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The Terrible Journalism & Tom English Thread

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Whilst not at all disagreeing with that, I'd suggest that piece was submitted as a series of brief comments for an opinion column, but the sub editor has just stuffed it all together so that it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

I'd suggest you are completely wrong.

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Regarding bitter, bigotted, moronic liars like Provan, what do they suggest is the cut off number in terms of crowds? I.e. if you get crowds over this number, you will never be punished for cheating, rule breaking and general criminal activity whereas if you get under you will be punished.

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Provan also trots out the usual propaganda of being "put" in the lower division. It would kill some papers to say they had to apply for membership as a new club. They also fcked up last year abismally which is why they are still there . I reckon most of their readership is Sevco based so they have to spout this crap.

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I do find it hilarious how badly these journalists scramble for relevance in the media. It's like they finally realise like the rest of the world that forums and Twitter will eventually replace these c***s and put them out of a job.


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