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The joke thread: a thread for camaraderie and hilarity

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Wee Glesga’ wummin’ is three stone overweight, smokes sixty a day, never exercises, drinks like a fish... out doing the shopping one day, and wham - heart attack. She’s rushed off to hospital, lying on the trolley looking up, the doctors faces slowly fade to white, she sees the big white staircase and gates. Next thing St Peter is swinging them open and has a big clipboard in his hand. He looks down the list, and says ‘Senga McGlumphy? Nope, not on my list - it’s not your time.....’

Next thing, the white clouds receed, she sees the doctors faces again, hands pumping her chest as she comes back from the brink... the doctors say to her ‘Mrs McGlumphy, you are one lucky lady, but you need to look seriously at your lifestyle or next time....’ The wummin’ vows, this is it, things are changing.... she quits the fags, stops drinking, joins a gym.... a year later, she looks a million dollars. All her friends are stunned at the transformation. New hairdo, blokes eyeing her up in the street, the works...

She heads into Glasgow to buy a new outfit one day, crosses Argyle Street - bang! Wiped out by a speeding McGill’s bus. Pan breid’.... next thing, all she sees is the clouds, the staircase, and once more, St Peter with his clipboard.... ‘ah, Senga McGlumphy....’ She stops him in his tracks... ‘Haw! What’s the score here! You told me it wasn’t my time!’.... St Peter looks up from his clipboard.... ‘For fcuk sake, I never recognised you!’




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I finished fitting a carpet for Speedy Gonzales yesterday and the cheeky fucker called me up today.


He said "It's not soft enough."


I said "I've used the best quality carpet, what more do you want?"


"Underlay, underlay!" He replied.



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We use a source control tool at work for submitting completed code to the shared repository. The typed command for doing this is "push".  I have written a little script that enables me to use "pish" instead. This is adding much humour and joy to my day.

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Little Billy was watching TV in his bedroom . He comes downstairs and asks “ Dad , what’s love juice ? ‘ 

His father looks at him horrified but decides to explain to him all about sex and why a women’s vagina gets wet . Billy just sits there with his mouth open wide in amazement .

His dad then asks “ what were you watching son anyway ?” 

Billy replies “ Wimbledon “ 

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We use a source control tool at work for submitting completed code to the shared repository. The typed command for doing this is "push".  I have written a little script that enables me to use "pish" instead. This is adding much humour and joy to my day.

What kind of git would do that?
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Justice has been served!


There's been some scumbag called Callum known as cal going round breaking in to people's houses near me for months, but the police can't catch him. 

The weirdest thing about it all, is he was breaking into people's houses and ruining their washing machines by putting bricks in to them & turning them on while helping himself to whatever he wanted!!!!! 

Really weird if you ask me... 

Anyway, just read that he was found dead in an alley coz of a drug overdose.. 

It's never nice hearing of someones death, but on the bright side, washing machines live longer with Cal gone.

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