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The joke thread: a thread for camaraderie and hilarity

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I just got a pair of trainers off the local drug dealer.
I don't know what he's laced them with but I've been tripping all day...

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Not been on here  for a few days to get the usual dogs abuse, been busy. I got a metal detector last week. Took it into my back garden and straight away it started buzzing like feck. Started digging and it kept buzzing constantly. Got down 15 meters and it was still buzzing. It stopped buzzing when I took my steel toe capped boots off....

Edited by supermik
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Every night an old guy goes into the pub and orders two whiskies. He drinks one, then raises the other in a silent toast, drinks it, then leaves. This goes on for about a week until the barman asks him what it's all about.

"Well," the old boy explains, "I used to come in here with my old pal Harry, but he emigrated to New Zealand last month. Before he went we promised each other that I would still come in, have my own drink and then one for him, and he would do the same to me in his new local down under."

"Aw, that's nice," says the barman.

A couple of weeks go by and the old guy still carries out the same routine, until one night he comes in and orders just the one whisky. As the barman serves it, he asks, "I don't want to poke my nose in but - just the one drink? Has something happened to Harry?"

"Oh no," says the old boy. "Harry's fine. This is his drink - but the doctor has told me to stop drinking for my health!"

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Guy looking for a job sees an advert in paper for medical assistant based in Glasgow. Although he has no medical experience he decides to call anyway. Being an honest chap he comes clean at start but conveys his loyalty, keenness and general willingness to learn. The lady on the other end of the phone listens carefully and decides to give the fella the benefit of the doubt. She explains that the role is work within their plastic surgery division. She then goes onto detail the responsibilities, namely prepping ladies for breast enhancements. With sweat dripping down his forehead he excitedly asks for more details. He's told that the individual is required to rub oils into naked ladies breasts and generally keep them relaxed pre op. Lady on the phone asks him if that's something he would be interested in.. Trying to stay calm but stuttering perfusly he says yesss.

On receipt of this answer the lady replys 'excellent, can you be in Aberdeen 9am on Monday?' He replys 'of course, but I thought you said the job was in Glasgow' Yes it is, but that's where the queue starts..



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