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Bombing Syria


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Can anyone tell me what Cameron thinks we can achieve by adding the UK to the list of countries dropping bombs over there? I fail to see how us adding a few more will make any positive difference that the large number of bombs already being dropped hasn't already made. It makes no sense to me at all that the UK is joining in with that aspect of things.

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Targeted an oil refinery. Ffs what have all the other c***s been bombing all this time?

What next the bomb making factories? Oh no it's us & our allies that own the factories. Can't stop the profit mo-knee. Moolah be praised.


Edited by Grim O'Grady
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We get to throw our name in the ring for contracts if and when required.

Beyond that? The potential commercial advantages was the only angle I could think of, but I was hoping there was something obvious that I was missing.

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They targeted an oil refinery in Raqqah.

No reports on the number of deaths as yet. How surprising.

More surprising was the the US claimed to have bombed all the refineries in 2014. Either they are not very good or the UK is bombing targets that have already been hit.

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Why was their no kick up like this when we decided to bomb Iraq last year ? Genuine question ?

Reality is this decision has not made us more of a target in Isis eyes as we were already a pretty high target on their list, isis don't hate us for dropping bombs on them , they hate us for what we are and we will always be infidels or apostates in their view wether we are dropping bombs on them , sending troops on the ground or trying to get them round a table to negotiate an outcome

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Why was their no kick up like this when we decided to bomb Iraq last year ? Genuine question ?

Reality is this decision has not made us more of a target in Isis eyes as we were already a pretty high target on their list, isis don't hate us for dropping bombs on them , they hate us for what we are and we will always be infidels or apostates in their view wether we are dropping bombs on them , sending troops on the ground or trying to get them round a table to negotiate an outcome

Probably because we've been doing it for the last 15 years anyway.

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What should they be doing? Using voting buttons like a game show audience ?

It's tradition and convention for them to do it this way in the House of Commons. Quite why you would have any issue with it is beyond me. What harm does it do?

I take umbrage with it. It's time to bring our parliament and the relics within it into the 21st century.

f**k tradition and convention. That's simply excusing something as it's been done for hundreds of years and is part of the problem for me, not specifically the aye and no thong but it neatly sums up how out of touch the people who run the country are. It's jobs for the boys and has been for a long long time.

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Why was their no kick up like this when we decided to bomb Iraq last year ? Genuine question ?

Reality is this decision has not made us more of a target in Isis eyes as we were already a pretty high target on their list, isis don't hate us for dropping bombs on them , they hate us for what we are and we will always be infidels or apostates in their view wether we are dropping bombs on them , sending troops on the ground or trying to get them round a table to negotiate an outcome

Because the Government of Iraq requested our assistance publically.

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Weather you agree with the bombing of syria or not i would hope people would support our armed forces in this mission.

I can't support any army that knowingly kills innocent civilians, sorry.

We had a chance to wash our hands with this one, it's going to come back and bite us in the arse. I just hope the next terrorist attack is not in Scotland.

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I can't support any army that knowingly kills innocent civilians, sorry.

We had a chance to wash our hands with this one, it's going to come back and bite us in the arse. I just hope the next terrorist attack is not in Scotland.

You would have been hoping that before yesterday's decision regardless

Do some people genuinley think that we are just now all of a sudden a target to isis based on this decision alone

Edited by forever_blue
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I'm overhearing a discussion taking place now in the office next door to mine that 3 girls are having, 2 of which are No voting Rangers fans. One said "If it was up to you and me, we'd obviously vote in favour of strikes, but that's why we have MPs, so they can vote for us and we don't have to think about it".


Who does the other girl support Fidey and is she a Yes or No voter? Jeezo
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I can't support any army that knowingly kills innocent civilians, sorry.

We had a chance to wash our hands with this one, it's going to come back and bite us in the arse. I just hope the next terrorist attack is not in Scotland.

Isis are the ones who set out to kill innocent civilians,that is what they plan and train for,that is what they believe in.

The uk and its allies on the other hand do not go out with the deliberately intention to target civilians,yes from time to time civilians do get caught up in the attacks and it may happen this time.

Am sure people on here will be all over it if it happens.

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