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Loki's Film Quiz

Albino Rover

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Round 21 Answers

1. Jane Fonda & Henry Fonda

2. Tatum O’Neal & Ryan O’Neal

3. Liza Minnelli & Vincente Minnelli

4. Sofia Coppola & Francis Ford Coppola

5. Laura Dern & Bruce Dern

6. Angelina Jolie & Jon Voight

7. Emilio Estevez & Martin Sheen

8. Isabella Rossellini & Roberto Rossellini

9. Jason Reitman & Ivan Reitman

10. Anjelica Huston & John Huston



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Round 22: You Don’t Know Jack...


...or maybe you do, in which case you may know that yesterday was the movie legend’s 79th birthday.




What an actor he is, and has been for many years. Here are ten questions about him:


1. Jack Nicholson has won 3 Oscars - two of which were for leading performances. For which film did he win for a supporting performance?

2. In which film did Nicholson play a mafia hitman called Charley Partanna?

3. Complete the first line in one of Nicholson’s most famous films: “Hi, I’ve got an appointment with Mr. Ullman. My name is _____________.â€

4. He was nominated for a Worst Actor Razzie and a Best Actor Golden Globe for playing Jimmy Hoffa in the 1992 biopic Hoffa. Who directed it?

5. Throughout the film About Schmidt, Warren Schmidt corresponds with an African boy named Ndugu. In which country does Ndugu live?

6. Studio executives warned Tim Burton not to kill off Nicholson’s character. As an act of rebellion, Burton wrote him not one but two roles, and killed off both. What was the film?

7. Who played the character “Man with Knifeâ€, who called a Jack Nicholson character a “nosey fellaâ€?

8. In an unforgettable scene in One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest, R.P. McMurphy plays out a World Series baseball game for his fellow mental patients. Which two teams are playing?

9. What song does Nicholson sing as he plays the piano in As Good As It Gets? It also appears during the end credits of the film.

10. His last film appearance to date was in 2010. What was the film’s title?


PM me your answers by midnight on Friday.


Good luck

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1. Terms Of Endearment

2. Prizzi’s Honor

3. Jack Torrance

4. Danny DeVito

5. Tanzania

6. Mars Attacks!

7. Roman Polanski

8. The New York Yankees and the L.A. Dodgers

9. "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life"

10. How Do You Know


I have to say that I was surprised by the number of incorrect answers to Q3. I'm glad at least some of you were able to review it before the deadline but in future please always answer the question asked - it was a painful point to deny some people.





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Round 23: 1-10


This week I'm giving you the answers in advance- they are the numbers 1-10.


Here are the questions. Put them in the right order from 1-10 for full marks:


Number of films directed by Steven Spielberg starring Tom Hanks

Number of Oscars won by John Williams

Number of credited actors in Alfred Hitchcock’s Rope

Number on the side of Tallahassee‘s car in Zombieland

Number of feature films featuring Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci

Number of James Bond films featuring Judi Dench as M

Juror number played by Ed Begley in 12 Angry Men

Number of films in which Sylvester Stallone has played Rocky Balboa

Number between “A†and “13†in the code which features in every Pixar film

Number of Batman films directed by Tim Burton

PM me your answers by midnight on Friday.
Good luck
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Oh my freaking God. I'm such a fud. I wrote the film title for question 7. Question 6 you sneaky devil, I easily thought it was batman. Totally forgot Burton did Mars attacks aswell, well played sir.



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Round 23 Answers

1. Number between “A†and “13†in the code which features in every Pixar film

2. Number of Batman films directed by Tim Burton

3. Number on the side of Tallahassee‘s car in Zombieland

4. Number of films directed by Steven Spielberg starring Tom Hanks

5. Number of Oscars won by John Williams

6. Number of feature films featuring Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci

7. Number of films in which Sylvester Stallone has played Rocky Balboa

8. Number of James Bond films featuring Judi Dench as M

9. Number of credited actors in Alfred Hitchcock’s Rope

10. Juror number played by Ed Begley in 12 Angry Men



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Round 24: Welles, Welles, Welles


With three rounds left to go, let us remember 75 years ago this week, when RKO first screened one of the best and most influential film masterpieces of all time. This round is all about its great director.





