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Toy Story - Mafia Game Thread

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GS, I am curious to know how you think NOW fits in with your Ludo/David suspicions?

In my posts I kind of discounted David as I think he is too obvious and linked NoW and Ludo instead. Your points do make a fair bit of sense however as well so maybe I should further check the NoW / David interactions as well.

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GS, I am curious to know how you think NOW fits in with your Ludo/David suspicions?

In my posts I kind of discounted David as I think he is too obvious and linked NoW and Ludo instead. Your points do make a fair bit of sense however as well so maybe I should further check the NoW / David interactions as well.

The way I saw NOW's behaviour initially was that it was his usual erratic self and didn't pop up on my radar until he made the quick switch to Turbo. However, this again could be linked to his erratic behaviour but he was also a lynch candidate at that stage so I saw it likely as been self-preservation. If he'd changed his vote to Turbo and said it was to save himself I don't think many would have had a quarrel with that.

I thought your post was interesting and well thought out. Maybe I was looking at the Ludo vote switch as confirmation bias and not as a totally separate situation. I think we can both agree that the action is significant which ever way you look at it.

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I think we need to look at County mad's interactions since he is the one the mafia went for. As far as I can remember he didn't really say much and jumped on the turbo bandwagon do I can't really understand why they would have gone for him

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Also, TRS, have you hinted at your role in this game or am I way off?

Yeah. As has been mentioned though, my character won't clarify whether I'm innocent or not. I just enjoy making puns based on my role. ;)

Anyway, I'm off for a hot dog and vanilla ice cream.

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Yeah. As has been mentioned though, my character won't clarify whether I'm innocent or not. I just enjoy making puns based on my role. ;)

Anyway, I'm off for a hot dog and vanilla ice cream.

Sneaky bitch.

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So Ludo is suspicious of Turbo now as well? But he said this earlier in the thread...

He says that David's accusation of Turbo is "desperate rubbish" but then goes on to suggest he is unsure of Turbo because of his extreme defensiveness.

Ludo unvotes David because he thought NOW was acting a bit more suspicious. Why unvote David then decide later if he is going to vote for him again? Why not wait then change his vote if he suspects NOW? I think Ludo is waiting to see how the voting pans out so he can decide what side to be on. He's not taking any responsibility for his own opinions again. He suspects David strongly throughout but then unvotes him to see where the rest of the village goes with it.

Leading up to this point, Turbo has made the famous post that he used poor phrasing in. That's clearly all it was and I was eager to see who would jump on it as a reason to vote for him. NOW did so almost immediately. Very questionable behaviour.

No, this isn't what happened, David. Right now, I am willing to put this down to self-preservation. David was in the mix at this stage as a possible lynch candidate so trying to come up with anything to put on Turbo.

Think there is something dodgy going on in the david mcg - Ludo conversations. Why Ludo thinks that a vote for david would look like nailed on mafia, on the first day with nothing else to go on, is a bit strange

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I previously mentioned that it was worth looking into CountyFan's posts as he was the Mafia hit. Now on first glance, these posts don't give us much because as you can see, like many he was feeding off the Turbo information. This does give us one subtle hint about the mafia that I will reveal later though.

I'll need to split this post into two as I think Div has lowered the amount of quotations allowed in a single post!

CountyFan, on 28 Jul 2015 - 23:01, said:

I assumed breadcrumbing was something to do with dropping hints/leading the conversation somewhere? Hansel and Gretel style.

Don't fall for Ludo's aggressive shtick, he always does that.

His first post on the thread. It doesn't offer much, other than a casual defence of myself, but really there's nothing to offer in this post.

CountyFan, on 29 Jul 2015 - 07:33, said:

Nobody going to give me any credit for correctly guessing what breadcrumbing is?!

Also can we use people's current screen names? This shit is confusing enough already without trying to work out who 'L4L' is.

Again, in his second post, CountyFan is focused on the idea of breadcrumbing. Again, not a great deal to offer.

CountyFan, on 29 Jul 2015 - 17:18, said:

That's how I read it too. And onions (Lichtie?!) making the point about posing questions via PM is a good one too.

Turbo would have known that the question wouldn't be clarified on the game thread and he brought it up anyway - why? If he has successfully used that tactic before, and he was village this time, why not just quietly do it again given that it hasn't expressly been banned?

