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The messages he refers to are the ones that the committee have already seen and confirmed show nothing that would approach a conspiracy. It's a desperate last throw of the dice on a story they know is almost dead in the water trying to kick up one last bit of mud.

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24 minutes ago, ICTJohnboy said:


You must have dozed off during Sarah Smith's orgasmic delivery on the 10pm news.

I watched that.

Huw Edwards introduced the piece with a lie and I lost interest as it all got a bit tabloidy with sensation over substance.

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The messages he refers to are the ones that the committee have already seen and confirmed show nothing that would approach a conspiracy. It's a desperate last throw of the dice on a story they know is almost dead in the water trying to kick up one last bit of mud.
Possibly looking to sway Hamilton...
Sky News ran it 3rd story after Ethiopian civil war, and chooky
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5 minutes ago, MP_MFC said:

The messages he refers to are the ones that the committee have already seen and confirmed show nothing that would approach a conspiracy. It's a desperate last throw of the dice on a story they know is almost dead in the water trying to kick up one last bit of mud.

Agree it doesn't show a conspiracy, it shows strongly (if the messages are real) Sturgeon hasn't told the truth about when she knew.  A separate but important issue.

I support indy and will vote SNP.  I like to think people can see the separate issues at play here; Salmond is probably most in the wrong but Sturgeon's credibility is important to me too.

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Do you think the leaks are fake?
I wouldn't be surprised if the evidence becomes public in the next few days, let's just theoretically say they are genuine, what do you think about the issue then? 
Given the leaks about phone messages and WhatsApp that turned out to be exaggerated nonsense I'm rather dubious.

The thing is - the finger pointing at Sturgeon may still be misplaced - I have said the real issue is not Sturgeon but those in the Civil Service who carried out the investigation.

I think what is riling me is that so far all we have had is innuendo, hearsay and opinion than any actual evidence.
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1 minute ago, DeeTillEhDeh said:

Given the leaks about phone messages and WhatsApp that turned out to be exaggerated nonsense I'm rather dubious.

The thing is - the finger pointing at Sturgeon may still be misplaced - I have said the real issue is not Sturgeon but those in the Civil Service who carried out the investigation.

I think what is riling me is that so far all we have had is innuendo, hearsay and opinion than any actual evidence.

Yeah 100%. I think that's something that slightly annoys me when people speak about Nicola and conspiracy theories when that's never something most sensible people subscribe to or suggest, more the potential major failures of civil servants and some other members within the SNP, don't get me wrong she could be complicit but the story is wider than the personal vandetta that people like to focus on. 

Appreciate the answer! 

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14 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
17 minutes ago, Jim McLean said:
The bombshell evidence is that someone that knew Nicola Sturgeon knew about the Salmond complaints before she did. Am I getting that right?
What is the big deal?

That's not what's really at play though is it.

So what is the big deal?

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Yeah 100%. I think that's something that slightly annoys me when people speak about Nicola and conspiracy theories when that's never something most sensible people subscribe to or suggest, more the potential major failures of civil servants and some other members within the SNP, don't get me wrong she could be complicit but the story is wider than the personal vandetta that people like to focus on. 
Appreciate the answer! 
Anyone who who has watched Sturgeon over the years will know that she is an ultra-cautious individual - I genuinely believe she has taken a complete back seat here to avoid any accusations of covering up for Salmond.

It looks to me that those who have carried out the investigation have then not been held to account by the democratically elected politicians.

For me it has always looked more like a civil service fuckup than any political conspiracy - if there is a conspiracy it's by civil servants trying to cover their arses.

The lessons from this is that the process for dealing with allegations of sexual wrong-doing need completely changed - I know it is standard practice to carry out an internal investigation before passing matters to the police - but for politicians I just don't think it works.

It's been compounded further by a committee who really are partisan - both ways - an independent inquiry is the only way that a genuinely non-partisan view can be reached.

I'd hope that Hamilton would find there is no conspiracy but instead serious flaws in the process - and makes recommendations to change that process.

