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The Terrible Journalism & Tom English Thread

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I know I should know better than listen to anything football related on Clyde 1, but after last night's games Gerry McCulloch stated that a Thistle win at Dingwall on Saturday guarantees us a top 6 finish.

No it doesn't.

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If Hayley tells you to smell her farts you fucking do it.


I hate old firm media love in as much as any right thinking person but leave hayley alone.....shes a lovely lovely lady forced to read a script.....shes lovely.....and i will keep her in my basement until she loves me......
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  • 2 weeks later...



Give me Martyn Waghorn and Andy Halliday over Jamie Vardy and N'Golo Kante any day...

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Eight pages on tomorrow's OF semi-final in the Times this morning, before a cursory single page on today's game.

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The BBC have managed to plumb new depths with their (self proclaimed) world class journalism. This 'story' would struggle to make the most inside page of the most parochial local paper yet it is prominent on the BBC website. The sooner they stop letting 12 year old interns go unsupervised the better.

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Did someone say Keith Jackson? Ahhh why not


  • 00:00, 18 NOV 2010
  • UPDATED  19:01, 1 JUL 2012
FINANCIAL whizzkid Craig Whyte stands on the brink of pulling off the biggest deal of his life - and finally bringing the curtain down on one of the longest-running sagas in Scottish football.
  • 552SHARES

Craig Whyte started playing the stock market at the age of 15. By the time he left school he had more than £20,000 in his bank account.

Today, aged just 39, this financial whizzkid from Motherwell stands on the brink of pulling off the biggest deal of his life - and finally bringing the curtain down on one of the longest-running sagas in Scottish football.

Record Sport understands self-made billionaire Whyte has entered into the final stages of negotiations to buy control of the club he loves from Sir David Murray.

And he's still one year younger than captain Davie Weir.

A deal worth around £30million is now believed to have reached such an advanced stage that sources say Whyte, a high-roller who splits his time between a home in London and the idyllic Castle Grant in Grantown-on-Spey, could even have the keys to Ibrox in time to fund a major refurbishment of Walter Smith's top-team squad in January.

The news will delight Rangers supporters who have been fretting over the future of their club ever since Murray first slapped a For Sale sign on the front door of Edmiston Drive around three years ago.

As the club's financial health deteriorated to such an extent the banks moved in to control the purse strings, a series of false dawns came and went.

First, a consortium headed up by South African-based tycoon Dave King came to the fore only to fail to meet Murray's asking price.

Then, in March this year, Londonbased property developer Andrew Ellis emerged as the frontrunner and was granted a period of exclusivity in order to get the deal done.

But Ellis, now part of the consortium, did not have the financial clout to back up his bold promises and his bid collapsed, leaving Rangers firmly in the grip of the Lloyds Group.

Exiled Glaswegian King was then talked up once more as the possible saviour but he was also engaged in a long-running battle with the tax man and while those issues remained unresolved, he too looked l ike an increasingly unlikely white knight for a club now engulfed by crisis.

But yesterday, quite out of the blue, Record Sport learned a new man is at the table and that a deal to end Murray's 22-year reign is ready to be completed.

And that man is a relative boy.

By the age of 26, Whyte was already Scot land's youngest self-made millionaire. Now, 13 years on, and in charge of a vast business empire, his wealth is off the radar.

Whyte is a venture capitalist who has made his millions from playing the markets - a skill he secret ly began honing in his third year at Glasgow's Kelvinside Academy. In one of his few interviews he revealed how he immediately regretted going to the private school - because he despised playing rugby.

He said: "I hated the discipline of it. It was a rugby-only school, which I didn't play as I was interested in football.'' Whyte worked weekends for his dad's plant hire firm. And he saved up his wages to fund his habit of gambling on Stock Exchange.

It is said that, by the time he left school, he had more cash in his bank than many of his teachers.

At 19, he was in charge of his own hire plant.

Now he owns his own castle - one of the most historic buildings in Scotland. And very soon he could be adding Rangers to his portfolio. It remains to be seen if Whyte's move to capture the club will f lush any other parties out of the woodwork because - despite their failure to strike a deal with Murray - King and his consortium have yet to throw in the towel on their own ambitions.

They had put together a package worth around £18m but this was flatly rejected and Ellis drove the price up when he agreed to pay Murray more than £30m.

The club's debt has been reduced by around £10m since then but the selling price remains the same.

Now, quite clearly, Whyte believes he will be able to close the deal and the young gun must have said enough to impress Murray, who has stated all along that he will only sell the club to the right people - men with enough money to take the club forward.

Who knows? Murray may even regard Whyte as something of a kindred spirit.

After all, Murray was himself aged just 37 back in 1988 when he launched a takeover of the Ibrox club.

It was the beginning of one of the most successful periods in Rangers' history but Murray's aggressive pursuit of European glory eventually saw him writing the kind of cheques that his club could simply not afford.

Now Whyte is bringing his money to the table but it remains to be seen if he will adopt the same scatter-cash approach as the man who has owned the club for the past two decades.

But if he brings in even half of the number of trophies Murray delivered then the fans are unlikely to be complaining.


Edited to remove the click bait 

Edited by sergie's no1 fan
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My Mrs "exclusively revealed" to me the other night that Keith Jackson went to the same school as her, a year or two below.

He was a quiet wee Killearn lad apparently.

He's a Sevco arse-licking imbecile, that's what he is.

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'The financial whizzkid from Motherwell '

Did this sentence not set some fucking alarm bells ringing?

Making your wages last to the end of the month puts you in the financial whizzkid bracket round here.

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