Maybe clutching at straws but it's sticking out more to me than the usual pointless aggression you get at the start of these games.

Now we finally get into the meat of the matter. CountyFan is seen backing up Onions and helping start the implication that Turbo may be in the mafia. Again, it doesn't offer much other than your typical first day analysis.

CountyFan, on 29 Jul 2015 - 20:52, said:

I'm torn between NOW who is all over the place and Turbo for the strange profile view chat.

I'm going to Vote Turbo.

(Can someone bold - on the phone. Ta)

Interesting here that CountyFan is suspicious of NOW. He decides to vote for Turbo, but his suspicion of NOW could lead to the mafia (If NOW is in it) to wanting him bumped off early. Kill the subtle one's first.

CountyFan, on 29 Jul 2015 - 22:32, said:

He only mentioned the investigator after a few people called him out on what is now a couple of different things. Hinting at the investigator role could be a desperate attempt to save himself.

Again, nothing worth of note really.

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CountyFan, on 29 Jul 2015 - 22:41, said:

I've played in a few of these games without an enormous amount of success, and I certainly don't know enough about the various playing styles to make the sort of point you're hinting at.

I would say though, if people were indicating that they thought I had a particular 'style' in these games, I'd do the exact opposite of what that perception was. Would others (I.e Turbo) do the same? No idea.

Persinally, I'm going on what I've seen in this game and this game only. I've already voted for Turbo and nothing I've seen since would make me reconsider that.

His final post before his death was just another post in reference to Turbo and him leaving his vote on him. Now, these posts don't give us much at all to go on - or don't they? An experienced mafia team/player would want to bump off a player who is probing but can't be seen to be implicating any of them yet, otherwise that'll just give easy clues away. Therefore, I think we can deduce that the mafia team has a tactful player on their team. So who is the most experienced player in the mafia games? Well, I can think of one who has played every single mafia game on this site and is known for his sneakiness - that man is DavidMcG.

GingerSaint -I've read your post and you make some fine points about myself that do indeed make me look suspicious. I'll address them in a bit, just taking it from the start and going through a few different people's posts first.

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His final post before his death was just another post in reference to Turbo and him leaving his vote on him. Now, these posts don't give us much at all to go on - or don't they? An experienced mafia team/player would want to bump off a player who is probing but can't be seen to be implicating any of them yet, otherwise that'll just give easy clues away. Therefore, I think we can deduce that the mafia team has a tactful player on their team. So who is the most experienced player in the mafia games? Well, I can think of one who has played every single mafia game on this site and is known for his sneakiness - that man is DavidMcG.

GingerSaint -I've read your post and you make some fine points about myself that do indeed make me look suspicious. I'll address them in a bit, just taking it from the start and going through a few different people's posts first.

Think it's a bit of a jump to implicate David here. Imo we should just go for NOW, he was the only one County Fan was suspicious of apart from turbo we've got nothing else to go on and tbf he raised quite a few suspicions yesterday anyway and got a few votes himself

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Well, if ever there was an appropriate time for Ludo's Suspicions, I guess this is it. I'm going to delve into the majority of DavidMcG's posts and highlight just why I think he is a member of the mafia. Since Div has reduced the quote limit, this may well get tedious, but try to keep up if you can!

DavidMcG, on 28 Jul 2015 - 22:09, said:

Lichtie already getting under peoples skin I see. Didn't take long

Now, this would come under the terms of 'before the game started'. We'll come to this later.

DavidMcG, on 28 Jul 2015 - 22:16, said:

Who was it that was famous for going back through the thread and digging up loads of old evidence to prevent their case? Was that Ludo? Or maybe Nocturnal Groove?

Now, for a guy that has played every single mafia game on this site, why wouldn't he know this? Fair enough, it's been a while since we've played the game, but a strange little post, could their possibly be an alterior motive to it or is he just plain old forgetful?

DavidMcG, on 28 Jul 2015 - 22:31, said:

Ludos suspicions! That was it! You used to crack them out sometimes when you were mafia to deflect attention

Ah yes! Straight off the bat he attempts to restrict my suspicions by planting the seed that I only do it when I am in the mafia to 'deflect attention'. This could be interpreted as David getting a useful but subtle defence out there right away. Any time in the future that I post my suspicions of a certain player, it'll hopefully put me on the backfoot - after all I apparently do it to 'deflect attention'. A nice little trick by David, but to me, this just shows him up as defensive and wary of me posting my thoughts. Why would he be wary?