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1 hour ago, Glen Sannox said:

Classic Scottish whataboutery.

Whilst I'm loathe to engage with you because you're a fucking idiot, whataboutery is, on occasion, perfectly legitimate when establishing context.

It is reasonable to expect a modicum of balance in how people are held to account. Frankly that's just not happening. We're watching an authoritarian British government tightening the screw on civil liberty, running procurement processes which would give the word "tinpot" a bad name and defending senior ministers who have clearly been identified as behaving disgracefully but it's all shrugged off. 

Against that background, the hounding of Nicola Sturgeon is unbelievable. And most sensible people can see it for what it is. It's not just an attack on her, it's a desperation to avoid what would undoubtedly be seen as a constitutional crisis - one that's largely been brought about by Westminster over the last 5 years since June 2016. 

The smell of fear is palpable. I'll be honest, I don't know if there's a level the UK government won't go to to stop Scotland deciding its future. I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised to see some form of emergency legislation rushed through in the next few weeks to stop Scotland from determining its future. Absolutely nothing is off the table for this Conservative govt. 

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People think this might be the downfall of Sturgeon and the SNP. That's clearly, utterly nonsense. 

The Tories are doing exactly what they planned to do with this and it might even work.

All they need is the SNP not getting a majority and it's job done. They might achieve that tbf.

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People of Scotland should be very afraid.

It is clear that Westminster and this UK Govt/Establishment will do anything to prevent Scotland leaving the UK. This isn't just a little political mischief it is a clear and sustained attacked on Scottish Parliament/Devolution, remember Boris Johnson called it a disaster. They are not just trying to remove the FM or take current Scottish Govt down but they are trying to undermine our very Democracy to make it easier to take away our Parliament's powers, we were warned that was their intention.

Every singles YES voter needs to put differences aside and get out and vote. Either SNP for both votes or if in Central belt SNP and then Greens on list vote.

If we don't get Pro Indy majority in May we have had it.

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Rousing words guys but you need to realise Sturgeon is capable of making mistakes, ironically you guys sound like conspiracy theorists against Westminster, you can't possibly conceive that Sturgeon could be at fault for something so it's all "They're attacking Scotland" - They're not, they're attacking Sturgeon and rightly so. 

Try and look at things as if you haven't been drinking Kool Aid. 

Edited by Stormzy
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9 hours ago, John Lambies Doos said:

These messages have already been seen by committee. This continued Tory witch hunt will be seen just as that. Keep it coming.. David Davis emoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.pngemoji23.png

aye the man who said Brexit would be a singe (yet didnt even organise a meeting with Barnier)  Possibly one of the most incompetent politicians of the modern era (and in a time when Chris Graling and Gavin Williamson exist)

Twelve awkward moments from David Davis's Brexit committee appearance | David Davis | The Guardian

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The February message from Judith McKinnon saying Liz Lloyd was interfering is the big revelation from Davis. It guarantees Sturgeon is going to have to sack her chief of staff and Lloyd and McKinnon are going to have to appear (again in the case of McKinnon).

There will be more about who withheld the documents from the Court of Session and pressure to have the police investigate. 

Extending Parliamentary privilege to Holyrood presumably means that Davidson will get to drop a few bombs.

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Guest Bob Mahelp
8 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

People think this might be the downfall of Sturgeon and the SNP. That's clearly, utterly nonsense. 

The Tories are doing exactly what they planned to do with this and it might even work.

All they need is the SNP not getting a majority and it's job done. They might achieve that tbf.

I've been saying exactly that since the beginning of this shambolic witchhunt. 

The main aim isn't to bring Sturgeon down, it's to stop the SNP gaining a majority in May. Something that I was always doubtful was going to happen anyway, but now looks highly unlikely. 

The Tories will unleash a drip, drip, drip of innuendo and unproven garbage every week between now and May.....it'll be trumpeted in the MSM so they make sure it stays headline news. 

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