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Explosion in Paris


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I think I liked this thread better when it was just Donny and wunfellaff making bad jokes. This wisbit/Mr. Bairn/Pete's Frontier/The Upturned Scrabble Bag group is an affront to my intelligence.

Wait, what? Why am I being lumped in with Wisbit here?

I'm the one calling for all out war against the Caliphate, Wisbit is the one claiming Paris was some kind of conspiracy theory.

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Dont know much about Singapore, but Im pretty certain Islam is the dominant religion in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Therefore, Islam is calling the shots in these countries and everyone has to jump to that tune.

The Catholic/ Protestant bullshit is and has been Scotlands shame, one of the worst things being faith school discrimination, yet low and behold it starts again with Islamic only schools in Scotland.

Why by default of marrying a muslim do you have to become a Muslim?, or is there something within Islam that does not tolerate other religions or cultures?

Why are they dissapointed or unhappy that you have a beer?, or some bacon?,

Is that not your culture?.

Are you unhappy they eat halal meat?, surely they would want to integate?

I dont doubt there are many many good muslims as human beings, I just have fundementally opppsed views to Islam.

As an aside, what is the Islamic view of athiesm, that pretty much sums up why I have the beliefs I do regards Islam

You could have just stopped at 'Don't know much'.

Islam is the dominant religion in Indonesia and Malaysia, however I don't quite get that it 'calls the shots'. Do you believe that all countries that are Muslim or predominately Muslim operate under sharia law or similar?

You will find that Malay law is based on English law and Indonesian on Dutch law and contrary to what you believe no one has to jump to any tune.

I can buy pork and beer here and most Australians looking for an 'ibiza' style nightlife head to Bali.

In Jakarta, across from the central mosque is the cathedral church. The co-exist side by side with no problems. The same in Singapore and Malaysia.

I can't comment on Islamic schools in Scotland as I moved away 11 years ago, but how much of that is our own making? If the catholic religion is allowed its own schools, why can't another religion have them? That is not a Islamic problem but a Scottish problem. Hate the Scots and the government for creating the possibility for that happening not the Muslims. You can't say yes to one and no to another.

Again, my 'conversion' to Islam because of marriage you don't know about but immediately assume it's Islams fault. It's not, it's law and covers all religions. My wife could have converted to Christianity and we married, but as I was brought up a Christian but have no belief it was easier for me to convert than her. A bit of paper means sod all to me. You can be Muslim, Protestant, Catholic, Buddhist etc here. No problem.

Now, I said some people may be disappointed iirc. Not all people. Like anywhere, people would like to see immigrants assimilate into the local culture (and I married a muslim), but they don't get hung up about it. They don't demand I must do this or that, simply, they get on with their life's and don't bother about me.

I couldn't care less if people eat halal, pray or wear whatever they want. It doesn't affect me and if their belief gives them a focus in life and they are good people, go for it. I'll reserve my hatred for the radicals and the intolerant (and stupid).

Having fundamentally opposed views is something I won't get hung up about. We are all individuals. Part of growing up and growing wise is that getting hung up about what someone thinks is a futile passtime and is usually reserved for children or the unintelligent who do not have enough in their own life to occupy themselves. Like gossiping old housewives.

I have absolutely no care what Islam or anyone else thinks about atheism as it doesn't affect me or change my life. My wife would love me to become a proper muslim, my mother would want me to go to church more. My boss would love me to solve all his problems and I would love Motherwell to win the league. None of it's going to happen and no one is going to start fighting over it as we accept ourselves and each other for who we are.

If you read back what you write, most is based on assumptions not fact. You have entered a debate on the laws and practices of Indonesia, Singapore and Malaysia with the opening line of 'Don't know much' that's sums it up. Go and find out before making assumptions and qualify your source.

Being unable to differentiate between these radicals and Islam is really what these idiots want. So you are helping them.


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Ooft. The Tight one administering a healthy helping of real world Telt Cake.

:-) just reading some of the drivel here, then look at my (muslimy, sucide bombing, terrorist) wife watching soap operas and X factor and think, what the f**k do these clowns think the world outside their comfort zone is really like?

Mind set wise their about marching in time with these radicals.

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