1. Citizen Kane was nominated for the 1941 Best Picture Academy Award but famously didn’t win. What film beat it?

2. Which film starring Orson Welles won the Oscar for the Best Picture of 1966?

3. Who played Mrs. Elsa Bannister in Welles' film The Lady From Shanghai?

4. Welles directed a number of feature adaptations of Shakespeare plays. What was the first?

5. Who composed the original score for Citizen Kane?

6. Who played Orson Welles in Tim Burton’s Ed Wood?

7. What is the name of the police captain played by Welles in Touch Of Evil?

8. Complete the title of the 1973 documentary directed by Welles: F For ____

9. Who directed the 2012 film Me & Orson Welles?

10. He played one of the great movie villains, Harry Lime in The Third Man. Who directed the film?



PM me your answers by midnight on Friday.


Good luck

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Round 24 Answers


1. How Green Was My Valley

2. A Man for All Seasons

3. Rita Hayworth

4. Macbeth

5. Bernard Herrmann

6. Vincent D'Onofrio

7. Capt. Hank Quinlan

8. Fake

9. Richard Linklater

10. Carol Reed






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Round 25: Dirty Dozen


Over the course of this quiz I’ve frequently referred to it as a marathon. Long-distance athletes among you may be aware that the length of a marathon is not 26, but 26.2 miles. So for the penultimate round, to make up the mileage, there are an extra 2 points to play for.


The “dirty†is in my choice of questions: the theme to this round is random and the difficulty is high.


Here they are:


1. Who directed the 2005 film Brick?

2. Ivor Novello starred in two films directed by Alfred Hitchcock. Name both.

3. How old in years is Uncle Billy in It’s A Wonderful Life?

4. What is the last word spoken in Pulp Fiction?

5. Who played Napoléon Bonaparte in Abel Gance’s 1927 epic Napoléon?

6. What is the password to the Long Island mansion party in Eyes Wide Shut?

7. What is the first name of Christopher Walken’s character in the 2006 film Click?

8. Which actor and actress play Riley’s parents in Inside Out?

9. Who composed the original score for Alien?

10. What city is the intended destination of the ill-fated flight in I’m So Excited!?

11. By cinema release running time, what is the longest film directed by Michael Bay?

12. What is the answer to the final question in Slumdog Millionaire?



PM me your answers by midnight on Friday.


Good luck

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That's a quite good round for me. Hoping to watch the couple of movies needed to complete the round. However I'm not watching click so I'm not answering that question!

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Round 25 Answers

1. Rian Johnson

2. Downhill and The Lodger

3. 56

4. Idea

5. Albert Dieudonné

6. Fidelio

7. Morty

8. Diane Lane and Kyle MacLachlan

9. Jerry Goldsmith

10. Mexico City

11. Pearl Harbor

12. Aramis

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Round 26: The Gauntlet


The time has finally come where the winner will be decided, and with the top 5 separated by only 11.5 points and a three way title race in the final week, things have never been more interesting.


For the final mile of the quiz marathon I’m giving you a “best of†reel from the last 25. Your task is to answer a variation of 9 questions inspired by previous rounds, with something new for the final sprint.


Here they are:


1. Novel Ideas:

Identify the movie adaptation from the author of the novel and the film’s director:

David Nicholls, Lone Scherfig


2. Oscar Bravo:

Who was nominated for a Best Supporting Actress Academy Award for the 2004 film Kinsey?


3. A Matter Of Birth And Death:

Identify the film personality from the dates and locations of their birth and death:

Born: October 13, 1893, Springfield, Ohio

Died: February 27, 1993, New York City


4. God Is The Director:

Who directed the documentary films The Fog Of War and The Thin Blue Line?


5. Hanging By A Thread:

Which 2015 film has the following threads on its IMDb messageboard page?

Physics all wrong? / The physics works fine / Question about size/weight


6. 亚洲电影:

What is the name of the Japanese animator who directed Ghibli films including My Neighbor Totoro and Spirited Away?


7. All I Need Is EU:

In which EU country is the 2004 film Long Dark Night set?


8. Make ‘Em Laugh:

From which comedy film is this a line?

“The ratio of people to cake is too big.â€


9. Who’s The Daddy:

Identify the film personality and name their father.

Director of A Few Good Men



For your final point, take the first letter from each of this week’s answers (first names for people) and unscramble them to make a film title.



PM me your answers by midnight on Friday


Good luck one and all, and thanks for playing.

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Final Answers

1. One Day

2. Laura Linney

3. Lillian Gish

4. Errol Morris

5. Ant Man

6. Hayao Miyazaki

7. Croatia

8. Office Space

9. Rob Reiner/Carl Reiner



Final Leaderboard

Which means that King Kebab is our 2015/16 winner. Congratulations KK.
Thank you to everyone for playing - special praise to Loki, Eednud and SamuraiJock who didn't miss a round.
See you next season!
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