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The Terrible Journalism & Tom English Thread

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1 hour ago, Ross Forbes said:

I can't describe how much I hate this. And by and large I actually like Sutton, his passion for the game is refreshing - and he absolutely despises TalkSport, but he's got this very badly wrong.

John Beaton is not a referee I rate. He's made some howling decisions against us over the years - and not awarding us a penalty and sending off a Dundee defender in some diddy cup game yonks ago still irks me. The Sunday Mail's Headline the next day was 'SONS WELL BEATON - BY THE REF'. I thought he handled the Old Firm game itself really well though, although Morelos getting off without retrospective ban is incredible - and it sets a new standard that other players should be able to exploit.

But Sutton writing stuff like this is dangerous. Not only will it further boost the Celtic tinfoil hat brigade into thinking that there is a deeply ingrained agenda in Scottish football to stop them being successful (they've won more than any other club in the country in my lifetime I think, so if it is a conspiracy, it's not a very good one), it could also lead to something unpleasant happening. What if a lunatic Celtic fan sees Beaton out on the street? What happens if he goes for him? 

Just like the Daily Mail and the far right lunatics attacking Muslims/anybody who looks a bit 'forrin', Sutton would be partially responsible for that.

He's only passionate about self-promotion and probably hates t alksport because he doesn't work for them.

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1 hour ago, buchan30 said:


That is “ex-rangers” player, not “dundee united” (who he had a short term contract with at the time of the incident)

For once, I'd say I'm happy with the description.

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5 hours ago, Ross Forbes said:

Of course there would be no reason to assault anyone in the street. There's no reason to assault people in the street full stop.

If it happened though then people like Sutton fuelling this tinfoil hat nonsense would be a reason for it. Not the main reason, that's the fault of the weirdo who does it, but normalising this conspiracy talk is dangerous. 

Beaton's already had to call the Police. Now, whilst I agree that 99% of the threats will be purely to intimidate him, all it takes is one person to go a step further. 

On one hand, I agree with @coprolite that if some mutant actually confronted Beaton, it's not Sutton's fault per se - but -  Sutton is not daft, he knows that the effect of what he has written would be to escalate the whole situation and he obviously doesn't believe the drivel that he has written. It's done for reasons of self promotion and keeping himself in the public eye.

Celtic themselves have followed a very similar path - the mealy-mouthed statement that they put out is similarly tawdry in the knowing way that it was done. They have (successfully as usual) managed to divert attention away from a risible performance at Ibrox and got the natives concentrating on some completely inconsequential bullshit about the referee. Job done.

Edited by Swello
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4 hours ago, buchan30 said:


That is “ex-rangers” player, not “dundee united” (who he had a short term contract with at the time of the incident)

Negative story ... Link it with Sevco....


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The Rangers going top of the league hasn't half revealed how much the press have been suffering since 2012.

The afterthought of, "and, err, Kilmarnock and Aberdeen are up there too," has been most amusing/depressing.

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On 04/01/2019 at 22:38, GNU_Linux said:


Chris Sutton goes full pelt celtic blogger/yer da. Probably stoked further flames for the threats against Beaton.

3 separate red cards = banned for 6 games

Correct. Only if he'd been sent off for the first (or any) incident there wouldn't have been 3 separate red cards.

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