 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

I never used the phrase 'identikit Tory' or even 'right-wing' in my post so I've no idea what you're trying to even say here.

Absolutely nothing i said suggested that all Labour policies or soundbites are right wing and writing up a sarcy little PR piece doesn't change that.

'Crushing the Labour Party between a rightward moving edge of the Overton window on the left and the Tory party on the right'? sounds rather like an accusation of 'right-wing' policies, which by definition, would position them as next to the Tories 

As we know, Labour like every other party, haven't published a manifesto for a GE which is 2 years away yet. (Although the SNP are obviously floating a 'single issue' one).

However each of these policies were passed at the most recent Conference and have been cited by Starmer in various speeches and articles since, so it would become more difficult for him to 'ignore' Conference, as is always said.

High confidence on the SNP getting over 50% of the vote in 2 years time again, I see.If they do, all well and good..negotiate Independence. Still don't see it though.

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3 minutes ago, Jedi said:

'Crushing the Labour Party between a rightward moving edge of the Overton window on the left and the Tory party on the right'? sounds rather like an accusation of 'right-wing' policies, which by definition, would position them as next to the Tories

It doesn't at all. It's essentially what you yourself have said in a few other posts - Labour members trying to kneecap Corbyn because they think someone that far to the left can't win an election, being 'soft' on EU reintegration and potentially dealing with the SNP but keeping it quiet for fear of losing nothern gammon. I'm just suggesting this is something that's been done at least somewhat consciously, and very effectively, and Labour have had next to no answer to it.



As we know, Labour like every other party, haven't published a manifesto for a GE which is 2 years away yet. (Although the SNP are obviously floating a 'single issue' one).

However each of these policies were passed at the most recent Conference and have been cited by Starmer in various speeches and articles since, so it would become more difficult for him to 'ignore' Conference, as is always said.

High confidence on the SNP getting over 50% of the vote in 2 years time again, I see.If they do, all well and good..negotiate Independence. Still don't see it though.


I think it would be ludicrously easy for Starmer to ignore things like "cracking down on landlord rent abuse" whatever that actually ends up meaning.

I'm not going to try and paint the things you're talking about as shit or right wing. It's a childish attitude to take. if i was English and living in England, I'd be voting Labour whilst still not being a particularly big fan of Starmer or the Labour Party.

I'm not making any claim about what % of the vote the SNP will get at the next GE.

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13 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

It doesn't at all. It's essentially what you yourself have said in a few other posts - Labour members trying to kneecap Corbyn because they think someone that far to the left can't win an election, being 'soft' on EU reintegration and potentially dealing with the SNP but keeping it quiet for fear of losing nothern gammon. I'm just suggesting this is something that's been done at least somewhat consciously, and very effectively, and Labour have had next to no answer to it.



I think it would be ludicrously easy for Starmer to ignore things like "cracking down on landlord rent abuse" whatever that actually ends up meaning.

I'm not going to try and paint the things you're talking about as shit or right wing. It's a childish attitude to take. if i was English and living in England, I'd be voting Labour whilst still not being a particularly big fan of Starmer or the Labour Party.

I'm not making any claim about what % of the vote the SNP will get at the next GE.

All fair points.

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