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Personality - 7

Appearance - 7

Driving - 6

Footballing ability - 7

Cuntery - 8

I'm a reasonably chirpy, up for a laugh guy I guess. Been told a little too cheeky at times, but hey what's life without risks. Plus I've got a devilishly sick sense of humour and if someone is the same they'll totally get me. Pretty good looking I've been told, albeit if I looked my age I'd be a mark or two higher, the fact I still look about 17 is a slight issue. I'll be killing it in 15 years time if my dads aging curve is anything to go by. Been told I drive like someone who does my job, which isn't a good thing. If I was fitter I'd be better at football, but the brain and technique are still there, just not the stamina. Ohh aye and I'm a real c**t at times, like harshly so.

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Personality - 6 ( im apparently quite funny)
Appearance - 5 ( need to lose some pounds to improve )
Driving ability - 6 ( been driving over a year now with no points, not bad considering im up and down the A90 5 days a week)
Footballing ability - 0.5 ( fecking useless)
Cuntery - 3 ( quite laid back normally only really a c**t when being competitve, brother and friends say im a bad winner)

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Personality - 2 Can't be arsed making small talk and pretending I'm interested in what others are saying.

Appearance -1 Quasimodo takes me with him to make him look good.

Driving ability - 9 Although very seldom anyone else in the car to dispute this fact.

Football ability -1 That doesn't stop me telling others what their doing wrong of course.

Cuntery - Scotland

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Personality - 6 I'm pretty marmite I think, once people have got to know me they generally enjoy my company but at the same time I can be a right fucking oddball at times. People who don't "get" me must think I'm aspergers.

Appearance - 7 I'd say I'm above average, yeah, despite looking pre-pubescent.

Driving ability - 0 I can't drive.

Footballing ability - 6 I'm good for the level of the guys I play with, but that's just because I'm a fast runner. I'd probably get molested if I played someone decent.

Cuntery - 8 I'm an utter wankstain. Lie constantly,blame others, bitch about everyone and am probably a bit self centred. Great guy apart from that though.

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Personality - 8 Quite funny and inappropriate and never a problem socialising

Appearance - 9 Attractive although pretty fat and balding (despite a horrendous amount of body hair), cleft palate, squint eye, acne, yellow teeth and large jewish nose but my i get told i have lovely ears

Driving ability - 6 Bashed a wing mirror the other day but haven't driven much in past year

Footballing ability - 8 Ability is there the fitness and effort is certainly not

Cuntery - 8 I am a bit of a cut


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Personality - 10: I have a personality. It might be shit, but it's still a personality.

Appearance - 10: I have an appearance. I might be fugly, but it's still an appearance.

Driving ability - 10: I passed my driving test despite driving the wrong way down a one way street.

Football ability - 0: Picked last every time. And went to a rugby school. Was actually not bad in goals, but being 3ft tall was a hindrance.

Cuntery - 0: I end every "edgy" statement on P+B with a smiley.


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Personality - 6 I'm actually not a bad lad away from the politics sub-forum
Appearance - 6.5. Tall, good metabolism. I'd say I'm a little above averagely good looking.
Driving ability - 7. Wrote off the first 2 cars I had within a year of each other. Fucking exemplary since, chamon.
Footballing ability - 6. Not too bad on the left wing.
Cuntery - 6 See first answer.

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Personality - 4 Keep myself to myself whenever possible

Appearance - 9 I am incredibly vain.
Driving ability - 9 I'm a saddo petrolhead, have done trackdays, racing tuition etc
Footballing ability - 4 I'm not bad at doing tricks but felt a full 90 minutes was too long to be away from fags and booze. Used to keep my tabs and a couple of bottles of beer in my kitbag at the side of the pitch. Being a wing-wizard whilst smoking and boozing was my main talent.
Cuntery - 5. I was born in Scunthorpe and one of my old uni tutors used to call me "the man who put the c@nt in Scunthorpe"

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Personality - 10: I have a personality. It might be shit, but it's still a personality.

Appearance - 10: I have an appearance. I might be fugly, but it's still an appearance.

Driving ability - 10: I passed my driving test despite driving the wrong way down a one way street.

Football ability - 0: Picked last every time. And went to a rugby school. Was actually not bad in goals, but being 3ft tall was a hindrance.

Cuntery - 0: I end every "edgy" statement on P+B with a smiley.


^^^^ two conclusions can be drawn from this. Either

1) the standard of driving instructor in the South West is shite. Which would explain the number of twats who drive on the A75. Or

2) you shagged the driving instructor,didn't you...?!

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Personality : 7 (anyone that can string a coherent sentence together is probably at least a 5 and I'm a bit better than that).

Appearance : 7 (despite being quite old now, no one believes that I'm actually middle aged)

Driving ability : 2 (bit rubbish to be honest, especially going backwards)

Footballing ability : (then 6, now 3 due diminished athleticism but still quite good at set pieces)

Cuntery : 0 (I might be a twat sometimes but never a c**t)

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Personality: 8. I get on well with most people

Appearance: 8. Only ride 8's or above

Driving Ability: 9. Spend all winter driving a gritter and snowplough so say I'm pretty competent

Footballing Ability: 5. Picked last at 7's from time to time

Cuntery: 8. Can be a real b*****d, not malicious but I do have an very mischievous alter ego when MWI

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Needs a bit of work, but I could be persuaded to buy a P&B Top Trumps set. Div needs to work on his merchandising anyway.

The laddie who used to do those MS Paint pictures would need to do the artwork for each Box Office poster, however. Would be a thing of beauty.

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