DavidMcG, on 28 Jul 2015 - 22:43, said:

Interesting opening exchange between Ludo and Bonksy. Could be the classic "on same team, pretend to have an argument so that one definitely appears innocent" technique.

His next post is again commenting on me, someone as we'll come to later, he has described as 'one of the best players in the game'. Therefore, he views me as a threat. The other name he picks on? Well, Bonksy has now been proven to be innocent so there's no worries about catching a member of the mafia out here. He appears only too happy to drop what is now a known innocent and a possible threat into the firing line.

DavidMcG, on 28 Jul 2015 - 22:57, said:

Ludo has so far made about 6 posts on this thread and 5 of them have been shots/accusations against 5 different people! Onions, Sooky, Bonksy, me and Gy.

Very early days of course but very attacking behaviour right off the bat. Hmmm

Again - his next post is having a go at me. Now, as GingerSaint pointed out, I hadn't had a go at Onions. My posts towards Sooky and Gy were clear attempts at humour (You're more than welcome to have a gander for yourselves if you don't take my word for it) but apparently because I had an early altercation with him, it's 'very attacking behaviour'. The addition of 'Hmmm' implies that this is unlike me and it is worth watching - which anyone who has played the game before will know that it's not. Why would David indict a possible threat? Someone he has labelled as one of the best in the game? Because he's wary of being found out in the mafia perhaps?

More to come, very soon.

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Welcome back!

DavidMcG, on 28 Jul 2015 - 23:07, said:

Quite the technician! Not sure if that is a compliment or not.

Not sure what you are accusing me of here? Planting seeds in peoples head?You are utterly paranoid, not to mention that was before game started.

Now, we start off with the David's exchange with myself. Now from the last post, we can deduce or at least interpret David as planting seeds. Alas though, I am deemed as 'utterly paranoid'. Before the game started he says though? Like my supposed attacks he accused me of earlier in the game? Interesting.

DavidMcG, on 29 Jul 2015 - 06:41, said:

So who hasn't shown up yet so far?

What was that about planting seeds?!

Next we move onto an exchange David had with GS. I've quoted GS' post just so you can keep up easily.

GingerSaint, on 29 Jul 2015 - 06:57, said:

Can't multi-quote on my phone so bear with me. L4L made a passive and innocent comment on a Bonksy post which was also very passive and innocent (and easily answered if you read the rules). Bonksy replies with a personal insult and Ludo comments on this aggressive behaviour.

Bonksy then gets all butthurt and makes a long ranting post about how Ludo's actions are suspicious but says about L4L "I think he an be best ignored for now". An attempt to deflect attention away from L4L?

Mafia always fall into the trap of not even interacting with each other on the thread. Smart players know this so interaction is often feigned between mafia members in meaningless exchanges of posts that (try to) raise little suspicion but also plant the seed that they can't be on the same team. Ludo is also an experienced player so a good Mafia tactic would be to get rid of the better players. Was this an attempt by Mafia members Bonksy and L4L to implement this technique or am I massively clutching at straws here? Almost definitely the latter.

DavidMcG, on 29 Jul 2015 - 07:54, said:

Who are you trying to say is mafia here? You seem to imply Ludo but at the end of your post you say Bonksy and Airdrie Onions (L4L)? A simple typo or a slip up?

Does GS imply that I'm mafia or does DavidMcG want to interpret it that way? Why would he want to again make people think that I'm a mafia member?

DavidMcG, on 29 Jul 2015 - 10:55, said:

Just had a look and turbo dee is the only one yet to post anything #lurker

eta - last active: private <_<

What was that about planting seeds?! And so the bandwagon of Turbo began.

More to come.

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Think it's a bit of a jump to implicate David here. Imo we should just go for NOW, he was the only one County Fan was suspicious of apart from turbo we've got nothing else to go on and tbf he raised quite a few suspicions yesterday anyway and got a few votes himself

I agree that it's a jump from Ludo there. I think it's also a jump to say that the mafia targeted County Fan because of his minor inference that he thought NOW was mafia.

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DavidMcG, on 29 Jul 2015 - 16:36, said:

I'm calling bullsh*t on this Turbo.

1. Why was I on thread not contributing? I believe I was or am the top poster on this thread so far. You may argue the content or quality of my posts but to say I'm not contributing is utter rubbish.

2. Why was I lurking in thread not engaging? Emm....I checked pie and Bov saw there was new posts on this thread so checked them out then posted my post about who hadn't been active. I'm not sure what else I should have been doing. Very strange thing for you to point out.

3. Why you? At the time everyone else on the thread had posted apart from you. I did point that out in the post you responded to! After all that was the point of the post.

The three things above seem super defensive and frankly all nonsense statements. Add that to the fact you posted 20mins after I called out your inactivity seems more suss than anyone else so far.

Nobody else has voted yet I believe so I'll kick off.

Vote Turbo

The only person so far that has genuinely posted absolute nonsense to try and defend themselves. People may find that weak but it's first day so have to go on something.

Now that David realises he is getting no joy from me, other than a casual vote from NOW which doesn't really help his case, he goes full throttle on Turbo. Another player that David would consider it a coup to get rid of if anyone knows David's thoughts on Turbo in previous games.

DavidMcG, on 29 Jul 2015 - 22:12, said:

what the fcuk is this bullsh*t :lol:

Bandwaggon central here. If I do go out then you need to look at these people.

Come on people, it's first day so I appreciate there isn't alot to go on but people like Turbo and number one wasp have looked guilty. Whats the most someone has on me - 'a different style to how I used to play'

Yet when David gets a few votes against himself it's 'bandwagon central'. Defensive? You betcha! But that is natural and to be expected when you feel you're undeservedly gaining unwanted attention. It also flies in the face of what David is at this time doing to Turbo. And he categorically states, 'but people like Turbo... have looked guilty'. Make your own minds up people on what is going on here.

DavidMcG, on 29 Jul 2015 - 22:24, said:

Turbo is going down and by claiming so outrightly to be the investigator, he is trying to draw out the real investigator for his mafia buddies to spot.


smart enough players will know I Am right about this

Here - David states that Turbo is claiming to be the investigator. He's pinning absolute guilt on Turbo here despite Turbo saying absolutely nothing of the sort.

DavidMcG, on 29 Jul 2015 - 22:34, said:

Do you think if he really was the investigator he would be coming out and saying he is the investigator. Nobody would do it that obviously.

He is doing it to draw out the real one for his mafia friends

This is more than just suspicions now, don't you think? This could be interpreted as David wanting to get off to the perfect start and by getting rid of a perceived strong player, it would do just that. Attack, attack, attack. I'm sure he tried to accuse me of doing this right at the start, did he not?

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:lol: Too busy trying to read deep between the lines.

That is a good point that I forgot about. Still don't know why he is hinting at characters though,

Why did you hint that you were prospector pete? maybe the same reason as you shits and giggles?

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DavidMcG, on 29 Jul 2015 - 22:51, said:

You are a such a c*nt :lol::lol: trying to take me down with you

We start off near the deadline and David states that Turbo is a 'c**t' and 'trying to take me down' - a suggestion at this point would be that David is becoming increasingly desperate as he is being drawn into the lynch vote alongside Turbo. This was not part of his plan - obviously.

DavidMcG, on 29 Jul 2015 - 22:56, said:

I highly doubt I'll survive the night one way or the other so please refer back to this post after all is revealed.

The person I am most confident of being mafia is Gydiamond. Call it experience by an old pro

Now - if David does turn out to be mafia. Keep this post in mind.

DavidMcG, on 29 Jul 2015 - 22:58, said:

FCUK SOMEON VOTE TURBO - he is going to get away with it

Desperation has well and truly set in.

DavidMcG, on 29 Jul 2015 - 23:00, said:

Very interesting to note that Kyle has saved Turbo at the very last minute by voting for NOW

Again, a bit desperate. Feels that he has failed in the first night.

DavidMcG, on 29 Jul 2015 - 23:27, said:

Why in the name of f**k was Turbo pretending to be investigator if he was a just a civi! That's ludicrous behaviour from one of the good guys

Now his defence of himself comes into play. Let's just blame Turbo and sweep it all under the carpet. Job done in night one. Move on. He knows he'll be targeted today, but he believes he'll be able to fend off any accusations and appears to have done so effectively so far. I'll leave my posts about David there as his most recent one's will still be fresh in the memory for some. I'll now move on to catching up with the thread since I've been typing this out!

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